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We need two more years to defeat Pakistan | Subramanian Swamy

Failed Indian Politician. Haha. I do have a nipple for you to stop your crying Mr Swamy :) First do grow up to understand the demography of the two regions then give your bloody childish thesis.
But as time changes, opportunities also change. So can another measure be used to neutralize China. That is the question that today's analysts in MoD should ask and I am sure have asked and prepared for. The goal remains the same, the means keep changing.

Any more fairy tales, ifs and buts?

And FYI: China was allied and also tried to help..but was constrained because India was ahead in diplomacy and managing the environment.

Oh just like India is always ahead of everyone, every single time.

All these factors that you posted come after the issue I pointed out.
That you drew flawed 'facts' of what he said.

I wrote them the way they were MEANT to be, which you are incapable of digesting.
I agree with every point apart from the one where he states to place troops on Afghanistan. Let the Muslims deal with that one.
I agree with the suggestion that India should start more cooperation with Iran. There is no denying that sooner or later, Sunni extremism will engulf all. The ISIS is just the start, even if they are defeated, a new group will pop up - they will all be sunni and all aspire to start their own caliphate.

Even Pakistani shias have started feeling insecure - as evidenced by shias being present amongst those who have requested asylum in Sri Lanka. That is..an opportunity.
Yes, it no longer applies. But as time changes, opportunities also change. So can another measure be used to neutralize China. That is the question that today's analysts in MoD should ask and I am sure have asked and prepared for. The goal remains the same, the means change.
And I'm asking what those means are, because quite frankly, China isn't the weak sauce nation it use to be.

I disagree. I think everyone has the right to air their views and should air their views.

Better to know what everyone is thinking and make an informed choice than be led astray by guile and lack of information.
When you have a lunatic that has a lot of followers, you need to make sure he gets as little air time as possible. I'd rather people not listen to lunacy and risk giving him more power.
China and Pakistan weren't allied back than nor did the nuclear paradigm exist.

What is your obsession on China dude? Did China support you in 71 and 99? You seems like an emotional guy who tried to bring China all the time in your dreams, China is not a fool to support Pakistan as it proved again and again.
Respect for a guy that talks about human life that should be spilled like water. Does your bloody Harvard graduate even know the consequences of a nuclear war? Do tell me. You all keep harping the fact that he is a Harvard Graduate. Did Harvard give him the education to threaten mankind in this manner? Really all you cheap people supporting him, a nuclear war in the Indo-Pak region easily means the end of human civilization. Mr. Swamy is clearly immature.
Have some respect, he's a Harvard graduate. Illiterates like you can only dream of reaching his position.

I heard Harvard rejected his studies or whatever .. Says there on the first page .. And do 80 year old Harvard graduates talk abt killing a hundred mil people .. Sure the retarded ones do..:)

As for me being illiterate .. Thank you ... Comin from some Internet Hindu il take tht as a compliment .. N don't quote me further I have low tolerance when it comes dim self proclaimed educated,mass murder supporting hinduvta people.. Bye.
Jang! hwi to Mar ham bhe jaengy par zinda tumhein b nahi Choray gy :sniper:
Well ye bnda bongiyan he marta hai,abhi b log ye sochtey hain k WAR ho sakti hai ? IMPOSSIBLE! agr India or Pakistan ki Jang hwi to it will become World War 3.
Any more fairy tales, ifs and buts?
Oh just like India is always ahead of everyone, every single time.
If you do not wish to agree. You are more than free to do so.

Here are a couple of links for you to peruse. I hope you learn something new.
Please do find out when we signed this treaty and why we did it. Its a mutual defense treaty. It was for one single purpose only.
Indo-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nixons quote:
In Washington, Nixon analysed the situation thus: ‘If the Russians get away with facing down the Chinese and the Indians get away with licking the Pakistanis…we may be looking down the gun barrel.’
Excerpts and Sources from 929 page long Volume XI of the Foreign Relations of the United States

All of this is a matter of public record. In the end its your decision whether you choose to agree or not.
Doesnt matter to me, we got what we wanted.

I wrote them the way they were MEANT to be, which you are incapable of digesting.
Basically you are agreeing that you put your interpretation to his words and tried to pass it off as facts.
Congratulations. I am sure when he gets an actual debrief from the Indian Strategic Command about our Nuclear posture, he would have to increase the number of Indians dead in a Pakistani nuclear strike from a 100 million to a Billion.

If we are attacked, we will unleash a sort of hell that will become a collective 'chita' of a Billion or so Indians. Pakistan has nothing to fear from a lunatic like him, Indians do.
there will be no Pakistan too... don't talk like kid...
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