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Was partition of India inevitable?

It's wrong to say that Muslims wanted partition. It was the Hindus who wanted it and are grateful to jinnah.

Hindu males couldn't tolerate masculinity of virile Muslim males who stole their women. Their face always turns red when they see a big muslim man with a beard.

Look how Bollywood emasculates the Hindu male. Almost all Muslims are marrying Hindu girls these days. Their heart burns observing this trend.

This is the reason why Modi got elected to power.

Gandhi was scared of Muslims he knew what would be the consquences if he tried to kick us out. Were 7% then now were 35%. Now stop daydreaming.

Interesting. All the while Indians are peddling a narrative that Muslims betrayed by breaking their Akhand Bharat.

Who is daydreaming?
It's wrong to say that Muslims wanted partition. It was the Hindus who wanted it and are grateful to jinnah.

Hindu males couldn't tolerate masculinity of virile Muslim males who stole their women. Their face always turns red when they see a big muslim man with a beard.

Look how Bollywood emasculates the Hindu male. Almost all Muslims are marrying Hindu girls these days. Their heart burns observing this trend.

This is the reason why Modi got elected to power.

Gandhi was scared of Muslims he knew what would be the consquences if he tried to kick us out. Were 7% then now were 35%. Now stop daydreaming.

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It's wrong to say that Muslims wanted partition. It was the Hindus who wanted it and are grateful to jinnah.

Hindu males couldn't tolerate masculinity of virile Muslim males who stole their women. Their face always turns red when they see a big muslim man with a beard.

Look how Bollywood emasculates the Hindu male. Almost all Muslims are marrying Hindu girls these days. Their heart burns observing this trend.

This is the reason why Modi got elected to power.

Gandhi was scared of Muslims he knew what would be the consquences if he tried to kick us out. Were 7% then now were 35%. Now stop daydreaming.

@uparyupari and @Tridibans are the most virile, masculine, apha males on the whole duniya. Coincidentally, they happen to be Hindus. So that pokes a huge hole in your theory mate.
First I don't know who this Lal clown is and where he hails from, regardless there are a lot of poor people in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, I am not sure about India and Bangladesh but we don't fuse poor people together or send them back where the came from (I mean undo there births), we look forward and see what needs to be dome to improve their lives.

Anyone who talks about undoing partition is hinting at undoing Pakistan, and that motherfucker is one insane son of a bitch and all such threads are insulting to Pakistan and can not be tolerated on PDF.

Thread reported

Chill. Lal Khan is a Pakistani. And my intent was not to insult any country, India and Bangladesh also could say it is insulting to their country. Why cant we have an open mind, at least for the sake of discussions to see how people react?
Interesting. All the while Indians are peddling a narrative that Muslims betrayed by breaking their Akhand Bharat.

Who is daydreaming?
No Hindus broke India. They thought by decreasing numbers of Muslims. They would control us. But the reality is Indian Muslims are now marrying Hindu women, marrying them and impregnating them.

It was Gandhi and Nehru who let India to be partioned. Both of their wives had affairs with Muslim men. This has been a well-kept secret.
Given the political environment and outside players, yes it was unfortunately inevitable. I have never believed that religion was the problem: religion was merely the bullet not the gun or the shooter, it never is.

If South Asia ever unites - given that everyone puts their differences/hate/problems aside and truly truly invest in the region- it can give every other country in the world a run for its money. It would be a true superpower, that's how much potential the region has together.

So guys, stop arguing :P
It's wrong to say that Muslims wanted partition. It was the Hindus who wanted it and are grateful to jinnah.

Hindu males couldn't tolerate masculinity of virile Muslim males who stole their women. Their face always turns red when they see a big muslim man with a beard.

Look how Bollywood emasculates the Hindu male. Almost all Muslims are marrying Hindu girls these days. Their heart burns observing this trend.

This is the reason why Modi got elected to power.

Gandhi was scared of Muslims he knew what would be the consquences if he tried to kick us out. Were 7% then now were 35%. Now stop daydreaming.
Back from your ban you troll?

Those virile Muslim males could not prevent Modi from becoming PM

Now he will put those 35% :lol: in there place. 10 years of BJP rule and all will hide with tail beneath their legs.

Be afraid , be very afraid
@uparyupari and @Tridibans are the most virile, masculine, apha males on the whole duniya. Coincidentally, they happen to be Hindus. So that pokes a huge hole in your theory mate.

It has been scientifically proved that eating beef increases your testorene and libido. It also has a positive effect on your physical growth (especially where it matters :P ).
No Hindus broke India. They thought by decreasing numbers of Muslims. They would control us. But the reality is Indian Muslims are now marrying Hindu women, marrying them and impregnating them.

It was Gandhi and Nehru who let India to be partioned. Both of their wives had affairs with Muslim men. This has been a well-kept secret.

But why did Jinnah fall for it and help Hindu's to kick us out?

So they were scared of us, found a way to kick us out and now obviously they are scared to take us back in. But how did Muslims fall for this?
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