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We know how to deal with you, India warns Pakistan

LCA Tejas;734094]Does this Mean that you have better relationship with the world community,


Has any country Invited You for any deal? as state guests? Any country wanted to deal with you by there willingness??

CHINA you no the country called china to counter them west is supporting you but hey lets not discuss that lets talk about lollypops

You buy a lollypop from shopkeeper and say he and I have good relation is sick:sick:

Shop keepers will declear them selves your realatives when you support them
The public unease in India over our government agreeing to talk to yours has in large part been quelled by the rapidity of the demise of said talks. It was amply evident that no talks can be fruitful with the spectre of terrorism looming over both nations. The best recourse for India today would be to ensure that Pakistan cannot hurt us. Not by an all out war, which it is in no position to start or sustain, and also not by random acts of terrorism, where our state apparatus has been found wanting. I believe that Nirupama Rao has very firmly and simply verbalized what Pakistan already knows. That forget waging war, even war by proxy and stealth will come at a steep price for Pakistan. A price which hopefully sooner rather than later the people of Pakistan will refuse to pay on behalf of their rulers. Or face the choice of a price that will become steeper with every act of violence on Indian soil originating from Pakistan. To sum up, we need to protect ourselves to the extent possible. And for those incidents that happen in spite of our best efforts, extract a price that makes future misdemeanours an unattractive proposition. And here we have a lot to learn from Israel and their response to any risk to their own. If I were a Pakistani, I would wonder and ask my leaders whether having 20 people blown up in India was really important enough in the larger scheme of things to warrant 200 of my own blown up in my own cities and towns and villages every day. When that happens, and the sentiments and questioning gathers steam, maybe we can all have a reasonable shot at making such 'talks' actually work.
Yawn...the Indian and Pakistani states have been involved in the longest shouting match over the last few decades. All out war on either side is not an option - a potential mushroom cloud on either side rules that out. I am sick of Indian leaders saying "we will act decisively" - yea, sure - when will that be? Either do something or zip it.
Unfortunately, most of the world disagree with you. You may not be the sole party in its creation, but make no mistake, you were one of the main..

Justifying an argument on the basis of numbers is a logical fallacy called argumentum ad numerum - it is fallacious to argue that 'because SO MANY people believe X, then X must be true'. This typically comes under the heading of 'rumor and gossip'.

In terms of people who do know of the facts, Steve Coll's book on the Afghan conflict, Taliban and Al Qaeda won a Pulitzer award, and he, with many other analysts such as Ahmed Rashid (who can be called anything but pro-Pakistan) have laid out the rise of the Taliban in detail and made the same point - Pakistan did not create the Taliban and did not start supporting the Taliban until the Taliban had already established themselves to a degree in Afghanistan and gained the support of various other warlords, Tribal leaders and the local populace.

Pakistan therefore had nothing to do with the creation of the Taliban - any one who has taken the time to research the Taliban rise would know that. The only people who continue to cling to this myth and perpetuate it are uninformed individuals and Pakistan bashers.
Close.. but no Cigar... Go back a little to the illegal & disguised invasion of Kashmir by Pakistan, and you are there...

Too close for your liking I guess, keep your shirt on as I have Champagne on ice.:bounce:
Creation is just one part of the equation. Sustenance the other.

And this is called an example of 'weaseling' into a tangential topic when one finds their original argument refuted.:rolleyes:

Since the argument raised by some was on the issue of who created the Taliban, my responses were also meant to clarify that point.
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