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When should Pakistan launch surgical strikes on Indian Dams

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Well karan........theres the difference, Pakistan confronted MMS with it and forced him to acknowledge the issue of India and Balochistan.

Secondly, that quote I copied from Emogirl's account from Hitler, exist for India and 26/11.

I believe I have posted this before and is kind of off topic but will do so again as you don;t seem to get it unless repeated:

Terrorists from Pakistan, trained to a high level to carry out attacks like 26/11, travelled 500 miles from Karachi to Mumbai, in a merchant ship, which can only travel at 8 kph into India, undetected, who then broke into smaller dingies, rowed into an Indian coast, separated, found the location and assasinated Mr Karkare, the man in charge of investigating none other, Colonel Prohit, the SERVING Indian Army Officer who was involved in killing people INSIDE india and attempting to blame Muslims, by their various techniques and procedures (too long to go into), anyways, kill Mr Karkare and his henchmen, go on a killing spree across Mumbai, trained so well that they can execute a plan to such precision where they hold off the Indian special forces, but only stupid enough to use their radios to remind each other that if they get caught that they are to say that they are from Hyderabad in India and not Pakistan......One terrorist survives, seen branding an assault rifle wearing a saffron on his wrist, believed to be a fanatic, hence the suicide attack but conforms more towards the Hindu tradition..................hhhhmmmmmmmmmmNeed I say more

What was it that I said earlier

The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one - Adolf Hitler

Only one thing you should say- you were born stupid or just feighning to be one??? Do you know seven persons (other than Hafeez Said)were arrested for conspiring 26/11 by Pak authority and indicted by a Court in Pakistan. Instead of acting as a 'detective without head' follow the proceeding of the case in your own court. BSTD.

Why dont you read news paper (reputed) available in your country???

Surviving gunman’s identity established as Pakistani
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Surviving-gunmans-identity-established-as-Pakistani-ss

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani authorities during the course of their own investigations into the Mumbai carnage have established that the only surviving terrorist Ajmal Kasab is a Pakistani national.

After series of conflicting statements by various officials representing different sections of the government, it was officially acknowledged that Dawn News TV’s news item about the official investigation report regarding Ajmal Kasab’s identity was correct.

Earlier, a high-ranking government official had told Dawn that the preliminary finding had provided enough information to conclude that the man at present in India’s custody was from a Punjab village, and perhaps belonged to a militant group that was bent upon destabilising the region by undermining the peace process.

The official, who requested anonymity, said the authorities were examining all parts of the puzzle on the basis of their own investigation, as well as the information provided by India and the Americans.

However, he said there was no doubt in the minds of the investigators that the captured terrorist was a Pakistani. ‘Sadly it has been established that Kasab is a Pakistani national.’

But within minutes of the revelation, confusing, and somewhat conflicting, statements started emanating from different sections of the government in Islamabad. While the Indian television channel CNN-IBN quoted Pakistan’s National Security Adviser Mehmud Durrani as saying that Ajmal Kasab’s identity as a Pakistani had been established, Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir told the same channel that it was premature to say anything because the investigations were continuing.

In the midst of all this, American news agency APTN quoted Information Minister Sherry Rehman as confirming that Ajmal Kasab in fact was a Pakistani national. The minister later confirmed it to Dawn that ‘he is Pakistani’ and that investigation are ongoing.

Similarly, the Foreign Office which at the initial stage appeared either detached from reality or completely out of the loop, admitted by broadcasting through the state-run PTV that Ajmal Kasab was indeed Pakistani.

During the course of Dawn’s own investigation, a number of senior officials in the interior ministry and police said that investigations were started soon after the initial reports had suggested that Ajmal Kasab might be a Pakistani national.

But the authorities wanted to be doubly sure about his identity because there was no record of Kasab and his family in the national database maintained by Nadra. Details of preliminary investigations submitted to the government have still not been made public.

The official who confirmed to Dawn about the preliminary investigation report said Kasab was the son of Amir Kasab and Mrs Noor Illahi. But the identity of other militants killed in Mumbai is yet to be established.

Senior security officials, however, said that preliminary investigations had established that the militants were operating on their own and had absolutely no link with any section of the country’s security apparatus.

A top ranking western diplomat also confirmed to Dawn that there was no linkage between the terrorists who carried out the Mumbai carnage and the Pakistani security agencies, particularly the ISI.

‘There is ample evidence to prove that most of the terrorists belonged to Pakistan,’ the diplomat said. ‘But there is not even a shred of evidence to suggest that the ISI or any other Pakistani intelligence agency had any links with these terrorists,’ the diplomat said.

‘And this is not based on what the Pakistanis have been telling us, as we have double checked it on our own,’ the diplomat added.

The remarks belie the latest claim by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who on Tuesday had tried to up the ante by directly accusing the Pakistani security apparatus of being involved in the Mumbai carnage. Pakistan has already rejected the Indian accusation in the strongest terms.

In a related development a statement by Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani also said the Pakistan’s investigations into the Mumbai attacks had made progress. He said that some information of an interim nature on Indian investigations had been received. He did not elaborate.
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Son.. the dam is on the same rivers that originate from Tibet and flow to pakistan via india. Indus and Satluj both originate in China..


Dams on River YANGTZEE & its tributaries:

Laxiwa dam
Liujiaxia dam
Xiaolangdi dam

Manwan dam
Nuozhadu dam
Xiaowan dam

Longtan dam

Banqiao dam

YANGTZEE RIVER: longest river in china and asia and third in the world 6300km long originates from qinghai province and flows east wards into east china sea.

YELLOW RIVER:second largest in china,sixth largest in the world 5,464km in length,originating in qinghai province and falls into north east of china into bohai sea.

MEKONG RIVER OR LANCANG RIVER:flows from tibetan plateau it runs through china’s yunan province,burma,thailand,laos,combodia,and vietnam and then falls into sea.

PEARL RIVER(guangdong river or canton river or yuejiang river)
It flows into south china sea b/w hongkong and macau.

If indus originates there it does’nt mean that it is in full might there it just might have a form of small stream unfisible for a dam structure like nile after crossing two countries takes a form of a proper river,since u r a smart kid why don’t u tell me what dam has china got on indus and I want a dam not a barrage ,or is it just ur indian media bias which informed u abt that. I checked all the chinese dams and no one of them is on river indus unless I am missing something that u know enlighten me sonny boy.

And sutluj under IWT belongs to u we don’t give a f*** abt that river.
If indus originates there it does’nt mean that it is in full might there it just might have a form of small stream unfisible for a dam structure like nile after crossing two countries takes a form of a proper river,since u r a smart kid why don’t u tell me what dam has china got on indus and I want a dam not a barrage ,or is it just ur indian media bias which informed u abt that. I checked all the chinese dams and no one of them is on river indus unless I am missing something that u know enlighten me sonny boy.

China builds dam on Indus in Tibet,keeps Pakistan uninformed
Pakistan doesn't need to go to war......they need to instruct the ISI to hit India where it hurts ie.e. the economical centre targetting Western interests where investment is made

And you think we westerners will let ISI live in peace ? Remember Bush said we will bomb u to the stone ages. Carry on with your terrorist attitude officially and the next drone strike will be on ISI HQ.


Oky this story is narrated by a pakistani journalist who supposedly read a book by some westerner Alice Albinia, a British journalist,who claims to have seen a huge dam on indus in china but why then there is no mention of the dam’ name plz the X secretary of irrigation sindh must have loved to get his name in the spot light afterhis glory days,and his analysis no where suggests that he has himself or any member of gvt during his days in office visit or even ask the chinese the name of the dam if it really exists that is,his source in the end also happens to be this book by a british a author just gr8,but hey that’s why it was published in a feature where any analyst with a spicy story without facts can get his selling story published not in the news section where u have to give facts and proper sources not x this and x that.

Why did’nt the journalist go to the proper authorties and ask a question there man not good enough to back up the claims.

NOTE: personally i think brits are the most cunning people on the planet a s we call them in urdu mithey churi hain saley brits
And you think we westerners will let ISI live in peace ? Remember Bush said we will bomb u to the stone ages. Carry on with your terrorist attitude officially and the next drone strike will be on ISI HQ.


like u can afford to go on war with a secret service which is some wat on ur side for now,if u openly declare war on isi then make sure to send enough body bags and cofins for british soldiers in afghanistan,isi can break looose all hell in afgahnstan if it will take one side only.

if u could u would have ,u don't have the guts,to mess with only 10000 men becuz u know there political and military power lies far beyond pakistani borders even ur country so think abt it.

US doesn't have the guts to do any such crazy thing as to attack any Pakistani installations. How much will US be able to take on its plate after making several wars in a short time span, before throwing up :sick: Remember you guys still have to make war with Iran.
like u can afford to go on war with a secret service which is some wat on ur side for now,if u openly declare war on isi then make sure to send enough body bags and cofins for british soldiers in afghanistan,isi can break looose all hell in afgahnstan if it will take one side only.

if u could u would have ,u don't have the guts,to mess with only 10000 men becuz u know there political and military power lies far beyond pakistani borders even ur country so think abt it.

we dont need to go to war...

we can play havoc in ur country too..like every week there is bomb blast in ur messed up country...

so remember when u think of using covert war...the other side will also use it...in the end ..no one will win...every 1 will lose..
like u can afford to go on war with a secret service which is some wat on ur side for now,if u openly declare war on isi then make sure to send enough body bags and cofins for british soldiers in afghanistan,isi can break looose all hell in afgahnstan if it will take one side only.

if u could u would have ,u don't have the guts,to mess with only 10000 men becuz u know there political and military power lies far beyond pakistani borders even ur country so think abt it.

Right now even we can't do as good a job of causing mayhem in Pakistan as you guys are doing on your own.
Enough said.

If the war in the west wasn't going on, this would've been exercised long ago. India will never come attacking us, we're justified in blowing up these dams and India chickened out of many attacks.

The water issue is strong enough to test Indian resolve.
Just curious.

After blowing up the dams, how do propose to contain those millions of tones of stored water that would surely be gushing into Pakistan, overflowing the banks, flooding the villages, submerging the farm lands for weeks - probably even months, killing and displacing thousands - probably millions of poor farmers, effectively destroying a section of Pakistan's rural economy and possibly resulting in severe food shortages?

Or is it the usual bite-the-nose-to-spite-the-face approach that some Pakistanis seem to prefer when it comes to India.
Just curious.

After blowing up the dams, how do propose to contain those millions of tones of stored water that would surely be gushing into Pakistan, overflowing the banks, flooding the villages, submerging the farm lands for weeks - probably even months, killing and displacing thousands - probably millions of poor farmers, effectively destroying a section of Pakistan's rural economy and possibly resulting in severe food shortages?

Or is it the usual bite-the-nose-to-spite-the-face approach that some Pakistanis seem to prefer when it comes to India.

I don't think it is worth reasoning with some people. As I mentioned before, their propensity for terrorism is matched only by their imperviousness to facts.

The real issue is that Punjabi elites want to steal water from Sindh and Balochistan. See Punjab storms out of Irsa meeting. In order to divert attention from their theft, they are frothing against India.
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Injustice is the reason for all wars, if UN & India would work on the solution of kashmir in 1948 (after resolution was passed), then their was no reason for 1965,71, 86, 99 etc. Same here, if india would has stop the baghliar dam, never worked on tunnel to steal pakistan water, & UN was also willing to resolve the problem on positive notes then what is the reason for pakistanis who are crying for war because their land is getting dried down?
like u can afford to go on war with a secret service which is some wat on ur side for now,if u openly declare war on isi then make sure to send enough body bags and cofins for british soldiers in afghanistan,isi can break looose all hell in afgahnstan if it will take one side only.

if u could u would have ,u don't have the guts,to mess with only 10000 men becuz u know there political and military power lies far beyond pakistani borders even ur country so think abt it.

Are u mentally retarded ? :victory: Your fellow poster wanted ISI to attack our interests in India first. Before you get on a high horse see how easily the drone attacks take place in your country without your permission before going on a jingoistic horse manure on how tough you are.


US doesn't have the guts to do any such crazy thing as to attack any Pakistani installations. How much will US be able to take on its plate after making several wars in a short time span, before throwing up :sick: Remember you guys still have to make war with Iran.

So you are calling your IDOL Zahid hamid a liar ? He said the repeated strikes on ISI are Black Water sponsored.

Self Goal.

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