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We know how to deal with you, India warns Pakistan

India should know that if it is proven that they had links with the TTP/Taliban, they would be blamed for the deaths of 30,000 Pakistanis and they should know that the gloves are coming off then. Counter blaming us, is like the oldest trick in the book.

Its a very big IF Asim...Anyway, we blame you for all the deaths in Kashmir for over 2 decades, so really it looks like Pakistan playing the counter blame game.
Its a very big IF Asim...Anyway, we blame you for all the deaths in Kashmir for over 2 decades, so really it looks like Pakistan playing the counter blame game.
You just admitted that India is playing the blame game, along with Pakistan.

If India didn't allow the police to do whatever they want in Kashmir, there wouldn't be a militancy.

Yes, the ISI created the Taliban. However, it was only because the US needed someone to fight the Soviet Union because they couldn't do it themselves due to nuclear weapons. The CIA is the main party here.

A lot of deaths caused in Kashmir have been made by Indian paramilitary troops. Most deaths in Pakistan has been caused by the Taliban. Right now, Pakistan is trying to stop the Taliban but India hasn't done much to stop the police brutality in Kashmir.
I cannot make a A child Understand fluid dynamics, but can make him happy showing an aircraft :lol: , Same way an Immature has to be dealt in His own way
I know you cant, teach me how lollipop works, :lol:, I am happy you are showing me LCA on your Avatar:rofl::rofl:
False Flag by RAW in Kashmir.
(Prelude to Mumbai 2008)

Hindutva Terrorists massacre Sikh's in Kashmir and tried to implicate Muslims http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1862414.stm

Kashmir massacre samples 'faked'

The five men were killed a few days after the massacre

The government in Indian-controlled Kashmir has acknowledged that DNA samples taken from five men blamed for the masscre of 35 Sikhs two years ago were tampered with.
Those responsible for collecting and sending the samples had something to hide

Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah
Samples were taken from the men only after protests in Kashmir by local people who insisted they were innocent, and were deliberately killed by the security forces in a stage-managed encounter.

The Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah now says it appears that fake samples were sent suggesting "that those responsible had something to hide."

The killing of the 35 Sikhs took place just hours before the then US President Bill Clinton arrived in India and was one of the worst examples of violence in the territory in recent years.

It was highlighted by Delhi to support its accusations that Pakistan sponsors militant attacks in Kashmir.

The state government ordered the samples to be taken from the dead men after protesters in Kashmir demanded an investigation into the affair.

The Sikh massacre led to big protests

Relatives of the dead men insisted their bodies be exhumed, saying that DNA tests would prove they were not foreign militants as claimed by the security forces.

But the laboratory in southern India to which the men's DNA samples were sent returned them, saying they were mislabelled and showed serious discrepancies.

It is not clear what errors were shown, but the Times of India newspaper said that some samples said to belong to female relatives in fact came from men.

In remarks to the Kashmir legislature on Friday, Mr Abdullah apologised for the injustice done and promised an investigation into the affair headed by a judge.

Mr Abdullah said fresh samples would be taken from the men's bodies.

'Encounter' allegation

At the time, the authorities insisted they were foreign militants from the Lashkar-e-Toiba and Hizbul Mujahideen groups - although the groups themselves denied any involvement in the Sikh massacre.

But allegations were made that they were in fact five local men picked up by the security forces and killed in a stage-managed encounter so they could be blamed for the massacre.

The Indian authorities have in the past been accused by human rights groups of summary killings and other abuses in Kashmir - charges the government always denies.

India has faced a militant insurgency in Kashmir since 1989.

Both India and Pakistan claim the territory as theirs.

BBC News | SOUTH ASIA | Kashmir massacre samples 'faked'
Sorry brother,


Not really, there are accusations flying around.

"Its a very big IF Asim...Anyway, we blame you for all the deaths in Kashmir for over 2 decades, so really it looks like Pakistan playing the counter blame game"
You just admitted that India is playing the blame game, along with Pakistan.

If India didn't allow the police to do whatever they want in Kashmir, there wouldn't be a militancy.

Yes, the ISI created the Taliban. However, it was only because the US needed someone to fight the Soviet Union because they couldn't do it themselves due to nuclear weapons. The CIA is the main party here.

A lot of deaths caused in Kashmir have been made by Indian paramilitary troops. Most deaths in Pakistan has been caused by the Taliban. Right now, Pakistan is trying to stop the Taliban but India hasn't done much to stop the police brutality in Kashmir.

Didnt admit anything of that sort. Just blamed Pakistan for playing the counter blame game.

Most deaths in Kashmir have been a result of cross border terrorism sponsored by Pakistan which Pakistan is continuing .
Not really, there are accusations flying around.

"Its a very big IF Asim...Anyway, we blame you for all the deaths in Kashmir for over 2 decades, so really it looks like Pakistan playing the counter blame game"

Shuru kisne kiya tha???:azn:
Yep - this is another myth perpetuated by Pakistan bashers.

The Taliban rose in Afghanistan on their own. Pakistan was supporting Hekmetyar at the time (and increasingly getting frustrated with him). It was once the Taliban started gaining power, spreading and controlling territory, and won the loyalty and support of various warlords and Pashtun leaders that Pakistan shifted support to them as a potential force to stabilize Afghanistan with.

You might have not created it, but why did you allow them to grow their influence in your land. How were they ruling parts of Pakistan, why did your government did not control them. How is it possible that they got so much of arms and ammunition into Pakistan.

It is duty of any government to make sure they contain rogue element's within its jurisdiction so that law and order is maintained.
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