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Warning no 69: Step back from Doklam to avoid confrontation - PLA Col Lili

You should take a look at my location in my profile, or at least tell your mods to check my location. I don't pretend to be a true bred German/ Singaporean or American to convey my points.

I also said "other bharatis" from many different locations. :)
I don't need to. I am happy that even after 46 years you need 1971 to save your face in front of Pakistanis while you say 1962 won't be repeated against Chinese :lol:
Well you can find solace in whatever you want cling on, fact is apA hasn't won any war till date
Well you can find solace in whatever you want cling on, fact is apA hasn't won any war till date
What nonsense,they won all the wars.dont trust me check their text books.:-)
you will be the first to betray China. Last 2 months your government or army hasn't even made a slight noise in favor of china. If favoring china means making enemies of America- they want nothing of it.

Trump is visiting China not India, get out of this insecurity that US will save you
and million warnings on PDF.....count them also.....:D

They want to kill Indian by warnings :D....
Thing is that India isn't a small and defenceless country that China can bully,a war between both powers will only have a disastrous outcome and everyone knows it,despite some cheerleaders on this forum literally hoping for war.

Nothing will happen.

Within 2 years, they started making fun of USA capabilities.. let alone India, everytime they will bring xyz 123 name and then leaked pics... Later they will decide it will be best...
Pakistan gave Mao around 2500 sq km of Land as a proof friendship, Bhutan refused to do so and stand up against China with Indian backing. Thats not getting digested by few Pakistanis here.
Typical BS from India. Ask yr favorite Nepal why they turned against you? India bully neighbour and act arrogant. And turn act innocnent and paint other as aggressor. We have listen to much of India nonsense. Indian make Bhutan as a puppet and force Bhutan to confront on doklam issue. Ask yourself why a sovereign nation of Bhutan has very limited diplomatic ties with rest of the world? India acting as bully , everybody know. China is the most righteous country.

This case is same applied to SCS where Vietnam and Japan are encouraged by USA to provoke China by infringing China territory. Ask yourself why Philippine turn to China side?
Aww jahil bharati again hiding behind 1971??

Learn more about Major General Niranjan Parsad who was leading attack against "undefended" Lahore.

Here is his jeep that he left behind to hide in sugar cane field:


And here is what Indian sources say bout this general:

So my dear bharati. Tell me and other members. What happened here. Why Niranjan parsad ran leaving his jeep behind and preferred to hide in a sugarcane field while Lahore was left undefended and open top conquer by "brave" Indian army?

Do you guys run and hide in sugarcane field when you find undefended front? :rofl:

@KN-1 Hey buddy do you have any justification?

True. And despite that your airforce lost 2 aircraft and 1 chopper.

And we are talking about the same clowns to take on PLAF :rofl: :rofl:

Can you list the names of those Pakistanis who abandoned these tanks in India and ran away?

Must be difficult to gulp - capturing a jeep and leaving tanks behind. :sarcastic:
For China, India is a defenceless country that it can bully.


Since you have been in the military, can you advise when was the last time a country that imported arms(India) beat one that made arms(China) in conventional battles?

Vietnam, with so little industrial capabilities let alone a defense industry in 1971 literally slaughtered the Chinese in 1979.

Now please do cry.
Aww jahil bharati again hiding behind 1971??

Learn more about Major General Niranjan Parsad who was leading attack against "undefended" Lahore.

Here is his jeep that he left behind to hide in sugar cane field:


And here is what Indian sources say bout this general:

So my dear bharati. Tell me and other members. What happened here. Why Niranjan parsad ran leaving his jeep behind and preferred to hide in a sugarcane field while Lahore was left undefended and open top conquer by "brave" Indian army?

Do you guys run and hide in sugarcane field when you find undefended front? :rofl:

@KN-1 Hey buddy do you have any justification?

True. And despite that your airforce lost 2 aircraft and 1 chopper.

And we are talking about the same clowns to take on PLAF :rofl: :rofl:

True. We wouldn't have lost any if PAF was in action because Mujahideens with their tinger missles will fire better than PAF guys :rofl: :rofl:
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