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Water or War

When should Pakistan launch surgical strikes on Indian Dams

  • 2011

    Votes: 8 19.5%
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    Votes: 9 22.0%
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    Votes: 14 34.1%
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    Votes: 10 24.4%

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Because India hide everything thing from Pakistan.Living example was Baglihar dam etc. Majority of water diversion projects are executed in secrecy and in rapid pace. For example Indian building the tunnel to divert Sindh river. It was exposed by groups in Kashmir, otherwise project was going in complete secrecy. In short Indians are getting Pakistani water.
Indian suggestion are welcome to build more dam, but respect treaties.
Its very difficult to build these mega projects in secrecy. Are you saying that Pakistan govt was not aware about Baglihar Dam. This is unbelievable. If you have any objection, go to world bank.
Because India hide everything thing from Pakistan.Living example was Baglihar dam etc. Majority of water diversion projects are executed in secrecy and in rapid pace. For example Indian building the tunnel to divert Sindh river. It was exposed by groups in Kashmir, otherwise project was going in complete secrecy. In short Indians are getting Pakistani water.
Indian suggestion are welcome to build more dam, but respect treaties. And its fact India is doing lots of negative things against Pakistan, in the name of terrorism.
Well if indus water treaty been implemented with good faith then why not Shimla too. If we talk about honesty and good faith then somone one lose the ground.

Not being a specialist but only a keen observer, in my opinion, India does respect the IWT but now that India has over Sixty Years of dealing with Pakistan it may well be possible that they commence a project a little bit beyond “design specs” and on Pakistan protesting, which Pakistan would do even if the Projects were to be within Specs, they scale down or amend it to their original requirements.

This is a third party observation and must not be taken to be gospel.
This is getting SO old now...

India has violated the IWT by holding back more water than what is allowed. The IWT allows for .01 MAF. India rushed to fill the Baglihar reservoir and held back between .2-.3 MAF in clear contravention of the IWT.

There is no debate or discussion about this. This is a fact.

if pakistan thinks that India is stealing water than they are free to go UN or international court.
Like India care UN resolution ...just like Shimla agreement and other UN resolution on Kashmir. UN is not more then rubber stamp for Pakistan.
If the Illegal dams are blown up with strategic strikes that should resolve the water crisis
Pakistan doesn't need to go to war......they need to instruct the ISI to hit India where it hurts ie.e. the economical centre targetting Western interests where investment is made..........either India will have to go to war and risk losing all its economy OR negotiate something with Pakistan and resolve these issues. India is doing the same state sponsored terrorism campaign in Pakistan, so Pakistan should just pay them back in full.......lets see how long India lasts and can sustain compared to the bombing campaign we have sustained thus far
ok guys now time bring china into the picture----since you guys want war,,,,how about taking the matter with china which itself has a dam over the indus?or are you guys gonna bomb that dam too.........

China builds dam on Indus in Tibet,keeps Pakistan uninformedChina builds dam on Indus in Tibet,keeps Pakistan uninformed
No one is encouraging any arm standoff. But when the matters come to the table, Indian attach more bugs to resolve the dispute. When any proxy act happens, India start cry out loud. Don't see any positive solution from Indian side.
India is doing the same state sponsored terrorism campaign in Pakistan, so Pakistan should just pay them back -
We've been through this at this board. I have yet to see evidence that India is currently actively sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. I doubt that India currently has the motivation to see Pakistan afflicted with terrorism, and I'm not even sure that India has the means and opportunity to do so.

That doesn't mean they're not doing it, of course, but Agnostic Muslim confessed it didn't matter to him; if it was more politically advantageous to blame India rather than Pakistanis, so be it.

Does that mean Pakistan should sponsor terrorism as "payback" for something that never existed? Or has that already happened and both India and Pakistan are suffering the consequences?

Regardless of the answers to these questions, I consider your proposed strategy flawed, or at least outdated; it might have been workable in 1980, but India has grown so much in its economy, know-how, and capital reserves that imo it can now thrive and grow even if Western investment ceased. Nothing less than a full-scale war would change that.
Pakistan doesn't need to go to war......they need to instruct the ISI to hit India where it hurts ie.e. the economical centre targetting Western interests where investment is made..........either India will have to go to war and risk losing all its economy OR negotiate something with Pakistan and resolve these issues. India is doing the same state sponsored terrorism campaign in Pakistan, so Pakistan should just pay them back in full.......lets see how long India lasts and can sustain compared to the bombing campaign we have sustained thus far
This is the most childish comment I have seen from a member. Of all the war-mongering here on this forum, does any of you know the consequences of war? Do you really think that informing your intelligence agency will get the Indians to bow down to the pressure? As a third party and a neutral country, my sincere advise to all Pakistanis would be: Don't consider war always as an alternative.

Please see the practical possibility rather than commenting out of pure nationalist-emotions. Your strike on their crucial points would make them retaliate worse than ever. They have a bigger and more powerful arsenal of weapons and your strikes on their crucial points will only give them an excuse to retaliate in the best way they can. Their military is more massive and powerful and they can hold much longer on before any of the our Western countries can impose a ceasefire. After last year's terrorist attacks on their financial capital Mumbai, there was a very difficult situation for the Indian government to calm their citizenship as most Indians were livid with anger and demanded a conflict. Pakistani strikes on their crucial points will only make it more difficult for Delhi government to restrain public pressure and give in to their demands.

The Pakistani economy is already in a terrible state and you are already on a war right now inside your own country against the Taliban that is draining your economy as well as manpower further. Embarking on another war with a much larger neighbour will spell irreversible doom to your economy.

The World Bank has been the mediator on this issue between you two for last 4 decades and odd. If you think that the Indians are violating water treaty, then go and discuss this with the World Bank. Also since you mentioned your provinces drying up, take up this matter with your government and ask them to build more dams on your side of the country alongside irrigation canals etc so that there is better water management in scarce-water areas of Pakistan. Inefficiency in government water management might also perhaps be a cause for drying of waters that Pakistani citizens may want to check before resorting to military confrontation which should be the last of all last options in such sensitive matters.

Military options would only result in serious retaliation from Delhi which may not really end well considering the huge manpower and technological gap that is prevalent between you two.

Besides, none of the monitoring agencies such as United Nations have issued any such complaint which should actually be the source of this issue being valid. The only talk that supports the allegation on the Indians is your accusations. I believe that this sort of news articles are often printed in free media so as to attract more readers and therefore earn good TRP ratings. Therefore, it is wise to check the facts before jumping the gun on some newspaper articles.

This is my sincere advise to all Pakistani citizens as a well-wisher.
If the Illegal dams are blown up with strategic strikes that should resolve the water crisis

Missiles fly both ways, one well directed or mis directed one from one side will be answered in kind.

And by surgical strike if you think its invading someones air space, well be my guest, any time.

Mark my words no matter whether its India or Pakistan, no one can violate each others air space.

Forgot, we breached yours in recent past and how agile was PAF to show the return path to some lost IAF crafts?

If your suggestion was possible, it would have been implemented long back, so hey, thanks but no thanks
Its exactly this kind of attitude that will result in a war.

What we need is independent arbitrator, like UN, to negotiate the issue with both nations.

WB and UN are all third parties involved when the treaty was signed by both sides.

WB had problem with the height of the dams proposed by India and hence India, reduced the heights of the dams, So, by law we are respecting the treaty and no one can question us.
Pakistan doesn't need to go to war......they need to instruct the ISI to hit India where it hurts ie.e. the economical centre targetting Western interests where investment is made..........either India will have to go to war and risk losing all its economy OR negotiate something with Pakistan and resolve these issues. India is doing the same state sponsored terrorism campaign in Pakistan, so Pakistan should just pay them back in full.......lets see how long India lasts and can sustain compared to the bombing campaign we have sustained thus far

Oh wow, thanks for promoting terrorism....

So you would definitely had a contended smile seeing Mumbai incident live in CNN/BBC etc, right bro? Or did you have a high when the BSE was attacked in the mumbai serial blast?

Did you tell in some other thread that you work in a law enforcement agency?

Hats off to you
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If the Illegal dams are blown up with strategic strikes that should resolve the water crisis

Hmm... Take a deep breath and think about it. We have spent $50 billion in the past couple of years in arming our forces. Even if a mnor fraction of that is used in retaliation, we are looking at a nuclear flash point. Also remember that Agni and Brahmos is not just for the independence day parade!
Joking apart

How long Can Pakistan last in a War Against India which has 10 times the resources.

Most of you do,nt even realise the HUGE DIFFERENCE in economic might netween india & Pakistan.

Pakistan threatening to attack India IS ON PAR to India threatening to invade USA

its a non starter..

Pakistan is in very bad state already financially dependant on USA grant aid and IMF loans. WOT and rising USA pressure on PAK GOV,T TO REIGN IN the army links to terror groups.

WAR on a much bigger more powerful neighbour for any reason is futile
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