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Warning no 69: Step back from Doklam to avoid confrontation - PLA Col Lili

Just say that Sialkot was left undefended and you didn't move forward thinking it would be a trap.

Have some shame. Even other bharatis are realizing the moronic thing that you said about that Lahore.

As for madarsas. 99% of all Pakistani madarsas follow madarsas located in Bareilly, Deoband and Delhi. So cut this madarsa BS and give your moronic nationalist chutyapa a rest. You need it.

Why would I say anything about a village I know nothing of? Maybe the herd mentality is prevalent in the madrassa - that is not the case anywhere.

LOL - some nerve. Neutral and even Pakistani experts have said Pakistan got mauled in 1965 - so instead of raving and ranting, get outside your madrassa and read up info in the real world.

Most likely(and it is my hope) that China and India not wanting to disturb their economic growth would want to avoid the disastrous consequences of war. However it has been a case many times in history that countries have gone to war(despite not wanting to) just to save face or to show power or bcuz backing down would make them look weak. This is the situation China and India are in right now...India can't withdraw bcuz it would look weak and China can't have Indian troops in Doklam for too long bcuz that makes China look weak. That's the unsettling part...China's rise to power and recent more forceful assertion of its claims with Japan/Vietnam/Philippines/Taiwan/India has built a certain image. An image of power(which can be backed up)...China would not want to lose this image and look weak. This alone may draw China into war even though it would cause a severe setback for India and China economically.

What amazes me more is India's behavior(including Indian members on this forum). They r so convinced that China can't take on India, whereas the reality is quite different. No doubt India is strong...but China is stronger. In the absence of a MAD scenario China would win. Indians should realize this reality and work towards a peaceful solution rather than chest thumping.

Of course China is stronger. It has more resources. But that is not a carte blance to bully a country which is a de facto if not de jure protectorate of India. China can't go around forcing everyone's hand in Asia. It is strong, but it is neither the USA nor the USSR/Russia.
Why would I say anything about a village I know nothing of? Maybe the herd mentality is prevalent in the madrassa - that is not the case anywhere.

LOL - some nerve. Neutral and even Pakistani experts have said Pakistan got mauled in 1965 - so instead of raving and ranting, get outside your madrassa and read up info in the real world.

You shouldn't say anything about Lahore either but what you said about it was nothing but bullcrap. May be calling other madarsa educated while having biggest madarsas in own country is a chronic disease in RSS educated jokers.

Many neutrals and even Indians even talk about pathetic Indian performance in 1965 and how IAF was made a joke out of it in that war. We don't go to madarsa so don't mistake us with your muslims. We have read real info and nowhere it says that Lahore was left undefended. In fact Lahore was very well defended and Indian attack on it was well stopped. :)
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