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Warning no 69: Step back from Doklam to avoid confrontation - PLA Col Lili

Both sides mauled each other on several fronts. We mauled you so much that you failed to conquer Lahore even though it was as per your peanut size trash brain left undefended. :)

Your gau mutra raised brain failed to read "Lahore cantonment is our army's aim" part at the top.

Oh well. That is what you teach at RSS shahakha after a sip of cow urine and eating cow dung cake. Create new excuses when you fail to capture a cantonment despite big claims. :lol:

Cut the BS. And read "Lahore cantonment is our army's aim".

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Obviously when we fail then we all change our aims. Your army is no different. ;)
What I said is primary aim of our military was to defend Kashmir from Pak aggression,in order to achieve the primary objective army will employ diffetactis and secondary objectives only to fullfill the primary objective. In this case we achieved our primary objective. Now tell me who won the war.
What I said is primary aim of our military was to defend Kashmir from Pak aggression,in order to achieve the primary objective army will employ diffetactis and secondary objectives only to fullfill the primary objective. In this case we achieved our primary objective. Now tell me who won the war.
But he has a captured Jeep. That proves all his points. Journalists and historians are all gau mutra drinking RSS lackeys.
I hope this name Lilli is not the Lilly we understand, but have some serious meaning in Mandarin. Otherwise it will be like Lilli, Mona, jenny threatening us :lol::lol:
What I said is primary aim of our military was to defend Kashmir from Pak aggression,in order to achieve the primary objective army will employ diffetactis and secondary objectives only to fullfill the primary objective. In this case we achieved our primary objective. Now tell me who won the war.

I understand what you are saying but time and time again your army said Lahore is your target. During whole war you kept saying same. When you failed at Lahore you attacked Sialkot. You failed there too. When you failed there you attacked Sindh. You failed there too.

You kept shifting goals but at the end of war we won because we managed to retain Kashmir somehow. Is that your "victory" of 1965 war? Looks very lousy and poor. But if you want to remain in delusions that you won 65 war. Then be my guest. :lol:

Bring something new yaara, you guys are so unimaginative, no wonder you lost every battle you fought.Nah, I'm not a Hindu, so, nah.But it looks like effects of generations of inbreeding has destroyed your front cortex, or should I say it has kept it from developing?? :D :D

Why bring something new when cow urine is of utmost importance in India today? There is special researches in top Indian universities on cow urine. Your ministers are explaining benefits of cow urine. Hell your government wants to create a ministry on cows. How can we ignore such an important thing?? You might be hindu or not but you live in a hindu country where cow and its urine means a lot.

So we would keep mentioning it to show how your remain faggots due to drinking cow urine and remained an incomplete product due to its usage. :lol:

So promising to agree with a proposal is akin to pushing for a ceasefire by your account??!!Nice logic there, beta ma66ar khan!! :D :D

Use your f*cking eyes to read what I presented. Using your pichwara to read things might be a norm in India but when you are on a Pakistani forum. Use the eyes God gave you. Your PM wrote to UN to show his willingness to accept ceasefire and to implement it within 24 hours even though only 7 days passed in the war. It was Pakistan who rejected the ceasefire and only accepted it 7 days later when US and USSR intervened. You were ready and asking for ceasefire much before Pakistan agreed. Read again:

Thereupon, Shastri wrote to U Thant on 14 September accepting the latter’s ceasefire proposal with effect from 6.30 a.m. on 16 September, provided Pakistan also agreed to do so. In this letter, Shastri also noted that military operations will continue against existing or future armed infiltrators from Pakistan and that the Security Council needs to make a distinction between Pakistan the aggressor and India the victim of aggression.17 When U Thant pointed out that these latter statements amounted to conditions for the ceasefire to come into effect, Shastri, with the concurrence of the ECC, sent “a more agreeable” follow-up letter to the UN Secretary General on 15 September.18 In this follow-up letter, after noting that he did not ask U Thant to give any undertaking on the issues of Pakistan’s aggression and armed Pakistani infiltrators, Shastri reaffirmed his “willingness, as communicated yesterday, to order a simple cease-fire and cessation of hostilities as proposed by you, as soon as you are able to confirm to me that the Government of Pakistan has agreed to do so as well.”19 But a ceasefire did not come into effect on 16 September and the war continued for another week because Pakistan insisted upon a precondition: that the ceasefire be accompanied by concrete steps that would “lead to a final settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

Oh and your lion army couldn't even do that??!!So that makes you the punchline of your own joke, kitty kat!!The difference between both the armies is that Indian Army was in the joke where as your army became the joke!! :rofl:

My army couldn't do it? It captured enough land in Akhnor to make sure that you are forced to return very strategi haji pir pass in its return. It made your attack in Sindh to be a complete failure and captured land in Rajasthan sector. It halted your advance in Lahore and Sialkot sectors. It captured land in Khemkaran sector. While you are happy that after 17 days of war you managed to capture dograi village while Lahore remains unconquered even though Lahore is right next to international border. Great achievement. :rofl:

Operation Grand Slam rings any bell??Was that launched with prior warnings??And in any case, by the end of the war, we held 4 times as much of your landmass as you did ours, so who's the loser??You even lost far greater number of tanks, artillery pieces, and soldiers, and most of all failed to achieve your primary goal of snatching Kashmir away from our clutches - so your Army failed in every category.

We successfully defended all our majore cities even though all our major cities were right next to international border. You manged to capture few villages and keep changing goal for you to from Lahore to Sialkot to Sindh to finally in Kashmir.

It was a military stalemate and that was it. Keep your "we won 65 war" cr@p to fool your future generations. Won't work here. :)

Correction, you didn't manage to get it back on your own, rather it was returned to you as a vikh, my dear vikhari!! :rofl:

You don't give anyone for free. That is neither your nature nor your auqat chutya kumari. Youi returned it to get back what you lost in Akhnor. It was a pretty simple exchange. :)

We defended our portion of Kashmir successfully, which was our primary goal, so by military logic alone, we scored a victory, albeit a rather shaky and iffy one.

It was too shaky and too iffy for a victory. The fact is that it was a military stalemate.

I for one do not give a damn.And as for your 'smaller enemy', why don't you just grow a spine and check the respective stats of both the armies during 65??In almost every category, you guys enjoyed clear and even sometimes, almost decisive edge yet you couldn't achieve your goals!!And you do realize that having a bigger landmass doesn't necessarily ensure a stronger military, not always it doesn't.

Bullsh!t. Both have their respective advantages and disadvantages. It was an even fight. don't act like you were too weak of a rat to fight Pakistan. :lol:

Why should I be frustrated??Kashmir is still in our union last time I checked.

But we are rejecting your delusions of victory and doing it well. Frustration is obvious and natural. It hurts. :lol:

Actually, I have admitted the guts of your army quite a number of time in this very sight, most notably during when the beheadings of our soldiers had first come to light and everyone was terming it as a cowardice act, when I was among the very few Indians who said otherwise and still maintain that those attacks were rather daring to say the least, as I do not feel obligated to deny someone their due credit in the name of national honor and patriotism.Unfortunately, however, you do not seem to share that same guts as your men in uniform do, such a shame.

The way Indian army gets treated at LOC again and again, it would be too stupid and delusional to reject our guts. But anyways good to know that you are not stupid. But that doesn't mean we would accept your bogus victories too in return. I have read and heard many great accounts of bravery of Indian army from Pakistani officers and I respect that but don't expect us to accept us historical lies and propaganda of India in return. :)

But he has a captured Jeep. That proves all his points. Journalists and historians are all gau mutra drinking RSS lackeys.

That jeep was in response to your cr@p that Lahore was left undefended and Indian army didn't conquer it because they thought it was a trap. That was my very first post in your reply.

Anyways keep beleving BS they told you at RSS shakha. Do told me anytime later why Sialkot was not conquered. Ask RSS for excuse if you can't find any. ;)
I understand what you are saying but time and time again your army said Lahore is your target. During
Yes, they did, only to ease the pressure off our guys in northern punjab!!Is it really that hard to comprehend??
whole war you kept saying same. When you failed at Lahore you attacked Sialkot. You failed there too. When you failed there you attacked Sindh. You failed there too.
We did not fail at Lahore, we did not even get to make an attempt at Lahore as the cease fire came right when our forces had managed to reach its outskirts in Burki.And yeah, you defended Sialkot, congrats.
You kept shifting goals but at the end of war we won because we managed to retain Kashmir somehow. Is that your "victory" of 1965 war? Looks very lousy and poor. But if you want to remain in delusions that you won 65 war. Then be my guest. :lol:
So what??We did what we had to, to defend our land and we did that successfully, with far less number of casualties and while holding a much greater landmass of your territory, so that's a win.And keep laughing girly.

Why bring something new when cow urine is of utmost importance in India today? There is special researches in top Indian universities on cow urine. Your ministers are explaining benefits of cow urine. Hell your government wants to create a ministry on cows. How can we ignore such an important thing?? You might be hindu or not but you live in a hindu country where cow and its urine means a lot.
And how is that even relevant to our current discussion other than scoring some obvious cheap shots and trying to evading the actual discussion??It's fooling no one sister.
So we would keep mentioning it to show how your remain faggots due to drinking cow urine and remained an incomplete product due to its usage. :lol:

Talking about faggotry, bachabazi was a thing in Pakistan (and Afghanistan) and you can't get more faggoty than that!!And what does our perceived sexual orientation even has got to do with this topic except of course trying to divert it.What happened??Too scared to go into the direct route now??

Use your f*cking eyes to read what I presented. Using your pichwara to read things might be a norm in India but when you are on a Pakistani forum. Use the eyes God gave you. Your PM wrote to UN to show his willingness to accept ceasefire and to implement it within 24 hours even though only 7 days passed in the war. It was Pakistan who rejected the ceasefire and only accepted it 7 days later when US and USSR intervened. You were ready and asking for ceasefire much before Pakistan agreed. Read again:

Yeah yeah, by the end the situation had reversed completely.

My army couldn't do it? It captured enough land in Akhnor to make sure that you are forced to return very strategi haji pir pass in its return. It made your attack in Sindh to be a complete failure and captured land in Rajasthan sector. It halted your advance in Lahore and Sialkot sectors. It captured land in Khemkaran sector. While you are happy that after 17 days of war you managed to capture dograi village while Lahore remains unconquered even though Lahore is right next to international border. Great achievement. :rofl:

Whatever rocks your boat missy.

We successfully defended all our majore cities even though all our major cities were right next to international border. You manged to capture few villages and keep changing goal for you to from Lahore to Sialkot to Sindh to finally in Kashmir.

It was a military stalemate and that was it. Keep your "we won 65 war" cr@p to fool your future generations. Won't work here. :)

Stalemate from your perspective may be, not from ours.We didn't start the war after all and by the end, we were at a clearly more advantageous position and could deal heavier blows had the conflict been alowed to drag on.

You don't give anyone for free. That is neither your nature nor your auqat chutya kumari. Youi returned it to get back what you lost in Akhnor. It was a pretty simple exchange. :)
No miss Chutyio ki raani, we do give back a lot for free!!Like we gave back all the 6000 sq kilometers of West Pakistani territory we gained during 71 when you had nothing in your hands to make an exchange.

It was too shaky and too iffy for a victory. The fact is that it was a military stalemate.
Whatever, let's agree to disagree, lest the bout should drag on till kingdom comes.

Bullsh!t. Both have their respective advantages and disadvantages. It was an even fight. don't act like you were too weak of a rat to fight Pakistan. :lol:

Just check the stats dude, just check the stats!!I'm not saying we were a push over but the advantage was certainly on your side, except in number of troops!!And even there, your soldiers were better equipped (and I dare say better trained as they had war gamed the scenario in US) and that's a fact.

But we are rejecting your delusions of victory and doing it well. Frustration is obvious and natural. It hurts. :lol:
No frustration here m8.

The way Indian army gets treated at LOC again and again, it would be too stupid and delusional to reject our guts.
Again and again, like you mean a few pot shots by your snipers every once in a while Indian Army decimates your posts with ATGMs and topples your lorries into rivers (or was it because of a beoda driver)??!!
But anyways good to know that you are not stupid.
Respect should be given when and where it's due, that's my policy.
ut that doesn't mean we would accept your bogus victories too in return.
It's a matter of perspective really.You had a much more grandiose objective in 65, so it's a stalemate for you.Ours on the other hand, was a far more modest one, all the blusters and posturing by the Indian generals not withstanding as evidenced by the words of the then COAS J.N. Chaudhary!!He said on record that Lahore wasn't thier aim, they only open that front to ease pressure off the very lightly defended Akhnoor sector.
I have read and heard many great accounts of bravery of Indian army from Pakistani officers and I respect that but don't expect us to accept us historical lies and propaganda of India in return. :)
Thanks, man and I'm not telling you to believe in any propaganda.All I'm saying is that it's just a matter of different perspective, that's all.And besides, even most Indians do not take it as much of a victory as I said it was a very shaky one.

That jeep was in response to your cr@p that Lahore was left undefended and Indian army didn't conquer it because they thought it was a trap. That was my very first post in your reply.
You will always find some ill-informed posters every once in a while, that doesn't mean you have to get down to their levels!!
Anyways keep beleving BS they told you at RSS shakha.
For the nth time, I won't even be alowed to go near an RSS camp!!I'm not a Hindu, I was born into a completely nonreligious household!!
Do told me anytime later why Sialkot was not conquered. Ask RSS for excuse if you can't find any. ;)
What is there to tell you??We lost in the battle of Chawinda, no one disputes that.You people scored a grand one there and no body can take it away from you people.The only thing is, Indian Army did not outnumber you 4 to 1 in that sector, heck, its own armored forces were outnumbered actually!!But it was a grand victory on your part never the less.

Anyway, raat bahut ho gayee hai, good night and sweet dreams. :)
That jeep was in response to your cr@p that Lahore was left undefended and Indian army didn't conquer it because they thought it was a trap. That was my very first post in your reply.

Anyways keep beleving BS they told you at RSS shakha. Do told me anytime later why Sialkot was not conquered. Ask RSS for excuse if you can't find any. ;)

Not read enough on Sialkot - can't keep tab on every small village or Jeep in the picture in the War. I shall leave that to you and your madrassa peers to enjoy the grand "victory" of capturing a Jeep.
Not read enough on Sialkot - can't keep tab on every small village or Jeep in the picture in the War. I shall leave that to you and your madrassa peers to enjoy the grand "victory" of capturing a Jeep.

Just say that Sialkot was left undefended and you didn't move forward thinking it would be a trap.

Have some shame. Even other bharatis are realizing the moronic thing that you said about that Lahore.

As for madarsas. 99% of all Pakistani madarsas follow madarsas located in Bareilly, Deoband and Delhi. So cut this madarsa BS and give your moronic nationalist chutyapa a rest. You need it.
Thing is that India isn't a small and defenceless country that China can bully,a war between both powers will only have a disastrous outcome and everyone knows it,despite some cheerleaders on this forum literally hoping for war.

Nothing will happen.
Most likely(and it is my hope) that China and India not wanting to disturb their economic growth would want to avoid the disastrous consequences of war. However it has been a case many times in history that countries have gone to war(despite not wanting to) just to save face or to show power or bcuz backing down would make them look weak. This is the situation China and India are in right now...India can't withdraw bcuz it would look weak and China can't have Indian troops in Doklam for too long bcuz that makes China look weak. That's the unsettling part...China's rise to power and recent more forceful assertion of its claims with Japan/Vietnam/Philippines/Taiwan/India has built a certain image. An image of power(which can be backed up)...China would not want to lose this image and look weak. This alone may draw China into war even though it would cause a severe setback for India and China economically.

What amazes me more is India's behavior(including Indian members on this forum). They r so convinced that China can't take on India, whereas the reality is quite different. No doubt India is strong...but China is stronger. In the absence of a MAD scenario China would win. Indians should realize this reality and work towards a peaceful solution rather than chest thumping.
Most likely(and it is my hope) that China and India not wanting to disturb their economic growth would want to avoid the disastrous consequences of war. However it has been a case many times in history that countries have gone to war(despite not wanting to) just to save face or to show power or bcuz backing down would make them look weak. This is the situation China and India are in right now...India can't withdraw bcuz it would look weak and China can't have Indian troops in Doklam for too long bcuz that makes China look weak. That's the unsettling part...China's rise to power and recent more forceful assertion of its claims with Japan/Vietnam/Philippines/Taiwan/India has built a certain image. An image of power(which can be backed up)...China would not want to lose this image and look weak. This alone may draw China into war even though it would cause a severe setback for India and China economically.

What amazes me more is India's behavior(including Indian members on this forum). They r so convinced that China can't take on India, whereas the reality is quite different. No doubt India is strong...but China is stronger. In the absence of a MAD scenario China would win. Indians should realize this reality and work towards a peaceful solution rather than chest thumping.

We would rather stand our ground, fk it if we are going down then we will take our enemies down with us, for the betterment of the generations to come. This hegemony Of China's authoritarian rule and persecution of its people and its neighbors has to end. If we don't stand up now then it will be too late to do so in the future. Every Indian irrespective of his caste, religion and social economic background will defend his/hers motherland.

This is not chest thumping this is defending your lands from your dushmans... defensive not offensive. Advice that to the Chinese and the proganda specialists beating the drums of war!
We would rather stand our ground, fk it if we are going down then we will take our enemies down with us, for the betterment of the generations to come. This hegemony Of China's authoritarian rule and persecution of its people and its neighbors has to end. If we don't stand up now then it will be too late to do so in the future. Every Indian irrespective of his caste, religion and social economic background will defend his/hers motherland.
No doubt Indians love their country...but so do the Chinese. In fact every nationality loves their country...traitors r hard to find. China too will fight to the last man...but what's the point? After so much destruction it doesn't matter which side wins. What was won? Death and destruction will await the victors returning home. I know that a lot of Indians view China as an enemy but consider this...they have fought(wars that they started) less with their neighboring states than India has.

China may be a hegemonic country(and what powerful state isn't) but one thing is for certain, China always tries to avoid wars...whether it is due to its personal interest of not wanting to halt and reverse its progress or some other reason. So why doesn't India take advantage of that? And try to negotiate a deal?
How many futile Indian warnings to Pakistan?

No doubt Indians love their country...but so do the Chinese. In fact every nationality loves their country...traitors r hard to find. China too will fight to the last man...but what's the point? After so much destruction it doesn't matter which side wins. What was won? Death and destruction will await the victors returning home. I know that a lot of Indians view China as an enemy but consider this...they have fought(wars that they started) less with their neighboring states than India has.

China may be a hegemonic country(and what powerful state isn't) but one thing is for certain, China always tries to avoid wars...whether it is due to its personal interest of not wanting to halt and reverse its progress or some other reason. So why doesn't India take advantage of that? And try to negotiate a deal?

Enough with the negotiations, Chinese cannot be trusted ever, they violate all their agreements & they have a expansionist agenda. That is non-negotiable period!
No doubt Indians love their country...but so do the Chinese. In fact every nationality loves their country...traitors r hard to find. China too will fight to the last man...but what's the point? After so much destruction it doesn't matter which side wins. What was won? Death and destruction will await the victors returning home. I know that a lot of Indians view China as an enemy but consider this...they have fought(wars that they started) less with their neighboring states than India has.

China may be a hegemonic country(and what powerful state isn't) but one thing is for certain, China always tries to avoid wars...whether it is due to its personal interest of not wanting to halt and reverse its progress or some other reason. So why doesn't India take advantage of that? And try to negotiate a deal?
We have been telling from day one,this can be only resolved by talks,it's the Chinese who have been threatening from day one.
Bhutan has requested China to stop the the construction of road ,China ignored them.
China has been doing the same thing with smaller countries for couple of decades now and that to bringing up imaginary maps from centuries old,if you look at the 9 dash claim you will know,if it was not India someone else would have done it some where else it was just a matter of who and when.
World has been reluctant to take on China as it would have had an impact on world economy and the Chinese have used it to the max,if the war happens the economies will take a hit but chinas economy won't be the same again as everyone has seen what a economically strong China can be in the short span of 20-25 years.
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