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"We will treat only Hindus, not Muslims"

We have the regrets and sorrows of civilisational time. We are fundamentally a useless people tied to that.

You need not be burdened so....you have whole new world and clean slate...that can be buffed and polished with as much revisionism as you desire. Why do you keep staring this direction? There is nothing to see here but misery.

First time a Hindutva poster on Defence.pk has said something sensible since I joined.

Hai kisi Pakistani kay pass Jawab?
(Does any Pakistani have reply?)

My personal take is Pakistanis keep staring at our country like you would if there is a major accident near your house. Entire India under BJP is a train wreck.
With language like that are you really surprised that it got deleted?

Furthermore, do you really think that the mod that deleted it (I have no idea who by the way without going back and finding your deleted post out of the 300+ posts on this thread ) is going to un-delete it because you chose to swear at them?
the mod is dead to me.
Well done Indians, Well done!!!

The world is moving into SuperIntelligence and TransHumanismTech... and the good Indians cann't decide after 73yrs whether Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan are equal citizens or not....


They never cease to amaze me, just look at the threads upon threads filled with hate, not so concealed even, against their own people. And then in the same breath they talk about secularism, equal rights, freedom to religious minorities.
People in Pakistan thinks that Modi is the reason, Modi is nothing but an idiot who took the veils off from the ugly face of Indian secularism, this bigotry was always there; he just helped to mainstream it. I say grab the popcorn and watch the meltdown. And as always jai jai modi...
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They never cease to amaze me, just look at the threads upon threads filled with hate, not so concealed even, against their own people. And then in the same breath they talk about secularism, equal rights, freedom to religious minorities.
People in Pakistan thinks that Modi is the reason, Modi is nothing but an idiot who took the veils off from the ugly face of Indian secularism, this bigotry was always there; he just helped to mainstream it. I say grab the popcorn and watch the meltdown. And as always jai jai modi...

Can you believe there are even more villainous BJP stalwarts waiting in the shadows like Yogi Adityanath?

Pakistanis have a kind and sympathetic heart. We are predisposed to give excuses to everyone, to such an extent that we lose touch with reality due to our niceties.

It is very difficult, but we need to remember to see Hindutva as it is. It is a beast which is ravishing India, but it has made no secret of targetting us as well.

War is coming, we need to be ready.

My personal take is Pakistanis keep staring at our country like you would if there is a major accident near your house. Entire India under BJP is a train wreck.

Kashmir is very dear to us, so as long as Kashmir is under occupation, we will be interested in what happens to India.

Now recently Modi has begun this pogrom against Muslims in India, and as Muslims ourselves who follow Quran and Sunnah, we are obligated to help any Muslim in need when we are able.

No one as of yet is speaking for the rights of Indian Muslims except Pakistan, but I am sure Arabs, Iranians, Turks, BD, Indonesia, and Malaysia will step up too.

Lastly, we are living in a post 27 Feb 2019 world. India tried to attack our territory overtly, not through proxies, but a flagrant attack.

So, yes, we are interested in the goings-on of our enemy country, which may attack us again. The responsibility of fixing India's numerous problems could very well fall on us, in case a war happens and India loses, or if India collapses onto itself into tiny states.
We need to decide what are our red cards, and they need to be elucidated clearly for all members.

For me as a Pakistani Muslim, I believe strongly that Islamophobia in all its forms should be treated very harshly on this forum, then deriding of our founding fathers like Quaid e Azam and Allama Iqbal, and finally, the honor and life of our Kashmiri brethren.

No one should be able to insult Kashmiris in any capacity on this forum. I feel very strongly about this.

If you wish that, then reciprocate. Not everybody shares your views in every minute particular, especially when you take it on yourself to be the sole spokesman of the Kashmiri.

Insults are a different thing. That attitude is unacceptable, those words applied to any ethnic group are unacceptable.

Oh what's that? Another moderate Indian with PTSD.

Seriously, Indians need group therapy.

Please can you stop this derisory clubbing together of all Indians? If you cannot, please will you acknowledge that you are then fair game, beyond the reach of moderation?

Indians at their base are a nation beset with collective shame and inferiority complex at having been ridden rough and kept away wet for a 1000 years by foreign invaders. It's manifesting in this way now.

People responding to the situation tend to gravitate naturally to one of two opposed poles: those who are part of the solution, and those who cannot let go of being part of the problem.

Perhaps you need to do some introspection.

Your history is nowhere even close to the rich history of the house of Habsburg and the House of Frederick. Stone age tales of Krishna and Radha do not qualify as history. Ashoka's and Maurya's reign is the only time which qualifies as a glorious time of India.

There is, just for the record, no House of Frederick. It is the House of Hohenstaufen. All of the German royal dynasties are inter-related - Carolingian, Ottonian, Hohenstaufen, Habsburg and Hohenzollern.

I did - I was juggling some work emails, making Chai, and debating whether to go play Fortnite without offending the missus and the reply seemed to require some thought.

"Lord Stephen stalked out of the castle, jumped onto his horse and rode madly off in all directions."

@AgNoStiC MuSliM, allow me to inform you that you are a selfish beast, and deserve to have your buttons clipped off and your sword broken in a public parade. You should be the beau ideal of the forum, riding madly off in all directions (in consideration of various ameliorative factors, a short pause for a cup of Chai may be permissible).

Kashmir especially will be a flashpoint, and that is what I was alluding to when I said that a larger right-wing Indian presence on PDF would require some self-moderating.

The same with all the 'vs' arguments - resisting the temptation to jump into every thread on a positive development in Pakistan with 'hey look! We're already doing that in India, just bigger and better!'.

There are other flash-points, but I prefer to deal with my own set of skunks.
If you wish that, then reciprocate. Not everybody shares your views in every minute particular, especially when you take it on yourself to be the sole spokesman of the Kashmiri.

Joe you are patriotic; i get it and I remember your posturing on this very forum pre-modi era as well; though you are on the back foot these days. And that's what i was referring about you to our other Pakistani members in our last encounter. Lemme be very open about it; Bhakats and sanghis are not what Pakistan should ever be concerned about. They are blessing for Pakistan and Pakistan should rather celebrate.. but it's people like you who did the damage to Pakistan so far, not attacking you personally, but you know what i mean...
Joe you are patriotic; i get it and I remember your posturing on this very forum pre-modi era as well; though you are on the back foot these days. And that's what i was referring about you to our other Pakistani members in our last encounter. Lemme be very open about it; Bhakats and sanghis are not what Pakistan should ever be concerned about. They are blessing for Pakistan and Pakistan should rather celebrate.. but it's people like you who did the damage to Pakistan so far, not attacking you personally, but you know what i mean...

I am on the back foot these days? Yes, I am, and it is not because of the ferocity of your pace attack; it is because of the dressing room that keeps pissing into the lemon juice.

Sanghis and bhakts are your biggest allies, worms in the apple that work unseen until they reveal their ugly selves.

On a personal note: if I were you, I would not use words like posturing so freely. Words go in more than one direction.

Joe you are patriotic; i get it and I remember your posturing on this very forum pre-modi era as well; though you are on the back foot these days. And that's what i was referring about you to our other Pakistani members in our last encounter. Lemme be very open about it; Bhakats and sanghis are not what Pakistan should ever be concerned about. They are blessing for Pakistan and Pakistan should rather celebrate.. but it's people like you who did the damage to Pakistan so far, not attacking you personally, but you know what i mean...

Ek darkhast: Let me know if you detect any change in my value system over the last decade that I have been on PDF.
Please can you stop this derisory clubbing together of all Indians? If you cannot, please will you acknowledge that you are then fair game, beyond the reach of moderation?
Fair point. I shall be more specific in future; if not by precise statement then at least by implication and context it should be made obvious I am referring to Indians other than your good self. I shall see what can be done under the circumstances.
I don't think I owe an answer to a person who belongs to a theocratic state like Pakistan, where minorities are systematically hunted and denigrating Ahmadis is pre-requisite to even get a passport.

Untrue. Come with facts. This forum is not for sanghi trolls. There is no religious prosecution against minorities in Pakistan. Random incidents have happened and people have been punished unlike India where Muslim Genocide is underway and the mastermind behind it is the Prime minister.
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