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Water or War

When should Pakistan launch surgical strikes on Indian Dams

  • 2011

    Votes: 8 19.5%
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    Votes: 9 22.0%
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    Votes: 14 34.1%
  • 2015

    Votes: 10 24.4%

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For example, one such solution might involve encouraging the "undoing" of reservoirs in IoK that are violating the IWT. Pakistan's armed forces do not need to be involved directly in such a scenario.

;)Really. We will end up starting anther thread like the thread on US capturing Pakistan's nukes..
Indus Waters Treaty Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah, while leaving for New Delhi to talk about waters shared by India and Pakistan, said that Pakistan was getting its share of waters under the Indus Treaty and that building a dam was the right of India. He said less water in Pakistani rivers was because of lack of rain, not because India had blocked it

thats the problem, some pakistani don't listen/read what their own government officials says and bas apnahi baja bajate rehte hain.
Well then blame other countries for it. Why blame Afghanistan for something they haven't done? And besides, in case of the Pakistanis and Indians, so far these have been allegations and none of the neutral mediators that they jointly accepted, have agreed with any illegal construction attempts.

Unless the World Bank gets evidence and proves Delhi guilty, this argument is nothing both political rivalry in undermining the rival's position by both the countries in question.

What evidence World Bank need? Pakistan has forwarded the statistics of the Water flow from India in Channab river which clearly shows that upto 54% of the flow is down. Now World Bank has to investigate fairly, otherwise the only solution left is what many Pakistani mentioned.
What evidence World Bank need? Pakistan has forwarded the statistics of the Water flow from India in Channab river which clearly shows that upto 54% of the flow is down. Now World Bank has to investigate fairly, otherwise the only solution left is what many Pakistani mentioned.

well grow up war is not soultion what we can do water is problem of every one and if war happen you know the result

save water don't destroy it

so we can conclude one single blow at the right spot can destroy the whole dam huaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:yahoo::pakis tan:
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so basically what i think and beleive our isi should go on work and find the weak spot in each and every one of india's dam that is concerning us,and devise plans what explosives should be used if not available on shelve then make them light easy to carry,then train about a 300 let guys with our special forces and give them funds and weapons and the necessary know how,then on proper time and date carry out the attack on these dams ,as india won't be expecting any such attacks by let on dams,simply when the task is done we can blame l-e-t and then clamp them down it will be hard to convince india and international community but this path might just save us our nukes which we don't wanna waste on a cheap enemy like india
so basically what i think and beleive our isi should go on work and find the weak spot in each and every one of india's dam that is concerning us,and devise plans what explosives should be used if not available on shelve then make them light easy to carry,then train about a 300 let guys with our special forces and give them funds and weapons and the necessary know how,then on proper time and date carry out the attack on these dams ,as india won't be expecting any such attacks by let on dams,simply when the task is done we can blame l-e-t and then clamp them down it will be hard to convince india and international community

No one is gonna fall for that bull. everyone will know that terrorists don't give a f*** about those dams, but Pakistan does. So any terror attacks will just show the world how cheap Pakistan will be. And Indian retaliation would be the same as if those dams were blown up by the pakistan armed forces. Hopefully your leaders have more sense than you.

but this path might just save us our nukes which we don't wanna waste on a cheap enemy like india

If not to be wasted India, then why did u get nukes. So u can use them as fireworks on new years?
so basically what i think and beleive our isi should go on work and find the weak spot in each and every one of india's dam that is concerning us,and devise plans what explosives should be used if not available on shelve then make them light easy to carry,then train about a 300 let guys with our special forces and give them funds and weapons and the necessary know how,then on proper time and date carry out the attack on these dams ,as india won't be expecting any such attacks by let on dams,simply when the task is done we can blame l-e-t and then clamp them down it will be hard to convince india and international community but this path might just save us our nukes which we don't wanna waste on a cheap enemy like india

so,basically you want to train terrorist,want to fund and arm them and want them to do your job(terrorist attack in India sponsor by Pak) and then declare them 'Non state actor'. hmmm...

I think we witness that last year.:whistle:
since everyone here has ignored my post earlier.....here is my query, what is pakistan going to do about the dam that china has on the river indus in tibet region......? are you guys going to train LET guys for it provide info and let them attack china?
since everyone here has ignored my post earlier.....here is my query, what is pakistan going to do about the dam that china has on the river indus in tibet region......? are you guys going to train LET guys for it provide info and let them attack china?

well brother

i asked same question with lots of Pakistani but they don't have word

china should provide more security to there dam as many Pakistani brother talking about LET BOYS can attack on dam
Why waste billions of dollars worth of weapons,when the same could be done with in 10 or 20 mil and by ppl who we can later disclaim to be ours,what motives will be of l-e-t well they can simply say b4 attacks that free our l-e-t prisoners or we will disable indias economy this time,and u’ll be expecting attacks on stock exchange and a business hub lets say mumbai or banglore or watever,and when they will have carried out the attacks and released a video and will confirm it bcuz morally they will not have killed any innocent just stabbed india where it hurts most,plus it will give a boost to their organistaion so definitely they will take all responsibility later when india shouts aloud we can point to the previous mumbai attacks and will internationally say that india act wisely pak has neither the resources nor intel for such attack,as we are claimed to be broke and backward nation thanks to ur indian media,and later we will even clamp down l-e-t to show international community or better call in fbi to witness it.

This path might be preety close to war but it just might evade war and it won’t be as publicised in westren media as a attack in which innocents die,simply a attack by indian inland sepratists to gain a leverage.

note:no where in my post have i said that we support or supported l-e-t but for this mission we will have to use them and they are quite expandable for us.:angel:

desprate times call for desperate measures
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China’s dams have no effect on us,plus china is a friendly nation ,and china does not push us to the limits china is not responsible for drying up our lands india is,whatever u do if u snatch bread from a poor mans hand he will attack and india is pushing us right their where we die any way so why not gamble with let,by the way many foreign intelligence services wanted a jihad in china but the commander of the mujahid coucil of kashmir strictly forbade any member of his multiple organisations to even think about doin anythin in china,plus china is the one who vetoed sanctions against let two times .

So chinese bros u don’t need to worry about a thing these organisations infact won’t mind fighting for china..

Why waste billions of dollars worth of weapons,when the same could be done with in 10 or 20 mil and by ppl who we can later disclaim to be ours,what motives will be of l-e-t well they can simply say b4 attacks that free our l-e-t prisoners or we will disable indias economy this time,and u’ll be expecting attacks on stock exchange and a business hub lets say mumbai or banglore or watever,and when they will have carried out the attacks and released a video and will confirm it bcuz morally they will not have killed any innocent just stabbed india where it hurts most,plus it will give a boost to their organistaion so definitely they will take all responsibility later when india shouts aloud we can point to the previous mumbai attacks and will internationally say that india act wisely pak has neither the resources nor intel for such attack,as we are claimed to be broke and backward nation thanks to ur indian media,and later we will even clamp down l-e-t to show international community or better call in fbi to witness it.

This path might be preety close to war but it just might evade war and it won’t be as publicised in westren media as a attack in which innocents die,simply a attack by indian inland sepratists to gain a leverage.

note:no where in my post have i said that we support or supported l-e-t but for this mission we will have to use them and they are quite expandable for us.:angel:

well you are following the same policy but see the result now its backfire
whats the purpose of lion heart when its controlled by pea brains. ok bring the LET on....and dont expect india and china (i should include china also here since they also have a dan on indus)to sit quiet on this....well dont expect the world to come and pacify india not to attack,and expect indians to coner you every where(from diplomacy to military procurements and not to forget -your already pathetic economy will be hit very hard)

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