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Warning no 69: Step back from Doklam to avoid confrontation - PLA Col Lili

They,like their Pakistani "brothers", are the ultimate "tough guys" on online forums and in their statements but when push comes to shove they are exposed consistently.

That said, I thought the Chinese were smarter than this, backing themselves into such a corner with no way out is an outrageously stupid move for those who claim to be the practioners of Sun Tzu's philosphy.

thats without a doubt
i also believe that, we physiologically destroyed bharatis in this war, our soldier and gernerals before war used to think how they will face much larger bharat in war, they gain the confidence in 65 , while your pathetic military command lost all confidence, they realized that they can not beat Pakistanis in fair fight on western front, so they decided to stab us in east with help of proxies..

Another bullshit propaganda spread by the Pakistan Army top brass, mindlessly being parroted till this day!!For the nth time, Indian Army did not enjoy that big of a quantitative advantage over Pakistan Army simply because, back then, it was nowhere near as massive as now it has grown into!!In terms of infantry, they barely enjoyed 1.5 time numerical advantage over the Pakistani army on the western front and that included the newly raised formations which had neither been fully equipped nor properly drilled, as the most well trained and equipped infantry divisions (10 of them) never took part in the war as they were deployed along the LAC, to counter a potential PLA invasion, for the scar of 1962 was still much too fresh.
Besides, Pakistan Army enjoyed several significant advantages as well.For example, they had a strong defensive line of fortifications in the form of its BRB canal, to fall back in where as nothing of that sort was made available to Indian Army (which was a huge oversight on the parts of the generals and the then GoI).

Then, Pakistan infantry itself was better equipped with then very modern G3 rifles and top notch comm gears where as, a big portion of Indian Army infantry was still equipped with WWII era SMLEs and older bulkier and less reliable radios when the hostilities had erupted.The infantry was also well trained as they had been provided with full knowledge about the lay out of the Indian defenses along the LOC from USA and they had been wargaming for the operations since several months before!!

Pakistan Army was already well in its way of mechanizing its infantry, as they had raised several mech infantry formations, equipped with M113 APCs, which gave them unprecedented tactical mobility and protection whereas nothing of that sort was even at a conceptual stage of development in the Indian Army!!

Now, coming to the artillery arm, Indian artillery was hopelessly.............nay, hilariously outclassed by its Pakistani counterpart since the former was largely equipped with WWII era 25 pounders and a handful of (less than 50) 122mm medium guns where as the later had newly been completely modernized with latest 155mm medium guns and 8" heavies.Years of neglect by the successive GoIs had rendered Indian artillery into nothing more than a bad joke.

Now coming to the tanks, the Pakistan Army not only enjoyed a massive qualitative edge over Indian Army, but it had significant numerical advantages as well since Pakistan Army had almost three times as many medium tanks (some 550 M47 and M48 Patton tanks) as Indian Army (188 Centurion Mk IX, organised in 4 regiments of 47 tanks each)!!

This page is taken from a book titled M48 Patton vs Centurion, from Osprey publications, in case anyone's been wondering and no, it's not an Indian publishing house.The book takes its data from US congressional archives, so there is no question about its authenticity or neutrality.
Given this huge level of advantage held by your Army (I'm not even counting the disparity between IAF and PAF), it should have simply rolled over the Indian defenses, crushing it like an effing match box but, the very fact that they couldn't deliver on their promises, with the armored forces performing the worst of all arms despite such superiority in both strength and number just goes to show the incompetence of your higher ups and the field commanders as well!!

But of course, you already knew everything beforehand, didn't you??
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leave that useless discussion to bengalis, its their favorite pass time..

What i know is 40000 were never enough to defend border and fight insurgency alone in such heavily populated region, yes 40000 can raid college, university, press offices and so but can not provide 24 hours security, can not patrol in cities and on border especially if they have to work in shifts...

either Pakistani elite wanted to kick Bengal out of federation, or either they dont want to send more soldiers in den of traitors and territory surrounded by bharat with no real depth.
both bold parts are exactly my point...that's why they used to say - "defense of east lies in west"...pay attention to the above line....having said that....if the land and people were so worthless there was no need to send anyone...it was not as if 90k plus people were some expendables...which i believe was the point we both differ on...no??
Ha - the effects of a madrassa education. Your Army controls your country - hence the narratives. LOL - I would say your Army pissed in its pants but considering they usually remove their pants and happily surrender to the Indian Army - I would be way off mark.

Aww jahil bharati again hiding behind 1971??

Learn more about Major General Niranjan Parsad who was leading attack against "undefended" Lahore.

Here is his jeep that he left behind to hide in sugar cane field:


And here is what Indian sources say bout this general:

In Chapter 8 titled "Of Cowardice and Panic" of his book "1965 War-The Inside Story", R.D. Pradhan describes the cowardice of Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad, the Indian general commanding officer in Lahore sector. When Pakistan Defense Forces counter-attacked the intruding Indian military and the general was fired upon on Sept 6, 1965, he "ran away". Here's an excerpt:

"On learning that, Lt. Gen. Harbakash Singh and the corps commander drove in a Jonga (Nissan P60 Jeep) to the battlefront. Army commander found that the enemy (PAF) air attack had created a havoc on G.T. Road. (Indian) Vehicles were burning and several vehicles of 15 Division abandoned on the road, the drivers having run away, leaving some of the engines still running. Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad was hiding in a recently irrigated sugar cane field. As described by Harabakash Singh: "He (Prasad) came out to receive us, with his boots covered with wet mud. He had no head cover, nor was he wearing any badges of his rank. He had stubble on his face, not having shaved." Seeing him in such a stage, Harbakhash Singh asked him: "Whether he was the General Officer commanding a division or a coolie? Why had he removed badges of rank and not shaved? Niranjan Prasad had no answer."

So my dear bharati. Tell me and other members. What happened here. Why Niranjan parsad ran leaving his jeep behind and preferred to hide in a sugarcane field while Lahore was left undefended and open top conquer by "brave" Indian army?

Do you guys run and hide in sugarcane field when you find undefended front? :rofl:

@KN-1 Hey buddy do you have any justification?

Forget about a jeep dude i heard ur whole air force was missing from action in kargil :rofl::rofl:

True. And despite that your airforce lost 2 aircraft and 1 chopper.

And we are talking about the same clowns to take on PLAF :rofl: :rofl:
Aww jahil bharati again hiding behind 1971??

Learn more about Major General Niranjan Parsad who was leading attack against "undefended" Lahore.

Here is his jeep that he left behind to hide in sugar cane field:


And here is what Indian sources say bout this general:

So my dear bharati. Tell me and other members. What happened here. Why Niranjan parsad ran leaving his jeep behind and preferred to hide in a sugarcane field while Lahore was left undefended and open top conquer by "brave" Indian army?

Do you guys run and hide in sugarcane field when you find undefended front? :rofl:

@KN-1 Hey buddy do you have any justification?

True. And despite that your airforce lost 2 aircraft and 1 chopper.

And we are talking about the same clowns to take on PLAF :rofl: :rofl:
Aree bhai, there is nothing shameful than 90,000 folks surrendering with pants down in their own country to a enemy, isn't it?
Aree bhai, there is nothing shameful than 90,000 folks surrendering with pants down in their own country to a enemy, isn't it?

Another bharati hiding behind 1971 :lol:
You have anything to counter PA achievement of surrendering?

I don't need to. I am happy that even after 46 years you need 1971 to save your face in front of Pakistanis while you say 1962 won't be repeated against Chinese :lol:
Thing is that India isn't a small and defenceless country that China can bully,a war between both powers will only have a disastrous outcome and everyone knows it,despite some cheerleaders on this forum literally hoping for war.

Nothing will happen.

For China, India is a defenceless country that it can bully.

China is giving peace a chance and it is not because it thinks that India can stand up to it.

Since you have been in the military, can you advise when was the last time a country that imported arms(India) beat one that made arms(China) in conventional battles?
we will be here as its going to get spicier
Modi jike galey me phas gya hay na ugal sakta hay na nigal sakta hay.
Its Chinese prestige issue, today they let it go tomorrow VM will land troops in South China sea. Something has to happen and we (Pakistanis) will be in the crowd

US has never assisted anyone against a winning side

you will be the first to betray China. Last 2 months your government or army hasn't even made a slight noise in favor of china. If favoring china means making enemies of America- they want nothing of it.
i hope indian army will pay attention to the warnings.

once war happens, it will be india's fault
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