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'Watching Geo is Haraam,' Sunni Ittehad Council issues fatwa

As a outsider, viewing Pakistan primarily through the western media, supplemented by my readings and interchanges here on PDF, I fear that such "right wing goons" have far too much power in Pakistani society. I worry that they are powerful enough to ruin Pakistan for decades. I want to believe that "no one in their right mind can agree with them" but the evidence of the violence and mayhem they cause contradicts you. SOMEONE must take they seriously, and even seriously enough to seek martyrdom in the name of their fatwas.

Your assessment is not too out of place. I would like to correlate this problem to a cancer. The extremists in our society have gotten louder from 1979 onwards due to subsequent wars from 1979-1989, Afghan civil war from 1991-1996, Taliban rule in Afghanistan from 1998-2001 and American invasion from 2001-2014-15.

Extremists in any society get louder and grow powerful to spread terror in the time of regional instability. Afghanistan and Pakistan are literally a single country with two names as the border is non existent. So whatever hits the fan over there, hits the floor down here too.

The problem we are talking about can be fixed, but it cannot be done overnight. The public sentiment is boiling against them, their ridiculous fatwas only fuel the anger against them. Pakistanis vent their anger at the right wing at the ballot box as no right wing party has EVER been able to secure more than 6% of the popular vote. How this can be translated into destroying their street/violent power will need time and careful planning. As the law and order situation in Pakistan improves the focus will shift to them and soon enough they would be at the receiving end of the Pakistani stick since bigger threats would no longer be present.
There is something wrong here.

Without divulging into details about who really wanted GEO to show this - Why is ISI looking for political support here?

Amrika is going to release kickbacks given to the army etc?

That $200 billion news few weeks ago in Switzerland...

Something is wrong here.

Its not that straight forward.

People within GEO are collaborating with certain state actors here.
I personally don't like Quawallis it's a thing we adopted with dozens other of mixed culture things from India ( what I guess Quawallis adopted by Sikh Madhab ) to sing it with Music and clapping hands while using Holy names sound not perfect as per Islamic teachings and culture.
Well, on the topic, what GEO did in it morning show is absolutely condemnable but what M. Luqman is doing is like giving more flames to the fire, in the society we are living you can't ignore the fact that listening to him make someone to take the laws on their own hands and kill and burn things on the name of Islam might be happen.
Geo has crossed all limits.

After defaming ISI, it is after the religion. How can anyone compare a slut like Veena Malik with the most eminent woman of Islam who is revered around the Islamic world?

Geo has been offending people of Pakistan but Nawaz govt will not take action as Geo was part of election rigging plan.
If they ban Geo where will you watch your serials? :P
its a news channel .. geo have one channel showing serials .. called geo kahani .. no body watch is .. geo has monopoly in news sectopr only .. they have like 70 percent of viewer ship
I am not a Geo fan and I was angry while I see this BS ... But today another thing come in my knowledge ... Same malicious thing has been happened in ARY marriage ... There just two differences .........
1) There is an ordinary couple in ARY but in Geo notorious Veena and her husband was a couple ...........
2) Nowadays Geo is under the cloud and ARY is trying to getting maximum benefit of this situation .............

Mubashir Lucman had said in his 14th May program that he was hurt and he has no problem with Veena ... In fact if his own sister was there in place of Veena he must be hurt due to this thing ... But he didn't conduct any program against his own channel ... Both channel did wrong and both programs are condemnable but this is his hypocrisy that he is silent against his channel ..................
Yes all such channels should be reigned.
If they ban Geo where will you watch your serials? :P

Nothing and i meaning nothing will stop us, if it a case of our national security and about Islam. We are born fighters and will fight for that till our last breath :pakistan:

I know that it is very thin line between right and wrong and we should carefully check every thing before came to conclusions
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I personally don't like Quawallis it's a thing we adopted with dozens other of mixed culture things from India ( what I guess Quawallis adopted by Sikh Madhab ) to sing it with Music and clapping hands while using Holy names sound not perfect as per Islamic teachings and culture.
Well, on the topic, what GEO did in it morning show is absolutely condemnable but what M. Luqman is doing is like giving more flames to the fire, in the society we are living you can't ignore the fact that listening to him make someone to take the laws on their own hands and kill and burn things on the name of Islam might be happen.

M.luqman is journalist and it's his duty to show each and every news to viewers. The people who are responsible are the mir shakil and pemra.
M.luqman is journalist and it's his duty to show each and every news to viewers. The people who are responsible are the mir shakil and pemra.
Agreed but the educated and bright minded peoples aware how to act in civilized manner to face the heat, our remain 75% uneducated and jehadis type peoples don't! They act on blind faith and these type of sensitive issues should be tackle wisely not with Josh.
fatwa against media lol ! great going

end result will be an increase in GEO's viewership .. controversial media sells
Fatwa was not against that qawwali it was against that show which violated the rules of pemra. And hurt sentiments of muslims all around world

It should have been against the qawali too. Wording is exhibiting shirk.

Ahl e bait are NOT a thing which these guys are using for own earning.

This is condemnable in all its forms. This is NOT aqeedat rather this is blasphemy that too deliberately .

fatwa against media lol ! great going

end result will be an increase in GEO's viewership .. controversial media sells

fatwas dont work these days. PEMRA should either be disbanded or it should fulfill its responsibilities
People dont get sucked into this mullah propoganda as they have got no interest with preservation of religion what so ever.
oh great another fatwa, just what we need, well it seems like i will be doing Haraam things now
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