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Water or War

When should Pakistan launch surgical strikes on Indian Dams

  • 2011

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • 2010

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • 2012

    Votes: 14 34.1%
  • 2015

    Votes: 10 24.4%

  • Total voters
by mistake i voted 2010 i was meant to vote in 2012
No offense but this is an idiotic poll

War isn't a bloody game, and nukes aren't watterballoons

That beig said, water is a very important issue and will most likely be the cause of an armed conflict, but if that happens the responsibility will on Indian shoulders as they have the means to prevent it. But if they keep pushig forward like they are now, the consequences will be severe for the subcontinent . It will do more damage to India than it will to Pakistan considering India needs to maintain it's current growth momentum.
Pakistan attacked India in Kargil 1999.

Paks lost 4000 men.

That was a limited war

Full scale war will cost Pakistan everything.

You are playing with a sleeping giant much stronger in every sense then PAKISTAN.

is it wise move ?????/

I won't even go into your blabbering about kargil, but will only ask you to think what war would mean for India.
I won't even go into your blabbering about kargil, but will only ask you to think what war would mean for India.

Even if he was blabbering, you didn't make sense either. It isn't going to be fruitful for us either, most probably worse for us.

Stop war mongering.
Opening Statement:
As the Human population of earth will increase the earth will become more peaceful ever not the opposite.(try to think or ask me to help)

Another immature thread. Why Pakistan will be aggressive and destructive but not constructive. You will spend billions on war but ll not spend a penny on water management and alternative ways to preserve this resource.

Thread stater is a warmonger for sure. Pakistan is dealing with a meaner nation. There is no free lunch anywhere. Also you can not bully India for water cause it will fire back at you in detail. Most of the articles about shortage of water lack research and are disseminated in public by warmongers but not scientists.
Many states in North India has bitter relationships with each other on water issues. We are pumping ground water for Agriculture and According to NASA satellite in next 20 years level of ground water will fall beyond the approach of any water pump and the land will turn into desert for sure. Unfortunately at that time to our convenience we shall not be able to blame it on anyone. India will be investing on more water preservation, control of all rivers under national authorities not states, linking all rivers, using sea water for all coastal states etc.

War is not the solution of everything, put pressure on your politicians not army, earn money, increase your GDP and prepare your self for more peaceful measures to preserve resources and management.

Only a pessimist nation can talk like this and i am 100% sure that Pakistani authorities are saner then theses war mongering blogger and stereotypes.
pen is Mightier then sword how bout for a change we try diplomacy
I think we shd not fight with each other. There is a lot to gain by being friends with each other. And I truely believe that by being friends with each other.. perhaps India will gain more. Its a rising power and by bilateral ties with Pak, India can fulfil its dream of becoming a regional power.

But having said that .. and no disrespect to my Indian friends here, I also believe that India will ask for a war by the way its acting. We don't want to fight but if you stop our water will we have another choice? That reminds me .. there has been a spiritual intelligence given to us 1400 years back about 'Ghazwa Hind' and that it will be under Muslim rule again! If it isn't going to PaK then who else?!
I think we shd not fight with each other. There is a lot to gain by being friends with each other. And I truely believe that by being friends with each other.. perhaps India will gain more. Its a rising power and by bilateral ties with Pak, India can fulfil its dream of becoming a regional power.

But having said that .. and no disrespect to my Indian friends here, I also believe that India will ask for a war by the way its acting. We don't want to fight but if you stop our water will we have another choice? That reminds me .. there has been a spiritual intelligence given to us 1400 years back about 'Ghazwa Hind' and that it will be under Muslim rule again! If it isn't going to be PaK then who else?

Fear is no Policy, and Surrender is certainly not an option!
I think the point of the poll was to analyse the situation , pakistan is in

a) Water terrorism (This is matter of life or death)
b) Cross border , interference in Balouchistan )This we can may be say ok we forgive)
c) Kashmire issue (This we can discuss with UN vote no problem)

Considering at present both :china::pakistan: are being targeted, now that India managed to foolishly get China involved , the probbability and stakes are veryvery high

I just feel as a General , I would probbly strike down india prior to 2015, unless they cooperate , why wait for indians to get any new aircraft carriers or ships ?

Hammer the nail down - while it can be hammered.

Unless this river issue changes - its probbly going to be war by 2013


The issue of Water Theft is well you know you have 3-4 days before ppl start dieing and farms being destroyed so its a very serious issue and sergical strikes will be needed to open some openings for better flow of water in the dams

The reality is Pakistan is cornered tiger and if we do not see breathing room , we will eventually bite back and bite hard
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But bro .. we are already fighting within our borders! There is so much we can do. We cant fight two fronts at the same time can we?! But I agree this is a very big problem and it needs to be sorted. I am sure Indians being Indians will push us to the limit and we will eventually have to do it!! Lets see what happens. But given the current situation I doubt if we can do it before 2011 till this so called WoT comes to some sort of conclusion! Dont you think Gabbar Bhai? :)
Rivers passing through multiple countries of course bring legal disputes between the two(or more than two) countries. It is high time that we look at the Indus Water Treaty again and seek to revise it.
A proposal I'm going reading right now titled "Water sharing conflicts between countries and approaches to solving them". read here
War is something that must be avoided but Its not for Pakistan it is for India to stop harassing Pakistan from every point..over the past 2 decades India has violated all water treaties with Pakistan...in short All discussion for the past 2 decades have failed how long will Pakistan keep on pressing India to come to the table to discuss water issues India is sensible country if they wanted they could have done the right things but they did not..I would hope that War never takes place...But again how long will India resist..Resistance is Futile in a end case scenario that'll consume both nations..
I just hear Pakistani members going on and on about how India's is causing them to go dry. I don't see any of them quoting data to show how much the water flow has decreased. And is the flow on the Indian side increasing? Are the Indians using more than they are allowed to? Have we considered factors like over-population? If that's the case then why was Pakistan's case thrown out of the tribunal the last time it took India to court over the Indus Water Treaty. If indeed India is stealing water, there are international forums for it.

Nobody wants war. Least of all India, as rightly pointed out by many Pakistani members. India has more to lose as the thriving economy wouldn't be able to recuperate from the long term tangible and intangible effects of war. As for GoP, I don't want to be a war-monger but currently they can't handle a war on two fronts. Plus lets not forget the big daddy of all, the US of A. As long as the WoT is on in Af-P@K, it will never allow any issue to be a distraction.

And on a lighter note, pray tell me where all the water is going if indeed India's stealing it. I am currently putting up in Gurgaon and the water situation is as bad here as it was 5 years back. And if India's premier industrial and knowledge center like Gurgaon can't get Govt. water for more than 5 hours a day, I don't know if they are putting the stolen water to some other use.
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