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Was Raymond Davis Spying On Pakistan's Babur Missile?

I think he is a spy...someone like james bond.. there are so much grey area where US is not able to answer. Pakistan has every right to prosecute him morally but politically US has too much clout.
James Bond is total fiction. Please trust me when I say that real spies don't carry weapons, they especially don't use them offensively. They are discreet, quiet, gather information, and pass it off to handlers via drops and such. Most importantly, real spies are recruited from within a population or work force. A Pakistani national could get around much better than an American.

I don't know what this guys was up to. I do know it's a no-win situation, though, for him, and the two countries. If released, riots will happen. If prosecuted, there will be pressure to cease $$ to Pakistan, and the more important goal, that of combatting terrorist goons, will be sidetracked.

The only winner is Taliban/TTP.
It seems Ray only purpose of landing in Lahore just to collect info about madrassas ,because our govt unable to control their intelligence agencies. They were not providing data about these hardcore madrassa. So, he land to collect info. In future more will come to different part of Pak to collect data. Obviously these school are not playing any positive role in Pakistan and different part of world.
James Bond is total fiction. Please trust me when I say that real spies don't carry weapons, they especially don't use them offensively. They are discreet, quiet, gather information, and pass it off to handlers via drops and such. Most importantly, real spies are recruited from within a population or work force. A Pakistani national could get around much better than an American.

I don't know what this guys was up to. I do know it's a no-win situation, though, for him, and the two countries. If released, riots will happen. If prosecuted, there will be pressure to cease $$ to Pakistan, and the more important goal, that of combatting terrorist goons, will be sidetracked.

The only winner is Taliban/TTP.
I dont agree with u on the winning of TTP in Pak :woot:...Alhamdolllah we already got them real good alogwith their resources now:).....Insha-Allah they will disappear very soon...:coffee:
Babur Cruise Missile !!!!! Muzang. Does not make any sense
may be he was on a mission to steal babur's technology

Nah,Babur has no "technology" that US needs...in fact,it was developed from the Tomahawk...and we are still working on how to thrust vector the booster motor sharply...
The weapons he was caught with are easily obtained in Pakistan itself after being smuggled from Afghanistan. And if he wanted to defend himself, he could have just used normal bullets if he was threatened, but he used the type of bullets which are specifically banned internationally. That's a violation of international law in itself. Those bullets are known for ending any chances of recovery which is why they are a direct challenge to human rights.

Second, tourists don't have pictures with sensitive structures "accidently" in view in almost all of them.

Third, he claims to have lost his passport. He shoots the men, then he allegedly took photographs which means he was just standing there. So how can you "lose" your passport if you just stand in one place with a gun in your hands containing completely illegal bulets in direct violation of human rights.

Fourth, reports say there was another person with him in the car. Where is he ??

Fifth, the embassy/consulate are refusing access to the car. What are they trying to hide ?? If he is innocent and fired in self-defence, then the courts will ensure that he's released. Self-defence requires injuring your assailaint so you can escape. He murdered those men even though he could have escaped if he wanted to. There was enough time for that.

Sixth, bullets hit the men from behind. IF they were criminals, then what kind of a moron would threaten you while looking the opposite way ?? Do they have eyes in the back of their heads ?? Possibility is that they might be trying to escape this lunatic but were unsuccessful.

Seventh, he himself admitted to being a consultant. This implies that he is not directly related to the consulate. And since this is the case, then the US Embassy's claims that he is a diplomat is completely fallacious, further implying that Davis can receive absolutely no immunity whatsoever.
I think he is a spy...someone like james bond.. there are so much grey area where US is not able to answer. Pakistan has every right to prosecute him morally but politically US has too much clout.

get a life:wave:
he must be hanged till death without going to court to give lessons to all spys coming to pakistan
People are passing judgement on his sentence. Let the legal process take its course. We do not need to find out the source of these illegal license plates since there have been occasions before where US Embassey Cars had fake licence plates.
Now my dear brethren from Pakistan lets not be too emotional we'll have to judge this with allot more than just what and how things should be done ideally. Ethics, morals and legitimacy seldom hold any weight in political battles. Power holds allot more. It is the interests of Pakistan that we must safeguard in this. Everything needs to be thought out carefully, measured precisely. The situation dictates a shot in the leg and a blow to our egos. We must take this hit for our own sake. And for God's sake it is high time that we bloody make something out of ourselves!!! stop bloody blaming the politicians and everyone else! Fix ourselves! Everyone will walk all over us if we keep it going this way......Loud shouts deter only but animals. Grow some character for heaven's sake! Command some respect! They will all listen to you without being called. And they will all respect you without being asked.

Frankly speaking there is no way we can make the U.S give in to our demands. And it is not there fault it is our's.
Babur does not any thing which us don't have . so no need to steal any thing from babur rather pakistan need to know many thing from us to improve its arsenal .

may be he was on a mission to steal babur's technology
this line is a poke... my BD friend...

well whatever you said is incredibly new information for us. WE DID NOT KNOW THAT....
James Bond is total fiction. Please trust me when I say that real spies don't carry weapons, they especially don't use them offensively. They are discreet, quiet, gather information, and pass it off to handlers via drops and such. Most importantly, real spies are recruited from within a population or work force. A Pakistani national could get around much better than an American.

I don't know what this guys was up to. I do know it's a no-win situation, though, for him, and the two countries. If released, riots will happen. If prosecuted, there will be pressure to cease $$ to Pakistan, and the more important goal, that of combatting terrorist goons, will be sidetracked.

The only winner is Taliban/TTP.

Yeah and who made that possible.. the same people who did 9/11...
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