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We know how to deal with you, India warns Pakistan

It seems everyone read the headline and no one bothered to read the article. All the comments from Nirupama Rao are standard stuff and someone has really stretched to create that headline. What do you expect our FS to say? That India is weak and unable to defend itself? She said " Don't consider our restraint as weakness". What's wrong with that?

'Despite the provocations we have faced constantly from terrorists whose linkages we have traced back to Pakistani soil, we have not abandoned the path of dialogue,' Rao said in an address Monday at the Woodrow Wilson Centre, a renowned Washington think tank.

'We have, time and again, made genuine attempts to address outstanding issues, most importantly, the issue of terrorism through dialogue with Pakistan,' she said, referring to her meeting in New Delhi with Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir of Pakistan.

Does this sound like war mongering ? Guess this thread speaks volumes about the mindsets of people here and very little about Nirupama Rao's.
Sweden banned selling arms to Pakistan, Israel doesn't do anything to help Pakistan, US isn't doing much except some equipment and a bit of money, and US, with Israel, is trying to pressure France not to sell weapons to Pakistan.

What is the West allying only with India? Seriously, Pakistan has done more to stop the Taliban then India has.

As seen now it may be right.

Ironically,Pak has done more to sustain, nurture, encourage & use the Taliban more that anyone else has.
I agree. Indians are getting frustrated. India was always frustrated with Pakistan since 1947.

Also India knows its time in Afghanistan is coming to an end.

The U.S. has invited Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army, General Kayani, to Washington for strategic dialogue, while no one in U.S. even knows the name of india's army chief.

What is connection ?

The IA chief does not run the country or take it over. He does his job & does not call the shots on national issues.

Do we know the name of the Chiefs of US Army or the Brit army ?Obviously no coz they too do their job only.

The PA chief needs to be involved coz he runs the 3rd center of power along with the GOP & ISI.
oooh hoo hoo .......... snaaap

i wonder if Indians also did that ghetto snap of the fingers when they say this. lmao
Sweden banned selling arms to Pakistan, Israel doesn't do anything to help Pakistan, US isn't doing much except some equipment and a bit of money, and US, with Israel, is trying to pressure France not to sell weapons to Pakistan.

What is the West allying only with India? Seriously, Pakistan has done more to stop the Taliban then India has.

Dude.. Pakistan created Taliban in the 1st place.. So no matter how much you do to stop taliban, till the time they still exist, Effort wise, you are still in defecit..
I dont want to post the video of your FM gloating after India invited Pak for talks. But do you blame India that the public opinion was so against Pak after 26/11. Talks with Pak was a political suicide even at this stage. India is governed by Public opinion and even today government take this as an important factor is moving ahead in every issue. From price rise to Pakistan.

About the coincidence, time will tell if it was a turning point or a blip.
Public opinion in Pakistan did not take too kindly to the anti-Pakistan actions India took post-Mumbai attacks.

So if you wish to use 'public opinion' to justify your nation's smear campaign, the non-stop accusations and implied threats against Pakistan , then the same 'Pakistani public opinion' applies as a justification for the Pakistani FM's comments. Do post them if you wish, I consider them par for the course given India's anti-Pakistan tirades, domestically and internationally, in the past year+.

As for 'coincidences', it is perhaps no coincidence that we are seeing this smear offensive from India - from Chidambaram in the India Conclave, to the paid-off India Caucus members of the US legislature, to Rao and other Indians in media positions (such as Ashley Tellis), all ranting on the same theme - as Pakistan reasserts itself in the Afghan theater and steps up cooperation with NATO to win cooperation from NATO.

The Indian offensive also comes in the runup of an extremely high level and comprehensive strategic dialog between the US and Pakistan, one that has already seen the US intelligence chief (Dennis Blair) and other high level leaders visit Pakistan to set the framework, and will see visits to the US (for this strategic dialog) by COAS Kiyani, CJCSC, DG ISI and and finally the Prime Minister and his foreign policy and economic team.

Yep, definitely no coincidence here.

Now, I do agree with the premise of the author of that "Strategic rethink' article you posted - Pakistan has an opportunity here to really solidify its relationship with NATO, and in the process neutralize to a degree Indian attempts to isolate it, provided it comes to an arrangement with NATO in which NATO interests are addressed.

Under this premise it is Pakistan that holds the cards to how the future will shape up, and whether NATO is won over or not is entirely in Pakistan's hands, not India's.
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Sweden banned selling arms to Pakistan, Israel doesn't do anything to help Pakistan, US isn't doing much except some equipment and a bit of money, and US, with Israel, is trying to pressure France not to sell weapons to Pakistan.

What is the West allying only with India? Seriously, Pakistan has done more to stop the Taliban then India has.

is it true?
Pakistan had nothing to do with the creation of the Taliban.

Yep - this is another myth perpetuated by Pakistan bashers.

The Taliban rose in Afghanistan on their own. Pakistan was supporting Hekmetyar at the time (and increasingly getting frustrated with him). It was once the Taliban started gaining power, spreading and controlling territory, and won the loyalty and support of various warlords and Pashtun leaders that Pakistan shifted support to them as a potential force to stabilize Afghanistan with.
India should know that if it is proven that they had links with the TTP/Taliban, they would be blamed for the deaths of 30,000 Pakistanis and they should know that the gloves are coming off then. Counter blaming us, is like the oldest trick in the book.
India should know that if it is proven that they had links with the TTP/Taliban, they would be blamed for the deaths of 30,000 Pakistanis and they should know that the gloves are coming off then. Counter blaming us, is like the oldest trick in the book.

But untill its proven, u are responsible for all the attacks emerging from your soil, which killed millions of people world wide.....:smitten:
Just for a week Pakistan stop Indian supplies to Afghanistan going under NATO umbrella and make Pakistan airspace no fly zone for Indians they will come back to their sensors
Just for a week Pakistan stop Indian supplies to Afghanistan going under NATO umbrella and make Pakistan airspace no fly zone for Indian they will come back to their sensors

You seriously think that India will be adversely affected by such a kneejerk reaction?
IIRC it was Pakistan which faced the brunt of Indian boycott in 1999, 2001 and more recently last two years. Correct me if I am wrong.
You seriously think that India will be adversely affected by such a kneejerk reaction?
IIRC it was Pakistan which faced the brunt of Indian boycott in 1999, 2001 and more recently last two years. Correct me if I am wrong.

What boycott, and how did Pakistan suffer anything significant from this alleged boycott?

AFAIK, Indian exports to Pakistan are substantially greater than Pakistani exports to India, so if anything it is India that loses out on sales to Pakistan in the event of a boycott.

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