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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

yes CAA gives right to non muslims who are persecuted in muslim countries pakistan, afghanistan , bangladesh .

what rights are you giving to citizens of these neighbouring countries?

can an Afghan Sikh become CM of Bihar?
what rights are you giving to citizens of these neighbouring countries?

can an Afghan Sikh become CM of Bihar?

once he becomes citizen of india he can become PM of india .

india was never secular , india use bollywood to show a soft image of india. Infact hindu religion is most racist religion of world.

Hindutva is not supermacist ideology , its a reflex reaction of deep inferiorty complex of cow belt from thousand of years

you country is secular or islamist ? you live in islamic country which is made for muslims , you can not give sermon on secularism . give equal rights to minorities then talk about secularism.
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india was never secular , india use bollywood to show a soft image of india. Infact hindu religion is most racist religion of world.

Hindutva is not supermacist ideology , its a reflex reaction of deep inferiorty complex of cow belt from thousand of years

India was always Secular.

Long before the western civilization even discovered the concept.

Modern India is Panth Nirpeksh.

Please limit yourself and your opinions to India and Indian society and politics.

Your continued attacks on Hinduism have been reported.
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propaganda against indian secularism . now false video of hospital peons is being circulated to malign image of secular india by enemies of india .
When these facists will rape(hope NOT) your mother or sister you will still say false video. There was no rape.
So why such a big love for Ahmadis who are 0.005% of Pakistan’s population. They are a cult not a religion. If they violate the fundamental principles of Islam and they should declare it in public and not pretend to be Muslims. Nobody is denigrating them, just making sure they publicly declare who they are and where their loyalties are. BTW you don’t know $hit about Ahmadis and their origins. Also remember, it’s Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islam is Paramount. We don’t pretend to be secular. Please justify your caste system before you talk about inequality in Pakistan.

Ahmedis also fought for pakistan.

Caste is Biraderi. Caste is a Portuguese word, leave behind colonialist legacy and talk like a desi.
Reminds me of my other thread.

This justifies our motive for a separate homeland where we can live without fear and with access to medical assistance when needed.

That said, Muslims should depend primarily on our own doctors from now on. Last time the State came in, millions were neutered.

Just had the pleasure of looking into the details of this columnist. Looks like a typical bigot and anti-semite. He's currently writing a book called 'The New Atheist Threat'.

Now, I'm sure all this doesn't sound 'terroristy', infact probably normal, to Pakistanis, but for others, it should add a nice context.
CJ Werleman is a very good journalist and fights for the downtrodden Muslims all over the world, highlighting Zionist and Hindu intolerance wherever it happens.

He was originally Jewish as well.
You are getting annoyed because people are finally seeing through you facade.

The issue is that you pretend to be secular while pulling stunts like this.

If Pakistan stopped acting like an Islamic Republic, then you would also have the right criticize us.
Just FYI, India wasn't declared secular in 1947 and it was inserted during emergency by Indra Gandhi in 1976. Also the word secular applies to government and not in the same sense as France. These are all complications and even in a hindu rashtra nobody will be denied treatment even a terrorist

Reminds me of my other thread.

This justifies our motive for a separate homeland where we can live without fear and with access to medical assistance when needed.

That said, Muslims should depend primarily on our own doctors from now on. Last time the State came in, millions were neutered.

CJ Werleman is a very good journalist and fights for the downtrodden Muslims all over the world, highlighting Zionist and Hindu intolerance wherever it happens.

He was originally Jewish as well.

Where exactly will this.muslim homeland be?
Just FYI, India wasn't declared secular in 1947 and it was inserted during emergency by Indra Gandhi in 1976. Also the word secular applies to government and not in the same sense as France. These are all complications and even in a hindu rashtra nobody will be denied treatment even a terrorist

Where exactly will this.muslim homeland be?

And a group of crows are actually called a "murder"
What does anything you said or I said have any thing to do with fake secularism that is India?
And a group of crows are actually called a "murder"
What does anything you said or I said have any thing to do with fake secularism that is India?

Mosques and chuches have their own wealth and manage it on their own without government interference. Temples don't have the same luxury, that is more than secularism.
People who killed gandhi cant accept the reality , i have studied hindutva deeply and know all tricks, strawman fallacy and deception and lies of a professional pajeet like you . you cant fool me . anyhow i wont waste my time on you

Your original post which was reported spoke to Hinduism.

Not Hindutva.

I'm with you on Hindutva.

On Hinduism you broke the rules and were reported. It's not personal.
People who killed gandhi cant accept the reality , i have studied hindutva deeply and know all tricks, strawman fallacy and deception and lies of a professional pajeet like you . you cant fool me . anyhow i wont waste my time on you

Accept which reality? You studied Hindutva deeply from where? Books? No book will be able to teach you hindutva.
why did your mullas not allow ahmadi member to sit in commission of minorities ? give minorities right to live honorably then dare to talk on secularism.

I know you are banned but your comment was so retarded that it gave me cancer.

Pakistan is an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC.
We do not pretend to be secular when groveling at the feet of the white man.

You do.
When talking to white daddy you are "secular"
But back home, its beef lynching and minority killing time.
I know you are banned but your comment was so retarded that it gave me cancer.

Pakistan is an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC.
We do not pretend to be secular when groveling at the feet of the white man.

You do.
When talking to white daddy you are "secular"
But back home, its beef lynching and minority killing time.

So then groveling of the feet of the white man in Canada like a good law abiding citizen you should have no problem about us not being secular either.

Where's the rub?
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