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Japan demands China withdraw plane encounter video footage

Taiwan always support Japan!
u can not represent Taiwan. u represent people like the idea of Lee Teng-hui.You can only represent in Taiwan after world war ii Japan bastard.The real Taiwanese didn't think that the diaoyu islands is Japan's. Only the Japanese Descendant in Taiwan think so.
China urges Japan to stop provocations after jet encounter

BEIJING, June 13 (Xinhua) -- China on Friday urged Japan to stop provocative actions and words after a close encounter between Chinese and Japanese military planes over the East China Sea.

"Facing hard facts, the Japanese side's remarks, in my view, are shameless, nonsense and unreasonable. We urge Japan to immediately stop any provocative actions and words," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily press briefing.

Hua made the remarks when asked to comment on Japan's demand that China remove footage showing the warplane encounter on Wednesday from its defense ministry website.

Geng Yansheng, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, on Thursday said that two Japanese F-15 aircraft tailed China's Tu-154 plane, coming as near as 30 meters from the Chinese plane as it conducted a routine patrol over the East China Sea at around 10 a.m. on Wednesday.

The Japanese fighters' actions seriously threatened the safety of China's plane, Geng said.

On Thursday, Hua said the tension was completely triggered by dangerous acts by Japanese warplanes toward a Chinese warplane, while Japan has disregarded the facts and made a false countercharge, openly defamed China and played up the so-called China threat.


"Japan's demand that China remove footage showing the warplane encounter on Wednesday from its defense ministry website."

I am surprised. Why would japan made such a demand?

you made a mistake, japanese and chinese are not equal, but the latter is superior to the former.
a great historic error was made from 1895-1945 which broke the natural law, and until the present, the japanese refused to admit that chinese has the right to handle it according to the UN constitution which is the root reason why we have issues in east china issues.
according to a series of accords of WWII, japan only has a predefined territory over four main islands, ryukyu islands have nothing with it, needless to say the Diaoyu islands (senkaku, if you don't know chinese).
let me much more honest over this, japan is a dog of USA, but it is struggling over the chain by american. USA is just hesitating if it should hand the dog chain to china, or let it barks for its selfish interests. however, the dog refuses the arrangement on its destiny.

Nonsense. We don't think we are superior to any of our friends in Asia-Pacific and abroad. We merely encourage the respect of our aerial , and maritime domain, and handle to any incursions through Standard Operating Procedure. Japanese and Chinese are equal, and the notion of 'superior' race is a backwards notion. Get with the times, dude. :coffee:

Personally I love Chinese people, and Chinese culture. That's why i have a lot of Chinese friends and have visited China many, many times. :cheers:

Please be sincere, dude....
I think we deserve an explanation from our American friends.
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