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Watch: Unseen footage of 26/11 attack

and even if there is a footage he will then say..guns were fake..blood is just paint..all are actors from bollywood..lol..

blood of the people of his own religion is true..and killing them is barbaric..otherwise, all other people who die or are killed is all drama, and are of no importance as they are not from his religion or region ..hope you understand this.
Omar Saeed Sheikh has been sentenced to death for abducting and murdering US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 why has Pakistan not hanged him yet?

Good counter argument- but i do not reply to these types of posts-- it leads no where- and diverts from topic at hand- you want to discuss it- find a thread for him-

and if thats your justification for not hanging kassab- then God Bless you--
Good counter argument- but i do not reply to these types of posts-- it leads no where- and diverts from topic at hand- you want to discuss it- find a thread for him-

and if thats your justification for not hanging kassab- then God Bless you--

There's no justification yaar. You think you want to see him dead more than we want to see him dead?

You're sadly mistaken.

We want him dead more than anybody else because he killed OUR people, not yours.

But we will not twist the course of the law in a fit of rage.

Such things set very bad precedent. More so for a democracy.
and even if there is a footage he will then say..guns were fake..blood is just paint..all are actors from bollywood..lol..
who knows..wat u r saying may be true too....

RSS ka Shadayantra 26/11?

Good counter argument- but i do not reply to these types of posts-- it leads no where- and diverts from topic at hand- you want to discuss it- find a thread for him-

and if thats your justification for not hanging kassab- then God Bless you--

Death penalty is the easy option out why not let them rot in jail and ponder their heinous actions this I feel would be a much harsher sentence.

True and 9/11 was inside job.

So now we have to furnish footage for your sadistic pleasure?

and even if there is a footage he will then say..guns were fake..blood is just paint..all are actors from bollywood..lol..

This is a nice way to say-- Hey i do not want to play with you- i am a winner-

Anyway-- kassab is not hanged yet- why?
164 died,,, 306 injured,,,, A deserted Hotel with many seurity cameras,,, show us just one footage with any of those 164+306 getting shot...!!!

All footages show an empty hotel & no video of even a single person getting a bullet that camera recorded...!!!

Only footage with a person getting shot was also a fake... since that person was energetic enough to run around with his shot hand & show it to camera-crew around him to get maximum coverage...

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& by-the-way who's that suited-booted guy with commandos...??? An agent supervising the drama... :)

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Kasab was in indian custody since 2006,,, how he could have travelled to india in 2008...??? that too making sure to carry his Pakistani passport with him...

oh $hit !! so everyone knows the secret now ?? damn ! :angry:
Death penalty is the easy option out why not let them rot in jail and ponder their heinous actions this I feel would be a much harsher sentence.

I think the victim's families wants him dead- and they do not agree with your idea of getting pleasure-
as I would expect indian to respect my courts, i will respect theirs and their decision
I think the victim's families wants him dead- and they do not agree with your idea of getting pleasure-

In Indian law, we do not have the scope of resolving matters the way the victims' family wants.

In Indian law, the victims' family doesn't matter.

The victims' death does matter.
Indian Drama of "Mumbai" Attacks

(1)Two of alleged "Pakistani" terrorists talking in typical "Indian" accent. Like one says "كهالى"(meaning "empty") which is typical of Indian accent to pronunce "خالى" as "كهالى".
"Khali ho giya hay nahi toe char-panch soo admi ko mar daltay"... how real :rofl:
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(2)Actor screems long after last shot was fired ...&... just before bringing his "bleeding" hand in front of camera.
Then keeps running around showing his hand to cameramen to get it maximum coverage.
Someone pulls actor by arm to bring his hand in camera's view. so that camera can have a better shot.
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(3) Asian Tribune:- India, Backed By Mosaad & CIA, Plans To Attack Pakistan Nuclear Installations Using Taliban

& indeed!!!It's India via it's 18 consulates in Afghanistan with help from CIA, MI-6 & ofcourse Mosad. Using & buying poor Afghanis & some fenatic Pakistanis to carry-out these bombings.
These un-circumcised terrorists killed by Pakistan forces were indian agents as NO "real" muslim fighting to implement islamic laws would like to stay un-circumcised himself.
WARNING - Explicit content - Following link contains Naked photos of terrorists killed by Pak forces.
& an example of such disguised agents was British agents caught by Iraqi police dressed as terrorists & shooting at innocent civilians.
& to keep anymore of their secrets from getting exposed, British forces raided Iraqi jail & freed their secret agents.
2, 3, 4,

(4) It was alleged that ALL terrorists came from Pakistan via sea on a boat. Listen to this terrorist he himself said he was from Indian Haiderabad-Dakan & NOT from Pakistani Haiderabad.
Listen to this another terrorist speaking in typical Indian accent & speaking words of Hindi:-
Example of hindi words he spoke are:-(This is NOT the Pakistani language)
shanti, pershasin, pariwar, itihaas, seena, aatink-waad etc.
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On 15 January 2010, in a successful snatch operation R&AW agents nabbed Sheikh Abdul Khwaja, one of the handlers of the 26/11 attacks, chief of HuJI India operations and a most wanted terror suspect in India, from Colombo, Sri Lanka, and brought him over to Hyderabad, India for formal arrest.

These are the cowards we need to be catching
(5)Satelite phone caught
I don't see any hint of these Phone #s being Pakistani......!!!!!
(Listen to newscaster saying "These numbers go back to Pakistan Jalalabad......"WHAT????? Jalalabad is in Afghanistan knuckle head.)
Where's the city & country codes??? Lets Suppose this phone doesn't show country/city codes......
Karachi & Lahore numbers were 7-digit numbers when these attacks happened. While numbers on this satellite-phone screen are 8-digited. Karachi's & Lahore's numbers are made 8-digited starting from July-1st-2009. Even then 7-digits numbers will keep working from July-1 till Sep-30-2009(Link).
If someone is thinking these might be cell phone #s....!! Pakistani cell phone numbers are like this 0123-1234567 i.e., they are 11 digits in total & if u exclude company code(0123) then they are 7-digited.
While Mumbai(India) #s were switched to 8-digits in 2002......(Link)
As r the #s on phone, while allegedly being of Jalalabad...!!!
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(6)u heard terrorist in video in above post that they had grudge against Indian attrosities like Gujrat Massacre & Babri Mosque, that's why they were doing this......
.......While this eye-witness tells they had grudge against America & Britian..... & they were looking for someone with british or american passports..... Similarly they choose to attack Jewish center.
Actually these were indian agents trying to get USA/UK/Israel turn against pakistan & to get their sympathies.
Also notice that above eyewitness & this one both Britishers are having their faces blackened with somesort of soot or make-up may be.....!!!! Too much stress by media on witnesses being Foeigners,,,

Indians follow American method of killing their own ppl & blame it on someone else.....
Search USS Liberty... The US Navy ship attacked by israelis by will of US president to blame it on Egypt........ Russians witnessed the attack so they had to change the plan.....
Alex Jones with Webster Tarpley,
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