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We know how to deal with you, India warns Pakistan

You seriously think that India will be adversely affected by such a kneejerk reaction?
IIRC it was Pakistan which faced the brunt of Indian boycott in 1999, 2001 and more recently last two years. Correct me if I am wrong.

Seriously Indians you guys really think too high of your self. dreaming to be superpower :lol: , It was India who stopped the boycott as it was losing a lot $$$$
It seems everyone read the headline and no one bothered to read the article. All the comments from Nirupama Rao are standard stuff and someone has really stretched to create that headline. What do you expect our FS to say? That India is weak and unable to defend itself? She said " Don't consider our restraint as weakness". What's wrong with that?

'Despite the provocations we have faced constantly from terrorists whose linkages we have traced back to Pakistani soil, we have not abandoned the path of dialogue,' Rao said in an address Monday at the Woodrow Wilson Centre, a renowned Washington think tank.

'We have, time and again, made genuine attempts to address outstanding issues, most importantly, the issue of terrorism through dialogue with Pakistan,' she said, referring to her meeting in New Delhi with Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir of Pakistan.

Does this sound like war mongering ? Guess this thread speaks volumes about the mindsets of people here and very little about Nirupama Rao's.
My sole beef is with the line of hers that I highlighted.

Nonetheless, I do stick by my previous post on the issue of 'coincidence' with the positive movement in NATO-Pakistan relations and the upcoming US-Pak strategic dialog.
Just for a week Pakistan stop Indian supplies to Afghanistan going under NATO umbrella and make Pakistan airspace no fly zone for Indians they will come back to their sensors

Do you think Pakistan is allowing all that transition free of cost....there is money involved....and a lot of it.......now go and tell your Finance Minister that he has to discontinue a revenue stream because some posters on a website are not feeling good about it.....and wait for the answer....

Countries are not run by whims and fancies of some cyber fighters my friend....get real.
Just for a week Pakistan stop Indian supplies to Afghanistan going under NATO umbrella and make Pakistan airspace no fly zone for Indians they will come back to their sensors

If there was anything that could have been done surely it would have.
Do you think Pakistan is allowing all that transition free of cost....there is money involved....and a lot of it.......now go and tell your Finance Minister that he has to discontinue a revenue stream because some posters on a website are not feeling good about it.....and wait for the answer....

Countries are not run by whims and fancies of some cyber fighters my friend....get real.

Same to you my friend. by the way Pakistan has not seen a support check for a long time what money you are taking about. sorry I hurt the Indian super power ego :lol:(whims and fancies of some cyber fighters)
Same to you my friend. by the way Pakistan has not seen a support check for a long time what money you are taking about. sorry I hurt the Indian super power ego :lol:(whims and fancies of some cyber fighters)

Go and ask this question to your Finance minister....do you know that ATC(Air Traffic Controller) Gets a fee for every plane they handle.....on their radar....and that money flows back to Pakistan revenue...so for every India plane flying over Pakistan ....Any Indian Airline pays ATC for using their services.

Do you know that the goods that are transported through land are liable to pay excise and road tax and .... all those duties.....that flow into Pakistan's financial kitty....

Never thought I would be giving a economics lessons here....but ...never mind.
Go and ask this question to your Finance minister....do you know that ATC(Air Traffic Controller) Gets a fee for every plane they handle.....on their radar....and that money flows back to Pakistan revenue...so for every India plane flying over Pakistan ....Any Indian Airline pays ATC for using their services.

Do you know that the goods that are transported through land are liable to pay excise and road tax and .... all those duties.....that flow into Pakistan's financial kitty....

Never thought I would be giving a economics lessons here....but ...never mind.

you mean Pakistan will lose a lot of money :lol: you made my day :rofl::rofl::rofl::lol: few thousands $$ will not come from India and Pakistan will suffer
yeah we`re going to prepare for a month and then pick a weird name for an operation and then declare victory while our troops havent even left their beds... Operation KoiNaiSharam !
In sharm al sheikh, our greatest economist, Mr. Manmohan Singh has provided a weapon to Pakistani diplomats by including waziristan and other things in the joint statement.

Now, Pakistanis (people, politicians and public servants) are screaming, INDIA-INDIANS, after every blast happening in their backyard. Although, they don't have any proof.

I think RAW has shifted the war into the enemies terrortory. Chidambaram is doing great work in his office.
you mean Pakistan will lose a lot of money :lol: you made my day :rofl::rofl::rofl::lol: few thousands $$ will not come from India and Pakistan will suffer

Well...go ahead and ask your FM that if he can live with blocking any revenue coming to Pakistan....... Guess what try and force your government to do what you like and you will get the response from them only.....Its not only Passenger flights..there are cargo planes...but why the hell am I wasting my time to make someone understand all this.....who is determined to use balls instead of brains.
In sharm al sheikh, our greatest economist, Mr. Manmohan Singh has provided a weapon to Pakistani diplomats by including waziristan and other things in the joint statement.

Now, Pakistanis (people, politicians and public servants) are screaming, INDIA-INDIANS, after every blast happening in their backyard. Although, they don't have any proof.

I think RAW has shifted the war into the enemies terrortory. Chidambaram is doing great work in his office.

We finally got the proof by your last statement now we can quote you for proving our case :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
And again indians doing what they accuse Pakistan of :rofl: It's getting old now from these utter hypocrites

Well.. you tell me. Your government and your ex presdient mushraff had categorically said that your soil will not be used for any anti india activities... yesterday i saw a video with saeed salahudin calling for jihad and sending suicide bombers to india from pakistan..!!! Now you tell me who are the biggest hypocrites here.!!! how can any body trust pakistans word when these terrorists are openly bandishing their AK 47's and calling for jihad against india..???? Tell me aint that hyporacy..!!!!!
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