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'We trusted the government to fight for us': Kerala fishermen disappointed in Italian marines case

Kerala, wake up. India is not your country! India is a fake country created by the British and carried on by the so called high caste hindus. The nonsense which is India will always make sure that the southern people are always kept under the rule of the north! WAKE UP!! They call you southern people shudras! Don't you have any self respect. If those fishermen were high caste then things would have turned out very differently. Since the fishermen are christian dalit converts, the northerners(who invented this crazy good for nothing joke of a religion) dont care about you. They are using this god forsaken religion to dominate you both culturally and politically. WAKE UP!
It is so sad that south Indians take comfort in ignorance of other south Indians.

Ignorant Indian: Hey mallus what do you think of this?

Ignorant mallu: hahaha That is so lame. Here we are with a proud heritage where we are labelled as shudras. The barbaric northern nomads with their racist religion have given us this proud title. We should adorn this title as our own as that's what I have been brainwashed since childhood. We are proud to be untouchables as we dont have any self respect and lack self critical analysis. We have our own proud history, but we dont want that because we like to be shudras because my mind is conditioned since childhood to be loyal pets to the northerners and be labelled as a sub-human shudra.

Self critical & smart Dravidian: Here is an Indo-european people with their racist religion who have enslaved our people! Robbed our own lands while sitting on the top of the society as priests, who have contributed nothing to society except chant nonsense to their idols and lived off from our hard working people who were the ones who actually did real work which moves the gears of society. Our people did the real work while these bozos comfortably sit in their temples. And to top it all off, they segregated our own people with their caste system, and control us with their divide and rule caste system. I simply cannot believe my brothers have sunk so low to even swallow this injustice. And what's more, every one knows what would have happened if the Britishers were like germans. There would have been none of this silly 'freedom movement'. Every one who rebelled against the government would have been packed into concentration camps and starved to death. Just because these Britishers were relatively soft natured, these non-violent hippies took full advantage of that, and when the Britishers elected a pacifist prime minister and when he gave independence, these hippies have declared that they own independence without realising the simple fact that independence was given and not won. Not just for India but for all british colonies. And the man who lead this hippie movement (Gandhi) was a Class A seksual(why is this word banned?) offender who slept nakked with his grand daughters, ran a nuude ashram where the women should bathe in front of him nakked and was having seks while his father was dying in the next room and he knew he was dying(no joke, his colourful life is well documented)! The sooner we get self-respect and go in our own path away from this fake country called India, the sooner we do justice to all of our forefathers who were murdered and racially subjugated by these north saffron barbarians.
What have been you smoking :D
It is so sad that south Indians take comfort in ignorance of other south Indians.

Ignorant Indian: Hey mallus what do you think of this?

Ignorant mallu: hahaha That is so lame. Here we are with a proud heritage where we are labelled as shudras. The barbaric northern nomads with their racist religion have given us this proud title. We should adorn this title as our own as that's what I have been brainwashed since childhood. We are proud to be untouchables as we dont have any self respect and lack self critical analysis. We have our own proud history, but we dont want that because we like to be shudras because my mind is conditioned since childhood to be loyal pets to the northerners and be labelled as a sub-human shudra.

Self critical & smart Dravidian: Here is an Indo-european people with their racist religion who have enslaved our people! Robbed our own lands while sitting on the top of the society as priests, who have contributed nothing to society except chant nonsense to their idols and lived off from our hard working people who were the ones who actually did real work which moves the gears of society. Our people did the real work while these bozos comfortably sit in their temples. And to top it all off, they segregated our own people with their caste system, and control us with their divide and rule caste system. I simply cannot believe my brothers have sunk so low to even swallow this injustice. And what's more, every one knows what would have happened if the Britishers were like germans. There would have been none of this silly 'freedom movement'. Every one who rebelled against the government would have been packed into concentration camps and starved to death. Just because these Britishers were relatively soft natured, these non-violent hippies took full advantage of that, and when the Britishers elected a pacifist prime minister and when he gave independence, these hippies have declared that they own independence without realising the simple fact that independence was given and not won. Not just for India but for all british colonies. And the man who lead this hippie movement (Gandhi) was a Class A seksual(why is this word banned?) offender who slept nakked with his grand daughters, ran a nuude ashram where the women should bathe in front of him nakked and was having seks while his father was dying in the next room and he knew he was dying(no joke, his colourful life is well documented)! The sooner we get self-respect and go in our own path away from this fake country called India, the sooner we do justice to all of our forefathers who were murdered and racially subjugated by these north saffron barbarians.

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