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Was partition of India inevitable?

Please keep your mind open, future is what you make it to be. Dogma's are made to be broken.

Pakistan seeks a union with our central asian Muslim kin. We see nothing when we look east but hegemony.
Indian-subcontinent was always backward and poor before arrival of Muslim invaders. Partion was a Hindu ploy to weaken Muslims. Hindus are like 60% in India. Muslims birth rate is around 5. Christians have almost converted all the lower caste and tribal Hindus. Muslims would be ruling Indian-subcontinent by now. If it weren't for our foolishness. And it wasn't only Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims. Indian Muslims too unanmiously supported partition.

Amazing how stupid those Muslims were at the time and even more amazing how some people cannot have an open mind in this day and age in 21st century.
Partition was Inevitable and necessary
so that both Hindus and Muslims get SPACE
without getting on each other's nerves all the time
It has been scientifically proved that eating beef increases your testorene and libido. It also has a positive effect on your physical growth (especially where it matters :P ).
But a negative effect on your brain ?
Pakistan seeks a union with our central asian Muslim kin. We see nothing when we look east but hegemony.

Afghanistan is possible but Russia will not let go of the 5 stans and they are quite Russanized. Iran will not dilute their Shia majority.

Delhi Sultanate and Mughal empire is all of our common history and quite a glorious one, though some people like to distort it now, since we are out of the picture.

If 4 countries in South Asia can unite and can develop and become a prosperous and peaceful region, only then it will be possible to break the 5 stans from Russia's orbit. But its a strategic center piece of Eurasian land mass. Russia does not want to let go and China has their eye there too.

Pakistan as it is today, locked in a perpetual conflict with India and by itself will never achieve the potential to supersede Russia in hard and soft power to break them free out of Russia's orbit.
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Oh really, islamoscience or real science? Please explain to me why the grass eaters @uparyupari and @Tridibans are so tall, muscular, and have 3 legs :-)azn:)?

That's uparyupari in the suit. Looks like he is getting all the girls...

1. I don't need all the girls. I have one wife and I am happy with her.

2. Do not tag me in such worthless threads.
Partition was indeed inevitable. Almost all Indians and all Pakistanis are happy that it happened that way.
Partition was Inevitable and necessary
so that both Hindus and Muslims get SPACE
without getting on each other's nerves all the time

You think they are not on each other's nerve now? Only thing it achieved is it compartmentalized the problem and moved them out of your border, but you are surrounded by this problem. They are now getting on your nerve from outside your border and if we are to believe Bangladeshi migration story, they are getting inside your border too.
You think they are not on each other's nerve now? Only thing it achieved is it compartmentalized the problem and moved them out of your border, but you are surrounded by this problem. They are now getting on your nerve from outside your border and if we are to believe Bangladeshi migration story, they are getting inside your border too.

The situation today is a MILLION times better than what would have happened
without Partition

Without Partition ; INDIA would have split into MANY pieces
Punjab and Bengal going their own way
The situation today is a MILLION times better than what would have happened
without Partition

Without Partition ; INDIA would have split into MANY pieces
Punjab and Bengal going their own way

Speculation at best.
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