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We Don’t Seek Benevolence, But Don’t Malign us Either – Part I

The attitude that the pakistanis have shown towards their motherlandd after 9/11---makes one wonder if the people are worthy of being a nation---when they have not shown any ability to act as one.

If they are not worthy of being a nation as you wonder, then they shall pay the price too. No one can escape the consequences of their actions.
If they are not worthy of being a nation as you wonder, then they shall pay the price too. No one can escape the consequences of their actions.


Indeed---time is the greatest equalizer of all things and happenings

Indeed---time is the greatest equalizer of all things and happenings

Time is the great equalizer yes, but Pakistan has the worst of happenings these days and doesn't have much time left either to deal with them. Couple that with a clueless military and civil leadership, an illiterate population and a dire economic situation, and one can see little reason to hope.
I would suggest in my humble opinion, to ignore Chengs childish tantrums, his basic aim is hatred for, and trolling against Pakistan and Pakistani's - we should let him, free speech and all that. But understand, that is his basic aim in life, sad and pathetic - yes, but it takes all sorts.


I would recommend that instead of ignoring vcheng---learn to listen to what he is saying---childish is not what vcheng is---he is a professional and has a deep insight and keen grasp of issues---.

If I may make a suggestion to my young pakistani colleagues----please---please never say to a man that he is being childish---. I understand that some pakistani men living at home never grow up to be men---they stay all their adult lives in adolescence---but tell you what---living and working abroad---you become a man very very fast.

I would recommend that instead of ignoring vcheng---learn to listen to what he is saying---childish is not what vcheng is---he is a professional and has a deep insight and keen grasp of issues---.

If I may make a suggestion to my young pakistani colleagues----please---please never say to a man that he is being childish---. I understand that some pakistani men living at home never grow up to be men---they stay all their adult lives in adolescence---but tell you what---living and working abroad---you become a man very very fast.

It does not matter to me whether anyone learns or listens or not. I merely participate here as a general member. :D

"Deep meaning often lies in childish plays." - Friedrich Schiller
Mastan, you and VCheng. Why do you bash Pakistan and Pakistanis so?

Reverse psychology?
Mastan, you and VCheng. Why do you bash Pakistan and Pakistanis so?

Reverse psychology?


How are you doing? I am not here to bash pakistan or pakistanis---if that is what they think---it is their loss---. I speak out of love for my motherland and for the love of my countrymen.

As you have read my posts---I have always provided solutions or direction or a different perspective or ways to do things differently---so basically---I am not bashing at all---. People who bash---don't offer solutions---. What effects me is that how can the people be so enamoured with their follies and destructive ways---see how it is destroying the nation and the community and have no comprehension of what is happening to them and their nation in the process.

There are teenagers on this board---pakistani---who have no experience at all in any phase of life--and they come aswinging---there are men here on this board---pakistani---still dependant on their parents that if they kicked them out of their houses---they would end up with a begging bowl---and they think that pakistan can dictate terms as it pleases---.

Majority of the pakistanis have no base of knowledge of the world---except for what they hear in the news---read the newspaper---there being hardly any public libraries in pakistan---so where would the citizens get to know the world from---only from those who want to control their directions and mindset---and when that happens---then those with extreme prejudicial mindsets and thinking have a heyday---and that is the tragedy of pakistan.


You comments were not neccessary---when an intelligent man speaks---it is expected that some will react---positive or negative---and it is not your choice---we expect that when that happens---people react in a positive manner and learn.


You comments were not neccessary---when an intelligent man speaks---it is expected that some will react---positive or negative---and it is not your choice---we expect that when that happens---people react in a positive manner and learn.

Your choice was to have kept your mouth shut if you did not want anyone to listen---it is disappointing when a person of your intellect states that you care less---.

My question to you is---what is the purpose of your presence here then---even a protoplasm has some mass and it does make a statement---.

There was a time when I thought I could make a difference by presenting a critical point of view, but now I am quite convinced it is futile.

I came here by choice and will disappear by choice too. It is only a matter of time .... ....
There was a time when I thought I could make a difference by presenting a critical point of view, but now I am quite convinced it is futile.

I came here by choice and will disappear by choice too. It is only a matter of time .... ....


That pain is mutual-----. When a person of your calibre is not a part of the THINK TANK---and leading from the front----it is a tragedy---.
There was a time when I thought I could make a difference by presenting a critical point of view, but now I am quite convinced it is futile.
Intellectualism often is futile unless accompanied by action.
Intellectualism often is futile unless accompanied by action.

I have put in my share of the action already, Sir.


That pain is mutual-----. When a person of your calibre is not a part of the THINK TANK---and leading from the front----it is a tragedy---.

I sought the membership twice, and was rejected twice. Oh well, not my loss! :D

Now I simply do not care. :D

PS: It is a comedy, not a tragedy. :lol:
There was a time when I thought I could make a difference by presenting a critical point of view, but now I am quite convinced it is futile.

I came here by choice and will disappear by choice too. It is only a matter of time .... ....
Buddy, what you say in this forum goes to conscious and sub-conscious minds of people. Even if they oppose it, the idea is planted. It may grow if the favorable conditions for your idea happens.

Its up to you to pass these ideas as it may cause someone to introspect. A slight change in approach by one can make significant change over a period of time. Have you ever heard of Butterfly Effect ? Believe in it and never stop giving ideas.

Let me give you an example, after joining this forum, many Idians might have learned that Pakistan also have sane and rational minds which they didn't think earlier. Reason being, the way it is portrayed by our society. So, if there is slight change in perception of Indians, it will slowly propagate and will create a group, even if it is VERY small, that wants to indulge in constructive dialogue for betterment of both the nations.

We don't know after few years which of these young people in India will become govt. employee, or occupy some important position which will put them in a position where their words will be taken seriously and their views can bring a change. Even if they don't say anything about Pakistan, the few solutions provided by people like Mastan Sir, Oscar, Joe sir, their way of looking things and finding solution, will change the approach of at least few Indians. These Indians will definitely remember the rationality they get from here, even in small quantity, which may be good for at least his family or society.

I always believe in talking to elder people just because one can learn too much from their experience than doing myself and learning by failure or success. Its like getting experiences without even doing anything. It gives me a new perspective and ability to learn more in less time. It helped me in my studies, arranging events and many things in my life.

So may be, for this sole reason, you keep on passing your ideas and views, no matter if someone agree or not, its up to their discretion, but it may help someone at some point of time.

I have put in my share of the action already, Sir.

I sought the membership twice, and was rejected twice. Oh well, not my loss! :D

Now I simply do not care. :D

PS: It is a comedy, not a tragedy. :lol:


I know that ---- and it is a loss for the board---it is a shame---that position of the TT could have been manipulated to the max.

My young countrymen do not know how to project their cause and don't know when the oppurtunity comes knocking at their doors.

What a failure the management of this board has been to take advantage of that situation---they had a great oppurtunity to project the cause of pakistan to the world---but they chose to stay nobody and annonymous----how pathetic. What shallow thinkers they are---.

Why do we then wonder at the pathetic and miserable condition of pakistan----when the educated and literate are gutless and without courage.
I have put in my share of the action already, Sir.
IMO working within the current Pakistani power structure to effect change is probably a mistake, unless you have ISI or top Army connections. Grass-roots activity within Pakistan strikes me as nearly impossible since anyone advocating major changes becomes a target of violence.

What is left is for Pakistanis safely outside the country to organize separately, on their own and (in the beginning at least) without significant connections to any existing political structure or power base at home.
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