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'We trusted the government to fight for us': Kerala fishermen disappointed in Italian marines case

Piracy is defined as robbery at sea using another vessel. Small vessels are now preferred.
Attacks on anchored vessels in port, still counts as Piracy if You use a boat
The guys attacking Olympic Flair, thus were pirates.

What what an deliberate misinterpretation, most shameful.

Piracy is robbery or criminal violence at sea.

There was NO ATTACK since the boats with men ran away when challenged, the attack is when they ignore warning and continue to come.

So it was neither an "attack" nor "piracy". LOL.

Here is a map showing how the High Risk Area was reduced in 2015 from bimco,
which seems relevant for this type of information.
Clearly shows that the area previously extended to India.
It does not show that it was considered high risk in 2012 however.

If it does not show that then your whole premise fails :lol:

The Map was published by European Union Chair of the Contact Group of Piracy. The map was extend to include India in 2010 and that arrogance got the marine to have itchy finger.

NOT MY PROBLEM. Get it ? It is YOUR PROBLEM. You are free to continue to lie and get your marines to have itchy fingers that will land them in Indian jails where they will be tried. All the best.

Starting in the 14th century, the (Southern Peninsular region of India) was divided into two entities: on the one side stood the Muslim Bahmani Sultanate and on the other stood the Hindu kings rallied around the Vijayanagara Empire. Continuous wars demanded frequent resupplies of fresh horses, which were imported through sea routes from Persia and Africa. This trade was subjected to frequent raids by thriving bands of pirates based in the coastal cities of Western India. One of such was Timoji, who operated off Anjadip Island both as a privateer (by seizing horse traders, that he rendered to the raja of Honavar) and as a pirate who attacked the Kerala merchant fleets that traded pepper with Gujarat.

So the India landmass apparently HAS supported piracy, both now and before.

The incident occured in the Economic Zone of India in International Waters.

LOL...... Even American coast had Piracy back then :lol: ..... watch "pirates of the Caribbean" to understand it better.

What an pathetic line of argument.

The incident occurred in Indian waters and that has already been established. Now wait for the trial to conclude and hopeful we will hang them for murder and you can take back their bodies for burial.
These are marines belonging to another country a European country, what you think the EU would have said? these are not civilians but soldiers belonging to another nation.

had the situation been reversed and Indian sailors shot Italian fisherman in Italian territory, i wonder if the outcome would have been the same...i dont think so
divide and conquer works in many forms
What what an deliberate misinterpretation, most shameful.

Piracy is robbery or criminal violence at sea.

There was NO ATTACK since the boats with men ran away when challenged, the attack is when they ignore warning and continue to come.

So it was neither an "attack" nor "piracy". LOL.

If it does not show that then your whole premise fails :lol:

The Map was published by European Union Chair of the Contact Group of Piracy. The map was extend to include India in 2010 and that arrogance got the marine to have itchy finger.

NOT MY PROBLEM. Get it ? It is YOUR PROBLEM. You are free to continue to lie and get your marines to have itchy fingers that will land them in Indian jails where they will be tried. All the best.

LOL...... Even American coast had Piracy back then :lol: ..... watch "pirates of the Caribbean" to understand it better.

What an pathetic line of argument.

The incident occurred in Indian waters and that has already been established. Now wait for the trial to conclude and hopeful we will hang them for murder and you can take back their bodies for burial.

They are not "my" Marines, so that part You will have to take up with Italy.

What is pathetic is to claim that India is unsuitable for piracy.

The incident in the harbour was serious enough to be reported, That is what is of interest.
Any guard hearing of attempted attacks will be on alert.
You confirmed that the area was part of the high-risk area during 2012, which will cause further alarm.

And the incident took place in International Waters.
The fact that it is part of the Indian Economic Zone does not give India jurisdiction.

According to the laws of the sea, jurisdiction is with the country of the ship where the incident occurs.
Italy claims that the jurisdiction is theirs, since the gun was fired from an Italian ship,
and India claims jurisdiction is theirs, since the bullet hit a person on the Indian ship.

Where that will end, noone knows.
had the situation been reversed and Indian sailors shot Italian fisherman in Italian territory, i wonder if the outcome would have been the same...i dont think so
divide and conquer works in many forms

Try telling that to people on this forum, we know history and the world we live in is ruled by the 'white elite man'
Try telling that to people on this forum, we know history and the world we live in is ruled by the 'white elite man'

Ordinary people are like sheeps who are herd by politician, when negative news come out of politicians mouth on daily basis from both side of the border then people will just follow suite
They are not "my" Marines, so that part You will have to take up with Italy.

What is pathetic is to claim that India is unsuitable for piracy.

The incident in the harbour was serious enough to be reported, That is what is of interest.
Any guard hearing of attempted attacks will be on alert.
You confirmed that the area was part of the high-risk area during 2012, which will cause further alarm.

And the incident took place in International Waters.
The fact that it is part of the Indian Economic Zone does not give India jurisdiction.

According to the laws of the sea, jurisdiction is with the country of the ship where the incident occurs.
Italy claims that the jurisdiction is theirs, since the gun was fired from an Italian ship,
and India claims jurisdiction is theirs, since the bullet hit a person on the Indian ship.

Where that will end, noone knows.
I will blow up an Italian boat in international waters and claim its none of Italian court's business. This killing by two scumbags is not less than act of war.
They are not "my" Marines, so that part You will have to take up with Italy.

Yet there you are putting up a spirited defence for those cold blooded murderers. Maybe your affinity is because they are white or western or christian or all of the above. It will not be the first and it certainly won't be the last. The EU has put up an united front for the marines so if you are part of EU, it looks like they are yours.

What is pathetic is to claim that India is unsuitable for piracy.

LOL....I repeat, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have piracy in and around India. There is Zero infrastructure for pirates to survive and thrive. And I am talking about the 21'st century, not the 14th century :lol:

The incident in the harbour was serious enough to be reported, That is what is of interest.
Any guard hearing of attempted attacks will be on alert.
You confirmed that the area was part of the high-risk area during 2012, which will cause further alarm.

Do you know what is REALLY OF INTEREST ? the Olympic Flair "reported" the incident at precisely the same time the Indian Navy ships were escorting the Enrica Lexie to Indian port (AFTER they shot the Indian Fishermen) :lol: Only the report was back dated. LOL.

How is that for "coincidence" ? in fact A few days after the incident, a Greek Government spokesman denied the presence of a Greek ship in these waters during those hours. :cheesy:

I have not confirmed the area as anything Close to high risk, the European Union in their arrogance had declared it. So now they have the joy of watching their marines being tried for Murder.

And the incident took place in International Waters.
The fact that it is part of the Indian Economic Zone does not give India jurisdiction.

According to the laws of the sea, jurisdiction is with the country of the ship where the incident occurs.
Italy claims that the jurisdiction is theirs, since the gun was fired from an Italian ship,
and India claims jurisdiction is theirs, since the bullet hit a person on the Indian ship.

Where that will end, noone knows.

The Jurisdiction of the Indian court is Already established by the International Tribunal. This is no longer open for dispute. :angel:

You can continue to spread lies, but there are no takers. But feel free to rant on.

I am sure the Supreme Court of India knows where this will end.
Well I am used to it now......

I agree Political and religious affiliation of few are soo strong that, they would jump any point opposing their party/religous lines......It is the same with both BJP and UPA supporters..... You feel more of BJP as they have higher number of supporters in this forum..... Most of them are same in real life too... Being a mallu, I feel the worst one's are CPM supporters..... for them their god is party and party stand..... So I am used to this kind of environment.........
I tend to just ignore these kids , cuz thats what they are in real life.
LOL....I repeat, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have piracy in and around India. There is Zero infrastructure for pirates to survive and thrive. And I am talking about the 21'st century, not the 14th century :lol:

Do you know what is REALLY OF INTEREST ? the Olympic Flair "reported" the incident at precisely the same time the Indian Navy ships were escorting the Enrica Lexie to Indian port (AFTER they shot the Indian Fishermen) :lol: Only the report was back dated. LOL.

How is that for "coincidence" ? in fact A few days after the incident, a Greek Government spokesman denied the presence of a Greek ship in these waters during those hours. :cheesy:

I have not confirmed the area as anything Close to high risk, the European Union in their arrogance had declared it. So now they have the joy of watching their marines being tried for Murder.

The Jurisdiction of the Indian court is Already established by the International Tribunal. This is no longer open for dispute. :angel:

You can continue to spread lies, but there are no takers. But feel free to rant on.

I am sure the Supreme Court of India knows where this will end.

The Supreme Court of India has jurisdiction over the terms to ease the bail.
The jurisdiction of the main case is still to be decided.

If the Olympic Flair incident is a total fabrication, then of course questions needs to be asked.

About Piracy & Armed Robbery in India, IMB does not agree with Your opinion.
The Supreme Court of India has jurisdiction over the terms to ease the bail.
The jurisdiction of the main case is still to be decided.

If the Olympic Flair incident is a total fabrication, then of course questions needs to be asked.

About Piracy & Armed Robbery in India, IMB does not agree with Your opinion.
View attachment 303917

If SC does not have Jurisdiction of the main case, how can they provide Bail ? :cheesy: By that logic, why don't the Italian court grant bail if they have jurisdiction over the marine ? :P

The tribunal has asked italy to return the marines to India for trial as and when demanded by the SC. But your attempt at lies gives me a clear picture about your real intent and prejudice.

The marines shot those fishermen a good 2,300 KM away from the shown site which is in Gujarat near Pakistan border. :sick:

That particular part of India is an arid Dessert with a large private ports. The yellow dots indicate that they were just boarded for Theft, or common robbery.

Which means no attempted attack, No Fired upon, No Hijacked and No suspicious vessels.

But if you wish to use this simple theft to spin a violent 'piracy' tale, then good luck. Do not expect any sympathy from me.
Ordinary people are like sheeps who are herd by politician, when negative news come out of politicians mouth on daily basis from both side of the border then people will just follow suite

They follow because when election comes they get given subsidies and promises but when they get into power you not going to see them in the village again.
If SC does not have Jurisdiction of the main case, how can they provide Bail ? :cheesy: By that logic, why don't the Italian court grant bail if they have jurisdiction over the marine ? :P

The tribunal has asked italy to return the marines to India for trial as and when demanded by the SC. But your attempt at lies gives me a clear picture about your real intent and prejudice.

The marines shot those fishermen a good 2,300 KM away from the shown site which is in Gujarat near Pakistan border. :sick:

That particular part of India is an arid Dessert with a large private ports. The yellow dots indicate that they were just boarded for Theft, or common robbery.

Which means no attempted attack, No Fired upon, No Hijacked and No suspicious vessels.

But if you wish to use this simple theft to spin a violent 'piracy' tale, then good luck. Do not expect any sympathy from me.
It is a provisional measure to let the SC handle the bail.
The tribunal has asked Italy to return the Marines. IF THEY DECIDE JURISDICTION in favour of India.
It is a provisional measure to let the SC handle the bail.
The tribunal has asked Italy to return the Marines. IF THEY DECIDE JURISDICTION in favour of India.

Nope. But either way its is irrelevant. its just a Tribunal and it was the EU which took the case to the Tribunal, not India.

Once the marines go to Italy, they are never coming back. So this point is moot.
Reported by Indian press.

Ok. I will grant you that.

But as I said, once the marine goes back, he is not coming back either way. Even if the tribunal finds India has jurisdiction. So this whole thing is pointless.
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