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Warning no 69: Step back from Doklam to avoid confrontation - PLA Col Lili

Even General Harbakhsh didn't get it let alone me. :lol:
Nope, he did understand it alright, he wasn't an idiot like yourself my 'Nordick' neighbor!!

But chikni chameli the thing is that your advances were halted and your attacks were going no where. Accept that instead of whining andranting. Would make things better for you and all of us. :)
Of course, they were halted, when did I deny that my Haari Priya??!!But the very fact that you had to end up defending your second largest city, ina war, which your side started with the aim of our land, is nothing short of an utter humiliation, to put it mildly. :D

China is to much of talking this 100 percent come with war may be this Month end or next month 1 st weak.start see that war ground china good luck .you doesn't real factor understand so we face that war .

We ran for cease fire??!!Girly, our Prime Minister wasn't even ready to accept it at first!!It was your establishment who ran to your then US daddy-o with their tails tucked in between their hind limbs!!

Looks like gau mutra has done some serious damage to your brain chunn lal.

India was trying to push for a ceasefire as early as 14 September at least.

Thereupon, Shastri wrote to U Thant on 14 September accepting the latter’s ceasefire proposal with effect from 6.30 a.m. on 16 September, provided Pakistan also agreed to do so. In this letter, Shastri also noted that military operations will continue against existing or future armed infiltrators from Pakistan and that the Security Council needs to make a distinction between Pakistan the aggressor and India the victim of aggression.17 When U Thant pointed out that these latter statements amounted to conditions for the ceasefire to come into effect, Shastri, with the concurrence of the ECC, sent “a more agreeable” follow-up letter to the UN Secretary General on 15 September.18 In this follow-up letter, after noting that he did not ask U Thant to give any undertaking on the issues of Pakistan’s aggression and armed Pakistani infiltrators, Shastri reaffirmed his “willingness, as communicated yesterday, to order a simple cease-fire and cessation of hostilities as proposed by you, as soon as you are able to confirm to me that the Government of Pakistan has agreed to do so as well.”19 But a ceasefire did not come into effect on 16 September and the war continued for another week because Pakistan insisted upon a precondition: that the ceasefire be accompanied by concrete steps that would “lead to a final settlement of the Kashmir dispute.


Looks like when you were sucking d!ck of an Indian army major, he didn't tell you about the way you were looking for a ceasefire within just few days of the war.

Nope, in fact, they would have advanced even farther had the war dragged on as you people were almost at the bottom of your ammunition reserves!!

Ohh the pussy army captures small village of Dograi after 17 days of war. Great achievement :rofl:

Not so mighty actually.In fact, we had less far less number of tanks and artillery and that too of significantly inferior quality and our infantry barely outnumbered their Pakistani counterpart and in any case, in large part was still equipped with WWII era SMLEs and Brens where as your guys had then very modern G3 battle rifles and M60 GPMGs!!Yet your men got their bloody @rses handed to them in platters in almost every occasion they met!!Must be humiliating for your lot. :D

You had everything inferior. Your whole race is inferior let alone the military.

But still despite Indian attacking Pakistan without any formal announcement, Pakistan managed to successfully defend all of its major cities which were within few kilometers of international border.

And even managed to get back Haji pir pass the only worthy Indian achievement in the war. :lol:

Why should I be frustrated??What the Indian Army achieved given the severe disparity both in terms of quality and quantity, it was nothing short of amazing!!

Because the "victory" that you celebrate was nothing but a military stalemate. I know how it feels when for years you celebrate a victory that was nothing but a military stalemate and that too against a much smaller enemy.

We know the reason reason behind your frustration. :)

More like you didn't have the guts. :)

You know our guts. But then you can't admit it here. ;)

Nope, he did understand it alright, he wasn't an idiot like yourself my 'Nordick' neighbor!!

He wasn't an idiot like you either chikni chameli who claims losing Amritsar was a military tactic. :lol:

Of course, they were halted, when did I deny that my Haari Priya??!!But the very fact that you had to end up defending your second largest city, ina war, which your side started with the aim of our land, is nothing short of an utter humiliation, to put it mildly. :D

We ended up defending our second largest city and we ended up doing it successfully. While you were even forced to return land that you gained in your atoot ang.

Some victory that is for cow lovers. :)

and you missed later part of article ? which was its explanation.

Lahore was attacked so that it can be put for further negotiations.

Yes, we all give excuses but pakistanis convert their excuses into victory.

48,65 to Kargil ...Story is same.

I missed nothing. The second part is an excuse of failure of first part.

It is pretty simple to understand.
Looks like gau mutra has done some serious damage to your brain chunn lal.
Bring something new yaara, you guys are so unimaginative, no wonder you lost every battle you fought.Nah, I'm not a Hindu, so, nah.But it looks like effects of generations of inbreeding has destroyed your front cortex, or should I say it has kept it from developing?? :D :D

India was trying to push for a ceasefire as early as 14 September at least.

So promising to agree with a proposal is akin to pushing for a ceasefire by your account??!!Nice logic there, beta ma66ar khan!! :D :D
Looks like when you were sucking d!ck of an Indian army major, he didn't tell you about the way you were looking for a ceasefire within just few days of the war.
Well, I'm not a gay, so, nah.And why should I need to ask some major or even some gerneil sahab to know what's already in the public domain??!!

Ohh the pussy army captures small village of Dograi after 17 days of war. Great achievement :rofl:
Oh and your lion army couldn't even do that??!!So that makes you the punchline of your own joke, kitty kat!!The difference between both the armies is that Indian Army was in the joke where as your army became the joke!! :rofl:

You had everything inferior. Your whole race is inferior let alone the military.
My race is inferior to a bunch of inbred chimps, who were borne out of rape and pilage??!!Oh well, whatever rocks your boat, pussy. :rofl:
But it is true though, your army had much better equipment and in greater numbers as well, it's all in public domain, just go have a look if you have the guts (which, needless to say, that you do not).
But still despite Indian attacking Pakistan without any formal announcement, Pakistan managed to successfully defend all of its major cities which were within few kilometers of international border.
Operation Grand Slam rings any bell??Was that launched with prior warnings??And in any case, by the end of the war, we held 4 times as much of your landmass as you did ours, so who's the loser??You even lost far greater number of tanks, artillery pieces, and soldiers, and most of all failed to achieve your primary goal of snatching Kashmir away from our clutches - so your Army failed in every category.
And even managed to get back Haji pir pass the only worthy Indian achievement in the war. :lol:
Correction, you didn't manage to get it back on your own, rather it was returned to you as a vikh, my dear vikhari!! :rofl:

Because the "victory" that you celebrate was nothing but a military stalemate.
We defended our portion of Kashmir successfully, which was our primary goal, so by military logic alone, we scored a victory, albeit a rather shaky and iffy one.
I know how it feels when for years you celebrate a victory that was nothing but a military stalemate and that too against a much smaller enemy.
I for one do not give a damn.And as for your 'smaller enemy', why don't you just grow a spine and check the respective stats of both the armies during 65??In almost every category, you guys enjoyed clear and even sometimes, almost decisive edge yet you couldn't achieve your goals!!And you do realize that having a bigger landmass doesn't necessarily ensure a stronger military, not always it doesn't.
We know the reason behind your frustration. :)

Why should I be frustrated??Kashmir is still in our union last time I checked.

You know our guts. But then you can't admit it here. ;)
Actually, I have admitted the guts of your army quite a number of time in this very sight, most notably during when the beheadings of our soldiers had first come to light and everyone was terming it as a cowardice act, when I was among the very few Indians who said otherwise and still maintain that those attacks were rather daring to say the least, as I do not feel obligated to deny someone their due credit in the name of national honor and patriotism.Unfortunately, however, you do not seem to share that same guts as your men in uniform do, such a shame.
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According to dawn newspaper, China offered to back off a bit.


But China did not respond to India’s suggestion in the talks that it move its troops back 820 ft in return, said one source with close ties to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government.

In the low-key diplomatic manoeuvres that took place outside the public eye, the Chinese countered with an offer to move back 328 ft, so long as they received clearance from top government officials.
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and you missed later part of article ? which was its explanation.

Lahore was attacked so that it can be put for further negotiations.

Yes, we all give excuses but pakistanis convert their excuses into victory.

48,65 to Kargil ...Story is same.

And they even managed to brainwash their masses to actually believe in such bs excuses to the point, where they have become incapable of accepting anything else as facts!!Anything that doesn't go with their version of the events, must be the product of Indian propaganda, regardless of the source of the facts!!Some feat of social engineering.They deserve some real credit for it in my opinion.
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And they even managed to brainwash their masses to actually believe in such bs excuses to the point, they have become incapable of taking anything else as facts!

On an other thread, Windjammer was claiming that even 1971 was a failure for India because 'there were Sikh PoWs'. :lol:
Lahore was well defended and never conquered despite big Indian claims. Only in your fake and bogus histor hiy we lost that battle.
Lahore was never been in our radar,other than some bombings,an unavoidable target in the event of war to cripple enemies economy. But you have sent your people to take Kashmir from us,ad ended up like this. Actually you failed to full fill your objectives in the war, technically you lost the war.

We achieved our primary objective,that is defending Kashmir. You miserably failed in it.
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Bloody Indians. They are so busy with Ahmed Patel RS election and Vikas Barala that nobody is bothering about latest and toughest Threat from China.....
According to dawn newspaper, China offered to back off a bit.


But China did not respond to India’s suggestion in the talks that it move its troops back 820 ft in return, said one source with close ties to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government.

In the low-key diplomatic manoeuvres that took place outside the public eye, the Chinese countered with an offer to move back 328 ft, so long as they received clearance from top government officials.
It's hardly 100m,to he precise 100.92m.
China can do a 1971 on india also...

Yeah, in their (and apparently yours as well) wet dreams.

On an other thread, Windjammer was claiming that even 1971 was a failure for India because 'there were Sikh PoWs'. :lol:
Oh the one and only great Windy, he might as well claim that we didn't create Bangladesh, heck he might even claim that BD is still within Pakisani union and I won't be surprised still.That guy is simply lunacy personified. :D
Bad work pandit jee. Looks like drinking gau mutra has seriously damaged your ability to debate and comprehend things that is why you keep running away from Lahor front to 1971 to UN to ceasefire which India initiated.

Till now you have failed to back your BS that lahore was undefended and Indian army left it thinking to be a trap. May be you got high after drinking cow urine and then failed to defend your BS claim. I think that is what has happened here.

As per Times cr@p that you posted India was a bigger gainer since it managed to unite its nation. What a gain. :lol:

May be you left Lahore and didn't conquer it since you managed to unite your nation. Objective achieved. :D

But the fact is that you ran first for ceasefire and even had plans to surrender Amritsar to Pakistan since Lahore was not undefended like a moron like you believes. Read what your abbu at the time of 1965 war has to say here:

In Line of Duty: A Soldier Remembers, Lt Gen Harbakhsh Singh reveals that not only did Gen Chowdhury play a very small role in the entire campaign, he was so nervous as to be on the verge of losing half of Punjab to Pakistan, including the city of Amritsar. Harbakhsh describes, in clinical detail, how our own offensive in the Lahore sector had come unhinged. The general commanding the division on Ichchogil canal fled in panic, leaving his jeep, its wireless running and the briefcase containing sensitive documents that were then routinely read on Radio Pakistan during the war. Singh wanted to court martial him, Chowdhury let him get away with resignation.

See gau mutra drinker. Lahore was never undefended. The jeep was not left behind for no reason. It was left behind because Lahore was well defended and your attack on Lahore had failed.

Now f*ck off and come up with a new excuse for not conquering Sialkot. :)

Apparently Indian general at that time didn't agree with your lie that "Lahore was not our target".

View attachment 417104

You guys need to make your mind that whether Lahore was your target or not. It was a target for Indian generals in 1965 war. It might not be a target for Indian youth present on Pakistani forums. :D
Lol. Time magazine also said Pakistan got mauled by Indian forces. Or did you forget to read that in between sips of camel urine?

See the image you posted and kindly look at the bottom part.

New Delhi : Gen Choudhry explained why lahore was not taken by indian army, a subject which has been much talked out. "We never intended to go into lahore " General said

India was in no position to counter pakistani armor in kashmir. So india had to attack lahore as it was undefended. Even if pakistan occupies some parts of kashmir, we will be able to negotiate it with lahore.

As i said earlier, India had no intention to attack pakistan. Lahore was attacked just to release pressure from kashmir or negotiate with pakistan later on, if india looses some kashmir to pak.

If only he gulped facts half as quickly as he wishes to gulp down gallons of his oft repeated gau mutra. Every neutral observer is wrong. He has his madrassa and one Willys Jeep to prove that. :rofl:
Lol. Time magazine also said Pakistan got mauled by Indian forces. Or did you forget to read that in between sips of camel urine?

Both sides mauled each other on several fronts. We mauled you so much that you failed to conquer Lahore even though it was as per your peanut size trash brain left undefended. :)

If only he gulped facts half as quickly as he wishes to gulp down gallons of his oft repeated gau mutra. Every neutral observer is wrong. He has his madrassa and one Willys Jeep to prove that. :rofl:

Your gau mutra raised brain failed to read "Lahore cantonment is our army's aim" part at the top.

Oh well. That is what you teach at RSS shahakha after a sip of cow urine and eating cow dung cake. Create new excuses when you fail to capture a cantonment despite big claims. :lol:

Lahore was never been in our radar

Cut the BS. And read "Lahore cantonment is our army's aim".


Obviously when we fail then we all change our aims. Your army is no different. ;)
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