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Watch: Unseen footage of 26/11 attack

(8)India has more consulates in Afghanistan than in USA...!!! WHY? What are they all doing there??? They are cover for R.A.W to operate. R.A.W pays monthly salaries of 10 to 20 thousand rupees to these combatants to fight against Pakistan.
Like this one:-
On information given by following Behraam khan another arrest was made of Moosa Khan....(Next video)
Moosa Khan:-
3 more R.A.W agents arrested:-
= = = = = = = = = =
(9)I posted a video of an actor running around with his injured" hand....
Here's Another "ACTOR", with heavily plastered-painless hand, look how he explains everything using that injured hand...... moving fingers..... this plaster is put on for fractured/dislocated bones, which are extremely painful on movements...... u can NOT move ur hand like this with fractured bones even if u r on high dose morphine.....
This reminds me of a british ACTOR with flimsy bandage on......eyewitness account

(110)He has been in custody of indian forces since 2006..... He was trained by RAW for this drama

1st video above shows interview of an N.G.O lawyer who filed the case in NEPAL about his abduction by indian forces from NEPAL......

RAW is holding even more Pakistanis which they "implant" in different attacks inside india & then show their Pakistani I.Ds to blame Pakistan...

Remember 2001 parliment attack & Gujrat massacre????
It was blamed on Pakistan & Muslims respectively, only to be exposed later by indian own police like Kurkary etc that it was work of indian agencies.........

Kurkary proved that the TRAIN was NOT set on fire by muslims rather by an indian army officer & his men...... search it u pigeon, open ur eyes , cat it about to scratch u too.....

Why those "terrorists" entring india secretly, would take their PASSPORTs to india???
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@ Sur

Wow I have heard that one before!! My time machine works!! It is 2008 again!!
There's no justification yaar. You think you want to see him dead more than we want to see him dead?

You're sadly mistaken.

We want him dead more than anybody else because he killed OUR people, not yours.

But we will not twist the course of the law in a fit of rage.

Such things set very bad precedent. More so for a democracy.

As a human i want him dead- that clears one thing-

Other thing- Your democracy will not be at stake if you just hang him now- every one knows what he did and what was he part off -courts did gave him death sentence- isn't it? You gave him right to appeal over facts? Clear case of guilty- That created a bad precedent-
You got all the sympathies of the world you want- all you have to do is Hang him- Case Closed- The more you prolong it the more eyes will lift-
This is a nice way to say-- Hey i do not want to play with you- i am a winner-

Anyway-- kassab is not hanged yet- why?

I needn't attach myself to whatever argument I'm invited to.

3 years are rather pretty quick considering how things work in India, ask ajtr, he was complaining in some other thread that kasab was convicted so early because he is a muslim. There are cases which are pending for 2/3 decades. India laws believe you're innocent until proven guilty.
As a human i want him dead- that clears one thing-

Other thing- Your democracy will not be at stake if you just hang him now- every one knows what he did and what was he part off -courts did gave him death sentence- isn't it? You gave him right to appeal over facts? Clear case of guilty- That created a bad precedent-
You got all the sympathies of the world you want- all you have to do is Hang him- Case Closed- The more you prolong it the more eyes will lift-

Bhai mere we can't do anything.

This is how we do it:

1. He is proven guilty in a court.

2. He appeals to the high court agains the judgement.

3. The High court finds him guilty.

4. He appeals in the supreme court.

5. The supreme court finds him guilty.

6. He appeals to the president with a mercy petition.

7. The president rejects the mercy petition.

8. He is hanged.

Being a democracy, there's no step in this process that we can skip .
We are waiting for the right time ... :azn:

That says it all- you are not serious in getting him punished for his crimes-
Say this to one of the victim families and they'll punch you-
Ajmal Kasab kidnapped from Nepal before 2006: Lawyer
Monday December 15, 2008 (1058 PST)

RAWALPINDI: A Pakistani lawyer C M Farooque claimed that many people, including Ajmal Kasab, were arrested before 2006 from Kathmandu by the Indian agencies with the help of Nepalese forces.
He said Ajmal Kasab went to the Napalese capital on a business tour. His application regarding his arrest was lying pending in the Nepalese Supreme Court in which a reply was sought from Nepalese forces and Indian High Commission.

While talking to the Geo News, C M Farooque Advocate said the Nepalese forces arrested almost 200 people including Ajmal Kasab before 2006 and his application in this regard was lying pending in the Nepalese Supreme Court in which Nepalese forces and Indian High Commission were made respondents.

The advocate said he wrote letters to Pakistan and Indian governments in this regard. He said that he had also addressed a press conference in Nepal highlighting the issue in which he revealed that the Nepalese forces arrested Ajmal Kasab and many others and held them at an unknown place and that these people would be used for their ulterior designs at some later stage. He said that he had no contact with Ajmal Kasab ever since he disappeared.

The lawyer said he was still pleading the case of Kasab and was to visit Nepal towards the end of this month. The Nepalese Supreme Court had repeatedly issued notices to the respondents to furnish their reply but they did not submit any reply.

Advocate Farooque said he had filed the petition in the Nepalese Supreme Court in February 2008. He said he was running an NGO, �Voice of Human and Prisoners Rights� and the parents of Ajmal Kasab contacted him for help in this regard after appealing to the Pakistan Government for help.

The people arrested in Nepal had gone there on legal visa for business but Indian agencies were in the habit of capturing Pakistanis from Nepal and afterwards implicated them in the Mumbai-like incidents to malign Pakistan.
Bhai mere we can't do anything.

This is how we do it:

1. He is proven guilty in a court.

2. He appeals to the high court agains the judgement.

3. The High court finds him guilty.

4. He appeals in the supreme court.

5. The supreme court finds him guilty.

6. He appeals to the president with a mercy petition.

7. The president rejects the mercy petition.

8. He is hanged.

Being a democracy, there's no step in this process that we can skip .

Sir i think some thing is seriously wrong with this show off judiciary system- as i can remember- the Afzal Guru's petition to president is still unanswered-- nor its been rejected- nor approved- thus delaying his death-
So we can fairly and safely assume that in Indian democracy Ajmal Kassab will live his full natural life?-
That says it all- you are not serious in getting him punished for his crimes-
Say this to one of the victim families and they'll punch you-
Don't you guys want to try him too? After all he is a Pakistani citizen... he should get his share of fair trial as well?
Sir i think some thing is seriously wrong with this show off judiciary system- as i can remember- the Afzal Guru's petition to president is still unanswered-- nor its been rejected- nor approved- thus delaying his death-

Yaar Afzal Guru's case is different. It is mired by dirty politics as well as bureaucratic lethargy.

So we can fairly and safely assume that in Indian democracy Ajmal Kassab will live his full natural life?-

Kasab's case is different in that there's no dirty politics being played over him.

Although lemme tell you something very interesting.

If Kasab appeals to the president and his mercy petition is rejected, his file will be lined up after Afzal Guru's.

What that means is that first Afzal Guru has to be hanged and only then Kasab can be hanged because of serial no. thingy.

So we might actually see Afzal Guru being hanger pretty soon lol.

Ek teer se do shikaar.
You think we're heartless and that too for our own people?

i dont know- ask him who is waiting for the right moment- to whom i have replied in the above post-

P.S What is the right moment?- ask him that too-
Don't you guys want to try him too? After all he is a Pakistani citizen... he should get his share of fair trial as well?

Pakistani or not- i am not here to answer that- i asked a very simple and blunt question- and you are continuously trying to divert and go off topic-
Troll to many- became an habbit- eh?- Sorry- not interested-
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