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Was Charles Darwin a Racist ?

If science cannot prove angles that don't necessarily mean angels don't exist :)
There are still many things which science will try to prove in future but they are existing althought not discovered yet

This logic is seriously flawed. If we use this logic, we can also say that the Lochness Monster, Unicorns, flying ponies, godzilla, etc also exist because science has not been able to prove otherwise.

I can make up a monster in my mind and say it exist for the sole reason that no one has been able to prove otherwise. This does not mean I am right or my monster exist. If I am claiming something, the burden of proof is on me, not on science.
This is what amazes me alot...! Most of the Indians with Hindu names are religiousphobi/atheists....! Any thoughts?

There are many religious people who understand evolution. And there are many muslim atheists here in this forum too.
if you read my previous post i said that science cannot prove existence of super natural concept like God, angels, hell, heaven etc. It is beyond the realm of science to explain these concepts. You did not understood what i said in previous post. It is stupid to expect science to prove beliefs lol. Do you know the difference between belief and science? If your beliefs get proven then they are not beliefs but formula or facts or scientific theories. I said many things are still unknown for science but they exist. Or you think that science have known/discovered all the truths and absolute knowledge about everything. Do you believe science has its limitations?

I understand your point that many things may not be in the realm of science yet, hence cannot be understood properly by science.
However the next assumption that therefore, religion can answer them, is baffling.
How do you know whether somebody is fooling you (about those beliefs) or not. How do you know that they are true.
Hence, the best position to take is to wait till we understand them, with reason.

If you see history, there were many thing,(e.g. rain, diseases) were explained by religion in different way. Now we know that religion was wrong.
Even if religion is right in something else(which is beyond science, lets say for arguments sake) should we believe it, or should we wait for more clarification.
This is what amazes me alot...! Most of the Indians with Hindu names are religiousphobi/atheists....! Any thoughts?

that is because we have come to realise the true meaning of Hinduism.......it was nit a religion...it was science ....principles to be followed -eg YOGA for better health were proposed in the name of Hinduism so that the common man would benefit from these science even if he does it without knowing the actual meaning...every rictual followed has a scientific reason behind it....ofcource over the years these were forgotten and some phoneys changed the ways how everything was interpreted.......

the funny part in being a Hindu is that you have no restrictions, you dont have to do something if you dont wanna do....that is the level of freedom and tolerence it allows ....we are not restricted in visiting and praying in a mosque/church/guru dwara/ or any other place of worship....coz we believe God is one and we just worship God, the way we want to.....and none of this makes us an aetheist or less Hindu......if you cant comprehend what i have said without looking at me as a hard core Hindu.....then i cant help it...its your mindset that has to change
Okay , i have asked management to perform a clean up in this thread so everyone posting off topic BS should get their noses straight !
This logic is seriously flawed. If we use this logic, we can also say that the Lochness Monster, Unicorns, flying ponies, godzilla, etc also exist because science has not been able to prove otherwise.

I can make up a monster in my mind and say it exist for the sole reason that no one has been able to prove otherwise. This does not mean I am right or my monster exist. If I am claiming something, the burden of proof is on me, not on science.

Then according to your logic theory of evolution did not existed before Darwin was born because it was Darwin who observed evolution? Same logic can apply to Newton laws of Physics: were these laws existed before Newton when we did not had any evidence of their existence? I would say they were existed before newton but they were not known by science. Many things are still there which need to be discovered or observed. Science has not discovered all the facts or truth. Sure right now we don’t have any tools to detect the existence of angels but saying that there is not any probability of existence of God/angels is wrong. Let suppose tomorrow science discover a tool to observe the existence of angels then what would you say about those peoples in past who believed in existence of angels with out evidences?

I feel existence of God in my heart so he exist for me. You dont feel him then he don’t exist for you. Do i have reasons to believe in God . yes i have many reasons. Do i need scientific evidence for existence of GOD in order to believe in him. No i don’t need any sciencefic evidence because science don't have any tools yet to grasp non physical or super natrual things.
God's existence will always be a mystery to a lot of unbelievers, mainly because they have never had any kind of personal relationship with Him. I would say your mind don't exist for me because i don't feel the existence of your mind. Prove to me your mind exist. How can i feel existence of your mind. You think so you feel your mind exist but how you will prove existence of your mind to me :)
How do you know whether somebody is fooling you (about those beliefs) or not. How do you know that they are true.
Hence, the best position to take is to wait till we understand them, with reason.

How do i know existence of God is truth? My heart tell me that God exist. My mind convinced about his existence. I felt his presence many times. I had personal experience with him. I consider it more logical to believe in his existence than deny his presence. I can give you many logical arguments in favour of God but i feel they will not be sufficient for you. Peoples will always find many excuses to deny the existence of God because they already made up their minds. You know many Prophets did miracles to prove to peoples that they are prophets of God but still some peoples did not believe in their words.
If you see history, there were many thing,(e.g. rain, diseases) were explained by religion in different way. Now we know that religion was wrong.
Even if religion is right in something else(which is beyond science, lets say for arguments sake) should we believe it, or should we wait for more clarification.
What diseases you are talking about? Its up to you dude. I am not forcing anyone to believe in God. I don't care whether you believe in him or not. There should not be any compulsion in religion. For me i have got many logical reasons to believe in his existence :)
This is what amazes me alot...! Most of the Indians with Hindu names are religiousphobi/atheists....! Any thoughts?

Hinduism also has nastik( atheist) school of thoughts..
also i have many hindu,muslim friends who are atheists and argue with me about it...but me being a believer just ignores the crap out of them :cheesy:
How do you know you will return back to him ?
If he had had to call you back, why sent you at the first place ? :)

He sent me for some reasons.
and i will get back to him for some reasons :)
its weird you are asking me how do i know i will die one day lol
How do i know existence of God is truth? My heart tell me that God exist. My mind convinced about his existence. I felt his presence many times. I had personal experience with him. I consider it more logical to believe in his existence than deny his presence. I can give you many logical arguments in favour of God but i feel they will not be sufficient for you. Peoples will always find many excuses to deny the existence of God because they already made up their minds. You know many Prophets did miracles to prove to peoples that they are prophets of God but still some peoples did not believe in their words.

What diseases you are talking about? Its up to you dude. I am not forcing anyone to believe in God. I don't care whether you believe in him or not. There should not be any compulsion in religion. For me i have got many logical reasons to believe in his existence :)

I am not forcing you to stop believing god either. Why did you bring it into a science related thread where people are discussing evolution.

You have logical reason to believe in god but you wont share it. Very good, I wont argue with you. I know what you mean by you personally felt it. I wont joke about personal feelings, all I can say is, many of us had/have such feelings. With experience and knowledge we start to understand the psychology behind it.

But as of now, for most people, religion is the only show in town, that tries to explain such personal feelings. You are 100 percent right.
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