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We know how to deal with you, India warns Pakistan

I am happy.....
India is frustrated....
All its last 5 years efforts moved down.......We have even more stronger relations with the world community :D
I am happy.....
India is frustrated....
All its last 5 years efforts moved down.......We have even more stronger relations with the world community :D

all countries knows.. what kind of relations you have with them(exporting terrorism).....
now really you emerged as super power in terrorizing the world
Well...go ahead and ask your FM that if he can live with blocking any revenue coming to Pakistan....... Guess what try and force your government to do what you like and you will get the response from them only.....Its not only Passenger flights..there are cargo planes...but why the hell am I wasting my time to make someone understand all this.....who is determined to use balls instead of brains.

Some is pissed off, opps ego hurts. Its not my style but I learned it from the best (Indian members here :lol:)
all countries knows.. what kind of relations you have with them(exporting terrorism).....
now really you emerged as super power in terrorizing the world

Please don't use Pakistani hate term here which Indians use in other forms
Please learn one thing, nothing is for free , no free lunch in the world so that mean Pakistan is doing some thing for the donors in return.

For :usflag:, you helped them to create a monster like Al-Quida. Now, you are helping them to cover the menace created by them.

Whereas, :china::pakistan: are like India and Russia.
india has made many provocative statements ever since the whole mumbai drama. I don't think it's 'bulling' per se, simply because "bullying" would entail that india is succesfully pushing Pakistan around -and Pakistan is not in a position to respond.

Mumbai Drama ? Shows your ignorance and your mindset not to believe the whole world'd media. Yes everyone is conspiring against you and Mumbai episode was staged ... Does that make you feel better now?

Annoying or bullying: so you think I care?

indian have no leverage over Pakistan. I think 'annoying' would be the proper word.
Who said we do but tell me why are a few of your citizens under trial with respect to Mumbai drama. We have no leverage but still it seems to have had some effect. Let us decide who has leverage and time will tell.

Well hey -- i wont deny that there are Pakistanis who have provided moral support to Kashmiris fighting for freedom against indian rule - though Kashmir is Disputed territory

Moral support it is. So what consists of moral support. Prayers, arms, ammunition, logistics, training, people, recruitment, intelligence sharing, anything more ?

Cool down, drink cool water or some taaza lassi; and broaden your perspective on this issue. Good advice, her the temperature is close to zero so I am pretty cool. :rofl:

i dont think the indians had a choice
Yes we do. Your concerns about water and kashmir have to solved over a table and not on the border. So it is your choice to make your citizens suffer.

About HS:

He barely even makes the news-ticker in Pakistan. It seems he is a celebrity in india though.

Oh really? Why does my teli show things that you don't see? :azn:

I have no problem with people expressing their views, as long as they abide by the laws and regulations -- in this case those applicable to Pakistan.

As far as I know, he hasn't broken any rules. Even the courts released him from house arrest, due to lack of evidence of any wrong-doing.

Is hate speech and call for Jehad on foreign countries not a crime in Pakistan? Last time I checked, it was. Do you want me to post a video of him calling for violent means to solve water and Kashmir? Is that within law. If it is not then we have a banana republic.

Who am I to say anything? We aren't a dictatorship or overly-fascist people. If we were, you (indian) wouldnt be on a Pakistani defence forum.
So that is the certificate to prove your claims ? Astonishing that you take support of the forum to prove your country' credentials.

The 3 men I mentioned pose no threat to my national security (nor yours for that matter)
Why then can't we get a voice sample from Pakistan on suspects as by your admission, they don't pose a threat or have not in the past?

They may not exactly be aligned with -- or call themselves "friends" of india; but they are entitled to their views. I may or may not agree with all of their views; but they are free citizens. We wont change our legal system just to placate to indians (of all people). I believe I made it clear to you in my last post. Maybe you forgot.

Agreed if it stops at expressing views. About your esteemed legal system, it was in shambles with the politicians playing the roost just a few months back. Never mind!

and are you really gonna bring up "evil eye" in this conversation, or is your local astrologist giving you these ideas

********.com - Dispatches - Terror In Mumbia

I am sure I cant convince you about Pakistan's role in Mumbai attacks as you don't want to get convinced in this forum atleast. See the BBC recapturing Mumbai episode and we can understand where the drama unfolds.

Thakeray is now resorting to Marathi/Hindu nationalism

I don't know them personally, so I can't say. You seem to know Zaid Hamid very well though, since you seem to imply he has a hand in terrorism or perhaps stampedes in india

Thakeray is pro Marathi and has a bias towards Mumbai and the locals in Mumbai. Why has that got to picture in this discussion ?
ZH is great entertainment value and I never said he has anything to do with violence in India. So don't make things up.

by the way, i seem to vaguely recall Mr. Thakeray issuing a call to form Hindu suicide squads, "to take the Muslims head on". Labeling them as "trouble makers"

that is worse than inciting hatred against just Pakistanis.
There are around 450 million Muslims in this subcontinent alone.
Are you the care taker of all the Muslims? They are Indian citizens and we know how to treat them and we treat them well. Communal violence is not new in India and let me not point out the differences in your own country and the problems you face because of it.
And who asked you about the population figures. Does that imply you are a team or something. Get over it. The citizens of India have remained united since 1947 unlike Pakistan. I am sure people would like to point out our role but I must say, inspite of your role in Kashmir, Kashmir remains an integral part of India.

I don't know him personally. I have no copy of his birth certificate.
It's banned in Pakistan too

I believe JuD has filed an appeal in order to clear its name. ICJ of course has no say as it only entertain states, not individuals or organizations

How convenient!

Actually, it is mostly the Christians and Hindu minorities in Pakistan which are against the sanctions against JuD.

an organisation may do lot of good deeds but may have hidden agenda that it implements from time to time. I am not doubting the support of JuD but why do you think the UN banned it. Does India have so much clout. It is not even a permanent member, remember?

Did i say they were "lambs" :hitwall:

People die every day in the entire world, from a variety of causes. Not much we can do about it.
That's a lame way to get away from answering the question. Never mind.

Value of life has not diminished, and you should be banned just for getting cocky and making retarded statements like that. Some people have become a bit de-sensitized, especially in war affected border regions. Doesnt mean people have lost value for life.

If that were the case, we'd be like a 'certain nearby country' where suicide takes place every 15 minutes :azn:

Go on, show me how undemocratic this forum is. Who wrote "Get the fack outta here" and if I remember correctly, post #37. Who is getting cocky, you or me? :azn:

About the suicides, start another thread an I am not in the habit of digressing.

terrorism knows no bounds......don't be emotional.
Agreed. But you were talking about moral support. Does the moral support include to people who we call terrorists and you call freedom fighters?

how does indian know such "samples" exist

You call yourself think tank? Voice samples are requested and does not necessarily have to be with Pak now. They have the suspects. It is as simple as reading a few predefined sentences to get the frequency signature at different pitch that is very unique to each person.

that's what i've been dealing with from you and your comrades lately, it seems.

Good get on with it or just ignore. :)

I don't watch TV much. I think sir is more popular in your country, since 1 billion hindustanys seem fascinated by him.

But i'll make a deal with you. If i do manage to catch a glimpse of his show, i'm sure --if your rhetoric is to be believed -- i'll suddenly have all the tools and logistics necessary to conquer hindustan :smitten: :tup:

Yes, also get help from people in Lahore as your police force has managed to catch 4700 Kilos of explosives in the last 3 days. I am sure Pakistanis are resourceful and you wont find it hard.
Please don't use Pakistani hate term here which Indians use in other forms

I agree... but i have seen in this forum... If i support some pakistani member.. In return he generally starts bashing me and and my post...

So it is a general image in my mind for every pakistani member that he has to oppose India..
Hey don't try to act like boss here .. put u in check real quick! furthermore, its you that is inmatture and has nothing to back up such as your comments you keep going around in around with nothing to prove your point show some respect and your will get respect back and btw dont ever disrespect me again keep you distance so you save you trash,crap and junk in your trunk dont step to me ever again i am done with you your country's gov is full of hate and so is your damn trashy media which preches & teaches hate to there people don't you dare contact me again unless you can talk like man & not like a little boy with no point :tdown::angry:

Well you called me boss, and I never said I am boss here. :rofl:
OK, how are you going to put me in check? I have expressed my views and so have you. Do you have some kind of a complex ?

OK, just get the spelling of immature right for your next post.

About respect, with the kind of language that you use, its hard to see what to be respectful of. Things like I have been here more than you have, etc. Your post was patronising to say the least and you expect respect. Let me not make this a discussion between the two of us. Discuss about the topic and be done with it. I have every right to say what I think of the post you write on this forum and I have not made any personnel comments or flaming remarks. About all the BS about never do this and that. Do you seriously think I care a hoot?
:no: ... So back off!

OK big boy, point taken. :rofl:
I agree... but i have seen in this forum... If i support some pakistani member.. In return he generally starts bashing me and and my post...

So it is a general image in my mind for every pakistani member that he has to oppose India..

Well not true, but opposite attract so we love all our Indian member. :smitten:
Well you called me boss, and I never said I am boss here. :rofl:
OK, how are you going to put me in check? I have expressed my views and so have you. Do you have some kind of a complex ?

OK, just get the spelling of immature right for your next post.

About respect, with the kind of language that you use, its hard to see what to be respectful of. Things like I have been here more than you have, etc. Your post was patronising to say the least and you expect respect. Let me not make this a discussion between the two of us. Discuss about the topic and be done with it. I have every right to say what I think of the post you write on this forum and I have not made any personnel comments or flaming remarks. About all the BS about never do this and that. Do you seriously think I care a hoot?
:no: ... So back off!

OK big boy, point taken. :rofl:

Oh sorry i meant little boy just cuz i called u boss don't get your ego all boosted up .. seriously man wat are some sort of nut case i told u to get lost i was done with u you said wat you had to say and i said wat i had to say you earn respect by showing respect you got no respect for this site nor its members show some class dont be little boy trying to act all big lets end this here now dont write me back :hitwall:
Public opinion in Pakistan did not take too kindly to the anti-Pakistan actions India took post-Mumbai attacks.

I think India had every right to warn and make Pakistan aware of the dire consequences. Do you think we should have take post mumbai lying down?

So if you wish to use 'public opinion' to justify your nation's smear campaign, the non-stop accusations and implied threats against Pakistan , then the same 'Pakistani public opinion' applies as a justification for the Pakistani FM's comments. Do post them if you wish, I consider them par for the course given India's anti-Pakistan tirades, domestically and internationally, in the past year+.

The smear campaign as you call it was a result of hyper Indian media and the international media and its active participation. Watch Dispatches produced by BBC online and you will realise that the international media had a big role to play. I wont blame our media as I know how terrified people in Mumbai were. Taj and Oberoi are common man landmarks and are part of everyday conversation in India and an attack of this magnitude was shocking.

As for 'coincidences', it is perhaps no coincidence that we are seeing this smear offensive from India - from Chidambaram in the India Conclave, to the paid-off India Caucus members of the US legislature, to Rao and other Indians in media positions (such as Ashley Tellis), all ranting on the same theme - as Pakistan reasserts itself in the Afghan theater and steps up cooperation with NATO to win cooperation from NATO.
Smear, strategy or a method in madness, again I would just say that time will tell what is the end game.

The Indian offensive also comes in the runup of an extremely high level and comprehensive strategic dialog between the US and Pakistan, one that has already seen the US intelligence chief (Dennis Blair) and other high level leaders visit Pakistan to set the framework, and will see visits to the US (for this strategic dialog) by COAS Kiyani, CJCSC, DG ISI and and finally the Prime Minister and his foreign policy and economic team.

Lets hope the end result leads to a stable Afghanistan with no threat from extreme and fringe elements.

Yep, definitely no coincidence here.

Now, I do agree with the premise of the author of that "Strategic rethink' article you posted - Pakistan has an opportunity here to really solidify its relationship with NATO, and in the process neutralize to a degree Indian attempts to isolate it, provided it comes to an arrangement with NATO in which NATO interests are addressed.

Yes. The tone of the article is how Pakistan can reverse the attempted isolation of itself and not the other way round. The ball is very much in your court.

Under this premise it is Pakistan that holds the cards to how the future will shape up, and whether NATO is won over or not is entirely in Pakistan's hands, not India's.

Thats another way of looking at it ans I fully agree. The glass is half full or half empty. But rest assured that Pre 9/11 monopoly of Pakistan in Afghanistan is unimaginable.
Oh sorry i meant little boy just cuz i called u boss don't get your ego all boosted up .. seriously man wat are some sort of nut case i told u to get lost i was done with u you said wat you had to say and i said wat i had to say you earn respect by showing respect you got no respect for this site nor its members show some class dont be little boy trying to act all big lets end this here now dont write me back :hitwall:

You write thing like the stuff above and expect me not to respond.
You want to have the last word and ask me not to write back. Now who do you think is sounding like THE BOSS? I will let you have the last word. That is what little boys do. :)
You write thing like the stuff above and expect me not to respond.
You want to have the last word and ask me not to write back. Now who do you think is sounding like THE BOSS? I will let you have the last word. That is what little boys do. :)

Just get lost iam not wasting my time on you anymore you no where even worth my time little boy .:tdown:
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