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Wasim Akram marries Australian girlfriend

And i thought Alpha was a girl :eek: and on top of that when you said the above i thought she was another friendly troll :P you know what i meant

He's a guy, don't let his avatar fool you. He's just pretending to be a cat lover so he can attract some chicks. :D
And no, I don't know what you mean. :(
And i thought Alpha was a girl :eek: and on top of that when you said the above i thought she was another friendly troll :P you know what i meant
What?? :fie: cant a boy be a kitty lover?

He's a guy, don't let his avatar fool you. He's just pretending to be a cat lover so he can attract some chicks. :D
And no, I don't know what you mean. :(
:astagh::astagh: me no tharki

Np. Butt would do. :D it's humpday today anyway.
Kya pta mood ban jy tera...w.akram ki 1 sali kunwari hy abi... :D
:fie: hain? I seriously dont know what you meant!

Congratulations Waseem Bhai
Who are you to decide what is allowed and not allowed? Stop being the maulvi sahab of PDF. This is bringing vastly different cultures together. Ummayad kings used to marry Christian princesses. There are several such examples in history. It is not wrong for people of 2 different religions to marry.

Mr because Quran and Hadees are clear Sir and in Quran and Sunnah it is prohibited Sir and and as Muslim what is haram is not allowed and it is wrong and Islam and Muslims would stop it
Mr because Quran and Hadees are clear Sir and in Quran and Sunnah it is prohibited Sir and and as Muslim what is haram is not allowed and it is wrong and Islam and Muslims would stop it

Isn't in islam a muslim man can marry to ahl e kitab ?
Isn't in islam a muslim man can marry to ahl e kitab ?

Yes but it also says and another page that we should not marry Mushrikeen and now a days almost all Christians consider Jesus son of ALLAH that is shirk
congratulations to waseem bhai & best wishes to the couple

Mr because Quran and Hadees are clear Sir and in Quran and Sunnah it is prohibited Sir and and as Muslim what is haram is not allowed and it is wrong and Islam and Muslims would stop it

in Islam a Muslim can marry a Christian or a Jew & it is not necessary to convert them, they can practice their religion (Christianity or Judaism ) & the marriage will still be valid, I have seen many Saudis marrying Christians one of my class teacher was one back in Jeddah, even many of my relative are Christians while their husbands are Muslims, are you more Muslims then them ? face it you are culturally offended as it goes against the good for nothing subcontinent values, so why bring religion into it ? when Islam allows it that's all what matters, your culture can simply go to hell , when Allah (SWT) & our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) has given us the permission to do so, then who the hell is anybody else sitting in "South Asia" to object to it ?

Muslim to ban gayen ho magar saath janmon ka phere nahi chore ho, south Asian culture is steeped in insecurity the concept of divorce is feared the most, it is a culture whose simple definition is of that of "lack of confidence" please don't mix our beautiful religion of Islam with it
Yes but it also says and another page that we should not marry Mushrikeen and now a days almost all Christians consider Jesus son of ALLAH that is shirk

She has accepted Islam. So end this useless debate.
in Islam a Muslim can marry a Christian or a Jew & it is not necessary to convert them, they can practise their religion (Christianity or Judaism ) & the marriage will still be valid,

I think he meant that marrying Christan is ok for Muslims, but he wants to say that Christians nowadays believe that Jesus is the Son of GOD, which is the problem to him.
I think he meant that marrying Christan is ok for Muslims, but he wants to say that Christians nowadays believe that Jesus is the Son of GOD, which is the problem to him.

bro they believed in the trinity even back in the time of our Prophet(P.B.U.H) , which means Allah (SWT) knew about their believe in the Trinity (father & son & the holy ghost) theory but still he allowed Muslims to marry them, so Islam doesn't have with problem with interfaith marriages between a Muslim men, women from among people of the book neither does other Muslims, but it is our typical subcontinent's sick mentality that they have a problem with, "which is lack of confidence" be it Bihari or Bengali, or Punjabi this sick "South Asian" mindset has engulfed us all the sooner we leave it the better, this mindset makes a person mentally sick

Majnu o Jodi Cleopatra ke paito to Laila ke ek ta lathi diye phele dito
"this sick mindset from the dharmic culture has engulfed us all the sooner we leave it the better, this mindset makes a person mentally sick" :what:
Kindly clarify for the benefit of millions of Sikhs, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and atheists.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/cricke...es-australian-girlfriend-4.html#ixzz2cgDZU6ro
bro they believed in the trinity even back in the time of our Prophet(P.B.U.H) , which means Allah (SWT) knew about their believe in the Trinity (father & son & the holy ghost) theory but still he allowed Muslims to marry them, so Islam doesn't have with problem with interfaith marriages between a Muslim men, women from among people of the book neither does other Muslims, but it is our typical subcontinent's sick mentality that they have a problem with, "which is lack of confidence" be it Bihari or Bengali, or Punjabi this sick mindset from the dharmic culture has engulfed us all the sooner we leave it the better, this mindset makes a person mentally sick

Majnu o Jodi Cleopatra ke paito to Laila ke ek ta lathi diye phele dito
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