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Was partition of India inevitable?

But why did Jinnah fall for it and help Hindu's to kick us out?

So they were scared of us, found a way to kick us out and now obviously they are scared to take us back in. But how did Muslims fall for this?
Jinnah was a secular and a kind person. He felt bad for the Hindus.

Some of us Muslims are easy to fool. Look how so many Indian Muslims still vote for parties like AAP, COngress,SP etc. When they have a genuine leader if the form of Owaisi saheb

Btw Bangladeshis are welcome in India. :). Last time checked more 60 million live in here.
Before partition hindus treated Muslims as achoots and did not even touch the utensil which was used by muslims
It has been scientifically proved that eating beef increases your testorene and libido. It also has a positive effect on your physical growth (especially where it matters :P ).

Oh really, islamoscience or real science? Please explain to me why the grass eaters @uparyupari and @Tridibans are so tall, muscular, and have 3 legs :-)azn:)?

That's uparyupari in the suit. Looks like he is getting all the girls...
Jinnah was a secular and a kind person. He felt bad for the Hindus.

Some of us Muslims are easy to fool. Look how so many Indian Muslims still vote for parties like AAP, COngress,SP etc. When they have a genuine leader if the form of Owaisi saheb

Btw Bangladeshis are welcome in India. :). Last time checked more 60 million live in here.
wow so out of 180 million indian muslims 60 million are BD :lol:
The sub-continent is too large to exist as one country and both Indian and to a lesser extend Pakistani is an artificial national identity. Even Europeans from different countries have more in common culturally with each other than people from different parts of india or Pakistan.

Before the british left, they should have partitioned the sub-continent into atleast a dozen different countries. Sub-continent should have been partitioned on a linguistic basis with each country atleast having a common language.
Given the Hindu hatred towards Muslims, it was bound to happen. United India couldn't have worked. We are thankful that we are not living under Hindu hegemony.
Given the fact how mophila to naokhali orchestrated by peace-loving race partition was always inevitable....
Seeing Pakistan today in fractured society being monolithic society of same religion give us sigh of relief in different country now n what if partition would have not done.... ? More bloodshed n more lives at stake....
Jinnah was a secular and a kind person. He felt bad for the Hindus.

Some of us Muslims are easy to fool. Look how so many Indian Muslims still vote for parties like AAP, COngress,SP etc. When they have a genuine leader if the form of Owaisi saheb

Btw Bangladeshis are welcome in India. :). Last time checked more 60 million live in here.

That is fascinating, so Jinnah a nice secular guy helped Hindu's achieve their goal to create a Ram Rajya, while screwing his own kind? How else can I put it.?

Just imagine if we South Asians were not busy fighting each other what we could achieve inventing stuff. It is no wonder the Chinese and Europeans laugh at us.
Enough debates had already been made on what would happen if Cripps Mission succeeded, Cabinet mission plan achieved what it sought to achieve and if Gandhi, instead of championing himself in conciliatory politics concentrated upon the practicalities. Factors that are often ignored are the post 1857 trauma of the Urdu speaking elites in Northern part of the subcontinent, the subsequent socio-logical changes in Indian societies those were inevitably imminent after the transfer of power from the Mughals to the British, the inexhaustible rise of friction between the new changes with the rigid traditionalism exported via north west from Arabian peninsula and finally, the submission of Indian political aristocrats to the communal politics; these reasons bear more burden than any other deals,plans or political framework for the partition.
Just imagine if we South Asians were not busy fighting each other what we could achieve inventing stuff. It is no wonder the Chinese and Europeans laugh at us.
Indian-subcontinent was always backward and poor before arrival of Muslim invaders. Partion was a Hindu ploy to weaken Muslims. Hindus are like 60% in India. Muslims birth rate is around 5. Christians have almost converted all the lower caste and tribal Hindus. Muslims would be ruling Indian-subcontinent by now. If it weren't for our foolishness. And it wasn't only Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims. Indian Muslims too unanmiously supported partition.
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