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Water or War

When should Pakistan launch surgical strikes on Indian Dams

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i believe that this is a constructed dam that has stopped water flow considerably!
Beijing denies building a dam, plus pakistan does not have treaties with china, even if they were building a dam, its under construction, but india has already built dams.

Beijing denies building a dam this shows their real color they are keeping their best friend Pakistan in dark about it and stealing their water.:rofl::rofl::pakistan:

Water originated From Tibet (Occupied by China) >> Goes to India >> Then from India to Pakistan. If China builds a Dam how can India get water to supply it to Pakistan.:hitwall:

First they have said Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai and stabbed us now they are saying Pakistani Chini Bhai Bhai and stbbing you, they have not changed a bit.:rofl::rofl:

The proof of Chinese Dam is below a photograph from construction side and a Satellite photo taken by Indian Satellite.

Always at your service my brother

Water comes from Tibet (Under Chinese occupation)>>Goes to India (Jammu & Kashmir)>>then flows to Pakistan.

If China steals the Tibetan water then there will be no OR less water in Indian side then how Pakistan get the water.

Here China is the Thief not India, even a kid can understand that.

Chinese apne matlab ke pakke hote hain, bhai bhai bol ke chura bhokte hain, this is there reality.

China builds dam on Indus in Tibet,keeps Pakistan uninformed
Thursday, March 19, 2009
By Shahid Shah

KARACHI: Keeping the users of Indus River water uninformed, China has built a dam at catchment area of the river in Tibet at Senge-Ali.

Pakistani authorities remain unaware of the dam with the exception of some individuals who read about this in a book published recently.

Alice Albinia, a British journalist and writer who recently visited Indus up to its roots, wrote in her book ‘Empires of the Indus’ that the greater part of water in the River Indus came from its upper reaches, from Tibet, Ladakh and Baltistan, rather than from its Himalayan tributaries in the Punjab. “All the water that drains from these mountains, I remember, is currently being stopped by the new dam at Senge-Ali,” she wrote.

She visited the Indus from its end point Indus Delta to its catchment area and the point of start called Senge Khabad by Tibetans, which means the lion’s mouth. It is the only place, where water did not flow from the glaciers, but the ground and flow continued round the year.

On her way to Senge Khabab, she saw a huge dam with massive concrete curve looms up from the riverbed. “The structure itself is complete, but the hydroelectric elements on the riverbed are still being installed. There are pools of water this side of the dam, but no flow. The Indus has been stopped,” she writes.

The Indus, born some thirty to forty-five million years ago, is the oldest known river in the region. It is the 21st largest river in the world in terms of annual water flow. The total length of the river is 3,180 kilometres (1,976 miles). The river has a total drainage area exceeding 1,165,000 square kilometres (450,000 square miles).

“I feel sad for the river: for this wild and magnificent, modern, historic, prehistoric river; for this river which was flowing for millions of years before humans even saw it; for this river which has nurtured the earth since the land rose from the ocean,” she writes.

Majority of the water experts in Sindh remain unaware of any dam built in Tibet. Most of them are of the view that Indus does not start from one point. It has thousands of tributaries, said Eng. Naseer Memon, water expert.

Indus main tributaries were in Ladakh, Baltistan and Tibet, glaciers of Himalayas, but there was also occasionally monsoon support.

He said there was no major water flow upstream, so building a big dam was not feasible.

Idrees Rajput, former secretary irrigation, Sindh and water expert, said the major water flow started from Skardu downstream, so building a dam could only be helpful for power generation and not the irrigation purpose.

He said the dam at Senge-Ali was for the power generation purpose, which will have no impact over Indus River. “Indus water still flows,” he said.

China had not officially informed the government of Pakistan, as there was no treaty between China and Pakistan over shared waters. Similarly, India has right to build a dam on Indus for power generation with a maximum capacity of 0.25 MAF water.

Indus River’s inflow is 140 MAF in Pakistan, and the small dams will have no impact over us, said Rajput. Pakistan is building largest dams on Indus River with 6.4 or 7 MAF water capacity.

Rajput said they got to know about the dam through “Alice’s book,” but Indus discharge in Pakistan was not stopped.”

Released ahead of World Water Day on March 22, IUCN’s latest publication, “Share: Managing Water Across Boundaries,” shows that international rivers - those shared by neighbouring countries - provide an estimated 60 percent of the world’s freshwater.

There are some 260 international river basins in the world, which cover nearly half of the Earth’s surface and are home to 40 percent of the world’s population.

“We cannot understate the importance of water for life on this planet; it is as necessary as the air we breathe,” said Julia Marton LefËvre, IUCN’s Director General. “Governments must realize that river basins, not national borders are the boundaries around which effective water management must be drawn.”

China builds dam on Indus in Tibet,keeps Pakistan uninformed

China is also Diverting the Brahmaputra river.
But hey they are just looking out for their interests.
THE himalayas block most rainfall on the Chinese side. So they need the water. But so do everyone else.

We have the economic growth to set up De-salination plants if needed and Adapt to the rest of Climate change.
As well as control over other rivers in the region.
So India wont be too effected.

What shall Pakistan and Bangladesh do.
Who has more power and importance an general or a planning commission??

In India it is the prime minister, the general has no power to start a war unless instructed by PM to do so.
I wonder how long Pakistan can sustain a full frontal conventional war before collapsing then HAVING TO USE NUKES to stop India steam rolling THEM
This issuing is warming up and expected a war, if issue is not resolved. A new census about water shortage has been submitted in which two shocking facts been exposed.
1 . Pakistani Punjab is almost 50% dried. Agriculture land is totally dried.
2. Sotlaj river is now river of sand. Majority of South Punjab region has no water and infant death is increasing day by day.
But India is planning to build another five dams.(Don 't tell its for electric generation ).
And now Indian are building another damn in Kunnor, Afghanistan, so another water shortage in Kabul river .

Any solution ?
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War is imminent in 2-3 years unless drastic measures are taken

Un avoidable as India is building dams to steal water

War will happen

war MAY occur.
I doubt neither India nor Pakistan would take war as instrument.

The matter will be dealt on the table.

India for now is just stacking up it's cards to play, and solidify her position before coming to table.
India is playing Games i think.

They are so much stronger economically the indians are being complacent and cocky..

THEY KNOW that Water is a scare commodity in this region and they are squeezing Pakistan into a cornor..



blow them up if talking wont work and if they say( WTFFF) we say N BOMB anyone?? this is my personal view...
blow them up if talking wont work and if they say( WTFFF) we say N BOMB anyone?? this is my personal view...

I'm assuming u r referring to using PAF to blow them up. Ok, say....the blowing up mission fails. Say IAf intercepts the PAF and PAF can't blow up the dams. What happens then?
blow them up if talking wont work and if they say( WTFFF) we say N BOMB anyone?? this is my personal view...

Just ensure that the Yanks stock you up with enough weapons and replacement parts this time. It will be a boo boo if you start a war again and realise mid way after sanctions are put in place that your warehouses are running short of parts :coffee:

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