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Water or War

When should Pakistan launch surgical strikes on Indian Dams

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    Votes: 8 19.5%
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    Votes: 9 22.0%
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    Votes: 14 34.1%
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Check the pages of history, India been conquer by small groups from west and ruled by same people for centuries. So, it pointless to talk, if war breaks out Pakistan wouldn't stand indian blows.
Check the pages of history, India been conquer by small groups from west and ruled by same people for centuries. So, it pointless to talk, if war breaks out Pakistan wouldn't stand indian blows.
what history i have read does not seem to support your assertion.

alexander shied away when faced with the nanda empire.

the mongols were sent back by the delhi sultanate.

the time that india was invaded and beaten by other groups was when india was split into hundreds of kingdoms. never has any foreign force succeeded against india when it was united under a single authority like the nanda empire, the gupta empire, the maurya empire, the mughal empire.
Indians will taste their own medicine when Chinese dams on Yaluzangbu river are ready.
Indians will taste their own medicine when Chinese dams on Yaluzangbu river are ready.

Actually if anyone's going to taste anything it'll be the Bangladeshis. We'll just take what we need, they'll have to settle for whatever's left.

You wouldn't do that to your Bangladeshi brothers would you? ;)
India can only violate the IWT for only so long before it becomes something that we will be forced to take very seriously. So far, we've just asked for talks and for arbitration under the terms of the IWT. If the violations continue, then a number of more creative solutions might present themselves. For example, one such solution might involve encouraging the "undoing" of reservoirs in IoK that are violating the IWT. Pakistan's armed forces do not need to be involved directly in such a scenario.

I personally don't think things will get to this point, but since you are worried about this problem, let's continue with the hypothetical scenario. So, the structure(s) get undone and India accuses Pakistan of being responsible and then threatens war. Well, this is no different to India threatening war in any other circumstances. If they actually carry out their threats for a change then there are two further scenarios. First, we have the unlikely scenario of a highly contained, short, and geographically limited conflict that is conducted entirely within disputed territory. In this case, India will not be able to leverage its numerical advantage since Pakistan will concentrate forces in this limited region to negate enemy deployment.

In the second scenario of a wider war across the IB, or in the case the "contained" conflict mushrooms and the theater is expanded, then we will most likely face a situation where the nuclear threshold is crossed. At this point, water will be the least of India and Pakistan's worries.

So in a nutshell, what I am saying is that India fully comprehends the fact that while it can play games with water to a very limited extent, the moment water theft crosses a serious threshold a whole plethora of unintended consequences will unfold. I think there are more than a couple smart strategists sitting in the Indian FO and armed services that will understand this.

When Jamaat Ali Shah confidently says that things will get resolved, you should know where that confidence is coming from.

Let's assume India is deliberately blocking the water supply. Here's how we'd go about doing it.

We can simply reduce the water at critical periods (harvest etc.) , blame rain, groundwater, martians etc and play ball the rest of the time. We don't have to give you enough of a reason to commit suicide. Just enough to jolt your agro-based economy. There's also always the option of outbidding Pakistan and hurting your economy even further, cave dwellers/non state actors can't really do anything about that. Pakistan can choose between a loss of a few billion dollars or put its existence at stake and bomb a dam in India. Simple.

In any case, speaking of war and all that other good stuff, waging an overt war against Pakistan should be a last resort, we should exact revenge in a similar fashion. I hate how lax our defense establishment is. We need to fight terrorists, and their sponsors, like terrorists. We should do to them, what they did to us.

I think we'll have first hand experience of India's response to a terrorist attack in October. The CWG are coming up, so its only a matter of time. Here's hoping we respond in kind.:cheers:
I'm assuming u r referring to using PAF to blow them up. Ok, say....the blowing up mission fails. Say IAf intercepts the PAF and PAF can't blow up the dams. What happens then?

If we HAVE to Blow those Dams up then we do not need Air strikes.

If we HAVE to Blow those Dams up then we do not need Air strikes.
Mai dorr gaya.........koyi inko thoda pani de do....

Bhaisaab bandh tutegi, to adha pakistan pani ke niche.....Pani hai, jidhar dhal milega udhar jayega....LOL

Back to topic...three threads about " indo-pak water disputes" are running at the same time...Is it the new thing (or in new bottle) Pak establishment is makes you swallow nowadays. Why??? nobody listen to the craps like indian hands behind taliban etc.....Very Bad. They are very biased...i should say....
Mai dorr gaya.........koyi inko thoda pani de do....

Bhaisaab bandh tutegi, to adha pakistan pani ke niche.....Pani hai, jidhar dhal milega udhar jayega....LOL

Back to topic...three threads about " indo-pak water disputes" are running at the same time...Is it the new thing (or in new bottle) Pak establishment is makes you swallow nowadays. Why??? nobody listen to the craps like indian hands behind taliban etc.....Very Bad. They are very biased...i should say....

Do i have to Ans that BS?:rolleyes:
I hope this issue is resolved. We have the same problem, Afghanistan built a few dams and as a result Iran's Baluchistan region is really dry.
off topic but

afganistan had resources to build dams!!!! inspite of all those wars etc.

bak to topic

since india is following the guidelines. there should be no reason for her to back down at all.

it might be claimed that india is not. bu the mediator believes india is following guidelines. thats what matters. provide concrete data to prove it to the mediator that india is breaking the rules. else there is no use crying
No, other countries built it for them.
Well then blame other countries for it. Why blame Afghanistan for something they haven't done? And besides, in case of the Pakistanis and Indians, so far these have been allegations and none of the neutral mediators that they jointly accepted, have agreed with any illegal construction attempts.

Unless the World Bank gets evidence and proves Delhi guilty, this argument is nothing both political rivalry in undermining the rival's position by both the countries in question.
This is getting SO old now...

India has violated the IWT by holding back more water than what is allowed. The IWT allows for .01 MAF. India rushed to fill the Baglihar reservoir and held back between .2-.3 MAF in clear contravention of the IWT.

There is no debate or discussion about this. This is a fact.

Where exactly do you think this water is going? Any attempt/construction to divert that amount of water would be obvious. Pakistani officials have had a chance to visit all the construction projects and yet the objections filed by the pak officiials with the WB have no mention of such construction.

the low water levels in the river might be a fact and the pak IWT officla has acknoledged that this is due to natural causes rather than a water diversion attempt by india

dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2009/06/02/story_2-6-2009_pg3_1]Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Indus Waters Treaty Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah, while leaving for New Delhi to talk about waters shared by India and Pakistan, said that Pakistan was getting its share of waters under the Indus Treaty and that building a dam was the right of India. He said less water in Pakistani rivers was because of lack of rain, not because India had blocked it

We have not heard any thing to the contrary from "official" sources or heard of any complaints to the guarantor of the IWT the world bank by pakistan.

The only ones screaming about water theft are rank amateurs and pak "journalists".
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