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Was partition of India inevitable?

India has GAINED enough economic ; technological and Industrial STRENGTHS

Our FUTURE development does NOT DEPEND on our SMALL neighbours

India needs USA ; Europe ;China ; Japan and Russia
NOT Pakistan and Bangladesh
USA does not the rule the world on its own. It has a lot of allied countries like canada, europe...etc. What does canada give USA which it does not have. Cannot canada try to covet alaska ? Then where will usa spend most of its time at home or in asia brewing all the wars.

No you are wrong ; US allies need it more than US needs them

Without USA ; NATO is ZERO

Any way there is NO sense in MIXING up things

If Pakistan wants friendship with India ; it is fine ;
BUT India is NOT MISSING anything without Pakistan's friendship

What does Pakistan BRING to the TABLE
I would like to see my own country and people develop first and foremost, and I cannot see this happen without solving the gordian knot that was created in partition. Europeans fought for many centuries, but eventually they learned that it is better to cooperate and have a better life instead. South Asians I am sure will do it too, question is in how many decades or centuries, may be not in our lifetime. But at least people should keep their mind open and think about possibilities.
A SAARC common market is a real possibility and in the near future. I am optimistic with the current govt in India. I don't think Pakistan will join, they prefer not to and anyway they have China which is all the friendship they want. But a trading block including Bangladesh and Burma maybe down to Thailand and perhaps eventually till Vietnam will happen.

Bangladesh has actually been doing very well considering what terrible cards it was dealt. I don't think anyone expected you guys to do as well as you have. Don't sell yourself short.
I would like to see my own country and people develop first and foremost, and I cannot see this happen without solving the gordian knot that was created in partition. Europeans fought for many centuries, but eventually they learned that it is better to cooperate and have a better life instead. South Asians I am sure will do it too, question is in how many decades or centuries, may be not in our lifetime. But at least people should keep their mind open and think about possibilities.

I think we should start with free trade. Now that the border issues & the Teesta water issue are closer to being resolved, I think India &BD can come to a far better understanding. What is done in the past is now history, what can be done in the future is still open. First thing I would like is for GoI to negotiate some kind of work permits for Bangladeshis. We need them & all this border killing stupidity should be a thing of the past. That will pretty much be our own reworking of the partition
Partition could 've been avoided!!!
The blame solely lies on Britishers and our leaders (from Congress as well Muslim league).
Gandhi was a stubborn old man,when in the presence of Lord Wavell Jinnah proposed that the muslim leaders at the central government (post-independence) would be decided by Muslim league, Gandhi opposed it because he knew Muslim league would never forward the names of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai. Jinnah and Gandhi with their bloated egos decided to move in opposite directions. Jinnah supported Britishers in WWII and Gandhi went ahead with Quit India movement, which was another disaster. Other than exacerbating the communal situation in the country, Quit India movement did not achieve anything better. After the quit India movement when the 1946 elections were held the Muslim League had the loyalty of the majority of Muslims in many Muslim dominant areas, lets not forget that Muslim league had failed to secure support even among Muslim voters before the war.
Our leaders were very stubborn and egomaniacs, each one of 'em is to be blamed for the partition.

Britishers added fuel to fire by preponing their withdrawal from India, the violence of '47 could 've been avoided had Britishers left an year later, because that would 've given people enough time to migrate.
Given the fact how mophila to naokhali orchestrated by peace-loving race partition was always inevitable....
Seeing Pakistan today in fractured society being monolithic society of same religion give us sigh of relief in different country now n what if partition would have not done.... ? More bloodshed n more lives at stake....
I'm sure Jinnah would not 've dreamt of Pakistan if he knew that Pakistan's present would be so violent.
India has GAINED enough economic ; technological and Industrial STRENGTHS

Our FUTURE development does NOT DEPEND on our SMALL neighbours

India needs USA ; Europe ;China ; Japan and Russia
NOT Pakistan and Bangladesh
We need our small neighbors.
We should be friends with Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan

Pakistan will never be our friend, no point wasting time trying.
I think we should start with free trade. Now that the border issues & the Teesta water issue are closer to being resolved, I think India &BD can come to a far better understanding. What is done in the past is now history, what can be done in the future is still open. First thing I would like is for GoI to negotiate some kind of work permits for Bangladeshis. We need them & all this border killing stupidity should be a thing of the past. That will pretty much be our own reworking of the partition

Sir you are MISSING a VERY important point

It is like this :

India's CONTINUOS rise is NOT going down well with a small
but powerful section of Bangladesh polity ; and military

BD is a country where there will ALWAYS be Anti India sentiments
because they believe that whole of Bengal and Assam should have come to them

We can only TRY our best to manage this relationship
but it can all unravel if hardliners come to power
No you are wrong ; US allies need it more than US needs them

Without USA ; NATO is ZERO

Any way there is NO sense in MIXING up things

If Pakistan wants friendship with India ; it is fine ;
BUT India is NOT MISSING anything without Pakistan's friendship

What does Pakistan BRING to the TABLE

That is a one sided view, USA cannot be super power without its NATO and non-NATO allies. Everyone, small or large, bring something to the table and Pakistan brings a lot to the table for India. You can pipeline access to Iran and Central Asia and direct land route and strategic access and proximity to Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Because of Pakistan, India is bottled up in the western front and cannot compete with Russia and China to spread its influence.
Because of Pakistan, India is bottled up in the western front and cannot compete with Russia and China to spread its influence.

That is just a DELUSION

We have not been able to grow faster because of our internal problems
like mis governance and corruption
That is a one sided view, USA cannot be super power without its NATO and non-NATO allies. Everyone, small or large, bring something to the table and Pakistan brings a lot to the table for India. You can pipeline access to Iran and Central Asia and direct land route and strategic access and proximity to Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Because of Pakistan, India is bottled up in the western front and cannot compete with Russia and China to spread its influence.
But Pakistan Will Not be a friend to India. It cannot be done, so why waste time ? India has to find a way around them and that can be done with enough money and technology.
India's CONTINUOS rise is NOT going down well with a small
but powerful section of Bangladesh polity ; and military

I'm not convinced that this government & the military leadership at this point in time think like that. BD now fights pretty hard against extremism & is probably the rare state that made it's way back to a secular state from an Islamic one. That's no mean achievement.

You are right that there is some anti-India sentiments in BD but that can be managed & even reduced with economic improvements. Certainly no point in adding to it by being cussed.
I'm not convinced that this government & the military leadership at this point in time think like that. BD now fights pretty hard against extremism & is probably the rare state that made it's way back to a secular state from an Islamic one. That's no mean achievement.

You are right that there is some anti-India sentiments in BD but that can be managed & even reduced with economic improvements. Certainly no point in adding to it by being cussed.

Let us hope for the best

India's best bet lies in getting stronger all the time

That itself will disincentivise any mis adventures
Given the Hindu hatred towards Muslims, it was bound to happen. United India couldn't have worked. We are thankful that we are not living under Hindu hegemony.

..and Vice versa

With proper governance and following the law of the land things do work - Example India stays in the same shape as it was in 1947.

@ Subject, my views are that thank God for the partition . Only the brits went about it in the worst possible manner & we experience its ill effects till date.
A SAARC common market is a real possibility and in the near future. I am optimistic with the current govt in India. I don't think Pakistan will join, they prefer not to and anyway they have China which is all the friendship they want. But a trading block including Bangladesh and Burma maybe down to Thailand and perhaps eventually till Vietnam will happen.

Bangladesh has actually been doing very well considering what terrible cards it was dealt. I don't think anyone expected you guys to do as well as you have. Don't sell yourself short.

Lets see how things work out with Bangladesh.

Considering what Pakistan can bring to the table if they become involved in SAARC, India needs to go easy on Pakistan. Pakistan as an enemy will always cost you dearly, but as a friend and partner will bring immense reward. And lets not forget that they were part of the family for many centuries. Culture and language is similar and you can always leverage that aspect, while that option is not available to China.

I think we should start with free trade. Now that the border issues & the Teesta water issue are closer to being resolved, I think India &BD can come to a far better understanding. What is done in the past is now history, what can be done in the future is still open. First thing I would like is for GoI to negotiate some kind of work permits for Bangladeshis. We need them & all this border killing stupidity should be a thing of the past. That will pretty much be our own reworking of the partition

Sounds like a good start.
Lets see how things work out with Bangladesh.

Considering what Pakistan can bring to the table if they become involved in SAARC, India needs to go easy on Pakistan. Pakistan as an enemy will always cost you dearly, but as a friend and partner will bring immense reward. And lets not forget that they were part of the family for many centuries. Culture and language is similar and you can always leverage that aspect, while that option is not available to China.
You have to agree that India has tried everything in the past 67 years. Turning the other cheek, money, trade, friendship missions... Nothing works with Pakistan. They will always hate India, it is a very emotional, gut wrenching, comic book kind of hatred. It Will Not change in the foreseeable future anymore than the Himalayas will .

India has to work around Pakistan and there are many options available, if you throw enough money, technology and diplomacy at the problem. It is not the perfect solution but the only one available.

The only thing that could change Pakistans view of india is if the current crop of leaders are out of the picture and the difference in everyday life between india and pakistan becomes so marked that it can no longer be air brushed out. We are no where even close to that as of now.

Anyway, it is nice knowing that there are such rational and sane voices in Bangladesh and so long people like you are around, your country has a great future :)

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