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Watch: Unseen footage of 26/11 attack

thankyou pakistan thankyo very much for creating such a beautiful drama that took the lives of innocent.while countries produce scientists and doctors and send them to others countries you have certainly excelled in creating TERRORISTS lurking for blood of the innocent and as charity begins at home your qualified professionals are also busy doing some home practice as well.you have given so much bad things front he land of pure that you don't have the right to be called that anymore.
Judiciary my foot!! Swines like Kasab& Afzal Guru should be hanged without trial! India has not learnt it's lesson despite IC 814 !!
thankyou pakistan thankyo very much for creating such a beautiful drama that took the lives of innocent.while countries produce scientists and doctors and send them to others countries you have certainly excelled in creating TERRORISTS lurking for blood of the innocent and as charity begins at home your qualified professionals are also busy doing some home practice as well.you have given so much bad things front he land of pure that you don't have the right to be called that anymore.

Stop this rhetorics- its not gonna bring your dead back-

Dont mock the name of my country- i am not jahil like you to fall to your level- If your are bursting with emotions- go and hit a wall- :argh:

Post Reported-
Judiciary my foot!! Swines like Kasab& Afzal Guru should be hanged without trial! India has not learnt it's lesson despite IC 814 !!

Yup i agree- you should hang him ASAP- instead of using him as an Ace in your foreign policy against Pakistan-
I dont know what evidence you are collecting against him thats taken almost 3 years? He is on the video shooting and killing- he admit he has done it- Why he is not hanged yet- out of my mind-
Yup i agree- you should hang him ASAP- instead of using him as an Ace in your foreign policy against Pakistan-
I dont know what evidence you are collecting against him thats taken almost 3 years? He is on the video shooting and killing- he admit he has done it- Why he is not hanged yet- out of my mind-

Our judicial process takes time. A lot of time. He is being tried in a democracy. He should be made to feel that and so should our Pakistani friends and the rest of the world.

We won't hang him just like that in a fit of rage. We will follow a due democratic process.

We will give him all the chance to appeal in higher courts and then to appeal to the president.

That's India for you.
Our judicial process takes time. A lot of time. He is being tried in a democracy. He should be made to feel that and so should our Pakistani friends and the rest of the world.

We won't hang him just like that in a fit of rage. We will follow a due democratic process.

We will give him all the chance to appeal in higher courts and then to appeal to the president.

That's India for you.

Thats a very bad example of India you are giving to me- A due democratic process doesn't mean it should take at most 3 years- if thats not the ideal case- which one would be- where the criminal is not given any right to appeal?-- Thats silly to be honest- Slap at the families of the victims-- as i remember some one dead at 26/11- his uncle committed suicide just recently-
If you'll not make him an example ASAP- others will follow-
Thats a very bad example of India you are giving to me- A due democratic process doesn't mean it should take at most 3 years- if thats not the ideal case- which one would be- where the criminal is not given any right to appeal?-- Thats silly to be honest-
If you'll not make him an example ASAP- others will follow-

Omar Saeed Sheikh has been sentenced to death for abducting and murdering US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002 why has Pakistan not hanged him yet?
164 died,,, 306 injured,,,, A deserted Hotel with many seurity cameras,,, show us just one footage with any of those 164+306 getting shot...!!!

All footages show an empty hotel & no video of even a single person getting a bullet that camera recorded...!!!

Only footage with a person getting shot was also a fake... since that person was energetic enough to run around with his shot hand & show it to camera-crew around him to get maximum coverage...

= = = = =

& by-the-way who's that suited-booted guy with commandos...??? An agent supervising the drama... :)

= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Kasab was in indian custody since 2006,,, how he could have travelled to india in 2008...??? that too making sure to carry his Pakistani passport with him...
164 died,,, 306 injured,,,, A deserted Hotel with many seurity cameras,,, show us just one footage with any of those 164+306 getting shot...!!!

All footages show an empty hotel & no video of even a single person getting a bullet that camera recorded...!!!

Only footage with a person getting shot was also a fake... since that person was energetic enough to run around with his shot hand & show it to camera-srew around him to get maximum coverage...

164 died,,, 306 injured,,,, A deserted Hotel with many seurity cameras,,, show us just one footage with any of those 164+306 getting shot...!!!

All footages show an empty hotel & no video of even a single person getting a bullet that camera recorded...!!!

Only footage with a person getting shot was also a fake... since that person was energetic enough to run around with his shot hand & show it to camera-srew around him to get maximum coverage...

True and 9/11 was inside job.

The untold story of 2008's terrorist attack, in the words of its victims and the gunmen. The programme contains graphic images and descriptions of the atrocity which may upset some viewers. Produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Dan Reed, Terror in Mumbai tells the story of what happened when 10 gunmen held one of the world's busiest cities hostage; killing and wounding hundreds of people while holding India's crack security forces at bay.

Featuring footage of the attacks and interviews with senior police officers and hostages, including the testimony from Kasab - the sole surviving gunman, Dispatches reveals what happened, hour by hour, from the perspective of the security forces, the terrorists, their masterminds and the victims.
Unreported World - Series 2010 - Episode 3 - Pakistan's Terror Central - Channel 4

Unreported World is granted rare access to the Pakistan headquarters of what the US and UN say is a front organisation for one of the world's biggest terrorist networks, and the organisation behind the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

While the group says it's a charity set up to help the poor, reporter Evan Williams talks to insiders, government ministers and terrorism experts to investigate the truth about an organisation that has expanded its activities from Kashmir to attacking western targets outside Pakistan.

Williams and director Will West begin their journey in Lahore, the capital of Pakistan's Punjab province. They have a meeting with Asadullah, a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba - 'The Army of the Righteous'. The terrorist organisation has been directly blamed for the Mumbai attacks that killed 173 people, and a string of other deadly attacks in India. Asadullah tells Williams he and 26 friends fought in Kashmir, but he was the only one who survived.

Lashkar's terrorist activities led to it being banned in Pakistan. But the United Nations says it is now operating in the country under a new name - Jamaat-ud-Dawa - and the UN continues to view it as a terrorist front organisation. JuD claims it is no more than an Islamic charity, and denies it is a front for Lashkar and its terrorism.

Williams and West travel to a village on the outskirts of Lahore. It was once a Lashkar military training camp, but now it is the JuD headquarters. They've been granted very rare access to the organisation's facilities.

Opponents claim that this centre is used to raise funds that are then channelled into terrorism - a claim denied by JuD. Senior members of the organisation, together with a government official, show the team around, stressing the charitable work they say they carry out, including providing medical care and education for thousands of nearby villagers
164 died,,, 306 injured,,,, A deserted Hotel with many seurity cameras,,, show us just one footage with any of those 164+306 getting shot...!!!

All footages show an empty hotel & no video of even a single person getting a bullet that camera recorded...!!!

Only footage with a person getting shot was also a fake... since that person was energetic enough to run around with his shot hand & show it to camera-srew around him to get maximum coverage...

So now we have to furnish footage for your sadistic pleasure?
and even if there is a footage he will then say..guns were fake..blood is just paint..all are actors from bollywood..lol..
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