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'We will invade India': Shoaib Akhtar bats for Ghazwa e Hind

Hasn’t ghazwae hind already happened? When muslims conquered india the armies raised were exactly from the regions mentioned in the hadith.. I think it has already happened
please do ghazwa hind but don't take handouts of 1 billion dollars from every peter paul chini tom dick and harry . I don't like it .
not in a position to pick n choose.
It's not about do we want... it is about "can you... you can't hold your front line much longer in full fledge war... let alone invading India... India is out of your reach..
i don't think that's how it works.
i am afraid even after ghazwa hind pakistan will be busy asking for handouts from china turkey Malaysia to pay its small loans of 1 to 3 billion dollars got from UAE and Saudi arabia .
I do not think Pakistan won't be front-runners to Ghazwa-ul-Hind. It will be liberators from Khorasan.
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Lagta hai ertugul ko kuch ziyada hi serious lylia hai 😂😂

ertugrul has cost pakistan 6 billion dollars , saudi arab and UAE got angry and asked for return of 6 billion dollars immediately .pakistan is returning it by borrowing from china .
Why does ghazawa hind trigger indians. they should be indifferent to something they dont believe in..
I do not think Pakistan won't be front-runners to Ghazwa-ul-Hind. It will be liberators from Khorasan.
A small portion of traditional khorasan comes in present day Pakistan..And then theres somethign called Greater Khorasan.
I personally think the prophet pbuh meant something else when he said 'Khurasan It wasnt really a geographical area but people who later invaded and spread across Anatolia and the subcontinent..It was a class more than an ethnic group. So the khorasan has expanded over time.
Ghazwa e hind has happened already when Mughals conquered South Asia. Lets move on now
Ghazwa e hind has happened already when Mughals conquered South Asia. Lets move on now

I think its an ongoing thing, its a series of various wars over time.Some that are still to happen.
Anyone who is martyred while fighting the idol worshipper Indian army has been promised by Allah a great reward, not just for the martyrs but also for veterans.
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I think its an ongoing thing

I think its still heaping to date. it will happen for some more time. Anyone who is martyred while fighting the idol worshipper has been promised by Allah great reward.

No, if you check the history Mughals empire best fit the case. They truly came from Khosraan region. Also the prophecies doesn't mean that the status quo will than remain for ever nor ghazwa e hind is indicating any time line like it will happen during end of times so the time of Mughals conquer matches with this prophecy completely.
A small portion of traditional khorasan comes in present day Pakistan..And then theres somethign called Greater Khorasan.
I personally think the prophet pbuh meant something else when he said 'Khurasan It wasnt really a geographical area but people who later invaded and spread across Anatolia and the subcontinent..It was a class more than an ethnic group. So the khorasan has expanded over time.
I think land of Pakistan & Kashmir is properly Al-Hind. And these lands are overwhelmingly Muslim lands.

However, I think that the easterly lands of Bharat (which means "Spices" in Arabic language) is not Al-Hind.

If we study the Hadith which were revealed in Arabic language, then we should attribute Arab geographical terms, instead of British terms which contrastively called the Entire Subcontinent as "India".

The British were confused by the word "Derya" (which means both Ocean and River in Persian/Ordu language)... There is Derya-i-Hind (Hind River located in Pakistan) and Derya-i-Hind (Hind Ocean between Karachi & Sri-Lanka)...

However due to massive conquest by the English, the word Hind became applied to the latter, the land from of the Kutch (East of Karachi) all the way along the coast of Bharat to Sri Lanka & likewise on the Easterly coast of Bharat as all these lands were now controlled by the English.

However, what is a true bummer is that the Bharti major religion of Dharma is unfortunately called Hinduism in English, rooting from Hind, which makes this word forever stolen by them. It is now very hard to associate Islamic South Asians with Hind. It is very hard for the Bharti to digest that Hind is Islamic. And by stealing this word of Hind, it keeps alive their Dharma false association with Hind when they are Bharti (Spiced) which is distinct identity.

It is very confusing. But I think Al-Hind can be applied to Dehli (Shahjahanabad) & Awadh (Riyasat-i-Oudh) too as these are naturally fertile Muslim lands. InshAllah, this will be returned to rightful hands. We know that Muslim will dominate in numbers in some decades there.
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