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Warning no 69: Step back from Doklam to avoid confrontation - PLA Col Lili

China with all surveillance capability from space, from sky and ground intel already know movements.
Oh and you think we do not have our own space surveillance capabilities??Ever heard of the RISAT and CartoSat series of earth observation satellites with sub meter resolutions??!!Heck, are you aware of the geography of that region??There are plenty of vegetation on our side of the border for our forces to conceal their movement and their positions, where as the Tibetan plateau is nothing but a devil forsaken fucking wasteland with little to no vegetation except few shrubs and moss here growing here and there!!So guess whose movement would be more vulnerable to enemy interdictions??
indians think they are in position to make any military statement????
Not just a statement but they are in a position to deal a fatal blow to their temple if the needs should arise.
Far from it.
Not so far, not at all.It's India we are talking about, not your Lungidesh!!
indian establishment is shaking for danger they brought in by doing chest thumping.
On the contrary, the only ones shaking right now are your 'oh-so-high and mighty' 11 Jin Ping Pong Ding Dong and his crew of lizrds.
Now these poor solders will be sacrificial lamb.
Yes, the poor conscripts of the PLAGF, you got that one right, except they they would be sacrificial lizrds and toads and not lambs.Lambs are just way too great to be spoken of in the same sentence with them.
China with all surveillance capability from space, from sky and ground intel already know movements. indians think they are in position to make any military statement???? Far from it. indian establishment is shaking for danger they brought in by doing chest thumping. Now these poor solders will be sacrificial lamb.

Chest thumping and every propaganda is being done by PLA and its media wing not Indians ... so cool down ... Military movement is going on from last 20-25 days .
. In small group of soldiers that can be missed by satellite . Bcz if it was known to chinese the type of hype they were creating will be the first one to break that news in der daily . So Indian army scored here .
What ever ,you lost that battle,no battle can be won without expenses of men and money/material.

Lahore was well defended and never conquered despite big Indian claims. Only in your fake and bogus history we lost that battle.
Lahore was well defended and never conquered despite big Indian claims. Only in your fake and bogus history we lost that battle.

Lahore was never meant to be conquered. It was attacked just to release pressure from kashmir border as pakistan had deployed superior armor in kashmir.

Yes, only pakistan can declare 1965 as its victory where a war started by them to get kashmir ended with defending lahore.
Yes - all neutral sources are lying. Maulvi saab in the madrassa where you got trained in "history" is right. You have a jeep to show for it - just no articles. At least you admitted Bhutto cried like a little girl in the UN pleading to save Pak from India.

No read this from Time Magazine and cry some more and seek solace in a captured Jeep - in all likelihood stolen by Paks to flee from the border back to momma.

Clearly, Pakistan had little choice but to accept the U.N.'s cease-fire ultimatum. Cut off from U.S. and British arms supplies, denied Russian aid, and severely mauled by the larger Indian armed forces, Pakistan could continue the fight only by teaming up with Red China and turning its back on the U.N. To take those steps would have meant a permanent break with the West and an end to the Western aid that has so greatly stimulated Pakistan's economy. India, by contrast, is still the big gainer in the war. Shastri had united the nation as never before. Said one Western ambassador last week: "It used to be you could feed the word 'India' into the machine and it would spit out 'Maharajahs, snakes, too many babies, too many cows, spindly-legged Hindus.' Now it's apparent to everybody that India is going to emerge as an Asian power in its own right.

Source: http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/printout/0,8816,834413,00.html

Looks like you have a lot to tell your madrassa teacher now. Do burst his bubble.

Bad work pandit jee. Looks like drinking gau mutra has seriously damaged your ability to debate and comprehend things that is why you keep running away from Lahor front to 1971 to UN to ceasefire which India initiated.

Till now you have failed to back your BS that lahore was undefended and Indian army left it thinking to be a trap. May be you got high after drinking cow urine and then failed to defend your BS claim. I think that is what has happened here.

As per Times cr@p that you posted India was a bigger gainer since it managed to unite its nation. What a gain. :lol:

May be you left Lahore and didn't conquer it since you managed to unite your nation. Objective achieved. :D

But the fact is that you ran first for ceasefire and even had plans to surrender Amritsar to Pakistan since Lahore was not undefended like a moron like you believes. Read what your abbu at the time of 1965 war has to say here:

In Line of Duty: A Soldier Remembers, Lt Gen Harbakhsh Singh reveals that not only did Gen Chowdhury play a very small role in the entire campaign, he was so nervous as to be on the verge of losing half of Punjab to Pakistan, including the city of Amritsar. Harbakhsh describes, in clinical detail, how our own offensive in the Lahore sector had come unhinged. The general commanding the division on Ichchogil canal fled in panic, leaving his jeep, its wireless running and the briefcase containing sensitive documents that were then routinely read on Radio Pakistan during the war. Singh wanted to court martial him, Chowdhury let him get away with resignation.

See gau mutra drinker. Lahore was never undefended. The jeep was not left behind for no reason. It was left behind because Lahore was well defended and your attack on Lahore had failed.

Now f*ck off and come up with a new excuse for not conquering Sialkot. :)

Lahore was never meant to be conquered. It was attacked just to release pressure from kashmir border as pakistan had deployed superior armor in kashmir.

Yes, only pakistan can declare 1965 as its victory where a war started by them to get kashmir ended with defending lahore.

Apparently Indian general at that time didn't agree with your lie that "Lahore was not our target".


You guys need to make your mind that whether Lahore was your target or not. It was a target for Indian generals in 1965 war. It might not be a target for Indian youth present on Pakistani forums. :D
Lahore was well defended and never conquered despite big Indian claims. Only in your fake and bogus history we lost that battle.

No one ever claims that Indian Army won the battle of Sialkot (Battle of Chawinda), it's just that our forces managed to capture Dograi, which was very close to Lahore and could have devasted that city with artillery and air assaults had the war dragged on for a few more weeks as, by your own admission, your military had already started running low on tank and artillery ammunition by this point.
No one ever claims that Indian Army won the battle of Sialkot (Battle of Chawinda), it's just that our forces managed to capture Dograi, which was very close to Lahore and could have devasted that city with artillery and air assaults had the war dragged on for a few more weeks as, by your own admission, your military had already started running low on tank and artillery ammunition by this point.

War could have dragged on but your advance was stopped and then you ran for ceasefire.

Dograi was taken by a small force of Jat regiment and who knows if war would have lost it too. After 17 days of fighting not so mighty Indian army managed to capture village of dogri. Let me complete the whole story for you. You missed the halt in advance part. :)

You people are probably the only lot of 'men' who are shameless enough to portray their utter failure as their grand success!!You people started off a war with the aim of capturing Kashmir and ended up defending your second largest city and losing almost half of your armored corps in the process yet you have the audacity to pull out all these outlandish stories of your imaginary victories!!You forced a war on us without any sort of provocation or prior warnings, when we were completely unprepared and were at our weakest when our forces were completely outmatched on almost every account yet you barely managed to defend your own sorry @rses and that too because of the UN sponsored cease fire.Had our leaders had just a little bit of more resolve, to resist the outside pressure and go on with the offensive for just two more weeks, it would have been game-over for you miserable lot.Granted, we couldn't have captured a city like Lahore as we didn't have nearly enough man power back then, but we could have surely razed it to the fuccking ground with artillery fire assaults.

Looks like a frustrated bharati rant. Not interested in answering it. :)
Bad work pandit jee. Looks like drinking gau mutra has seriously damaged your ability to debate and comprehend things that is why you keep running away from Lahor front to 1971 to UN to ceasefire which India initiated.

Till now you have failed to back your BS that lahore was undefended and Indian army left it thinking to be a trap. May be you got high after drinking cow urine and then failed to defend your BS claim. I think that is what has happened here.

As per Times cr@p that you posted India was a bigger gainer since it managed to unite its nation. What a gain. :lol:

May be you left Lahore and didn't conquer it since you managed to unite your nation. Objective achieved. :D

But the fact is that you ran first for ceasefire and even had plans to surrender Amritsar to Pakistan since Lahore was not undefended like a moron like you believes. Read what your abbu at the time of 1965 war has to say here:

In Line of Duty: A Soldier Remembers, Lt Gen Harbakhsh Singh reveals that not only did Gen Chowdhury play a very small role in the entire campaign, he was so nervous as to be on the verge of losing half of Punjab to Pakistan, including the city of Amritsar. Harbakhsh describes, in clinical detail, how our own offensive in the Lahore sector had come unhinged. The general commanding the division on Ichchogil canal fled in panic, leaving his jeep, its wireless running and the briefcase containing sensitive documents that were then routinely read on Radio Pakistan during the war. Singh wanted to court martial him, Chowdhury let him get away with resignation.

See gau mutra drinker. Lahore was never undefended. The jeep was not left behind for no reason. It was left behind because Lahore was well defended and your attack on Lahore had failed.

Now f*ck off and come up with a new excuse for not conquering Sialkot. :)

Apparently Indian general at that time didn't agree with your lie that "Lahore was not our target".

View attachment 417104

You guys need to make your mind that whether Lahore was your target or not. It was a target for Indian generals in 1965 war. It might not be a target for Indian youth present on Pakistani forums. :D

You do not understand, do you girly??!!It was just a diversion, to ease off the pressure on the Khemkaran where we were taking severe beatings in the early days of the conflict!!It's really not that complicated once you stop looking at things through your glasses of hate!!
You do not understand, do you girly??!!It was just a diversion, to ease off the pressure on the Khemkaran where we were taking severe beatings in the early days of the conflict!!It's really not that complicated once you stop looking at things through your glasses of hate!!

Even General Harbakhsh didn't get it let alone me. :lol:

But chikni chameli the thing is that your advances were halted and your attacks were going no where. Accept that instead of whining andranting. Would make things better for you and all of us. :)
Apparently Indian general at that time didn't agree with your lie that "Lahore was not our target".

View attachment 417104

You guys need to make your mind that whether Lahore was your target or not. It was a target for Indian generals in 1965 war. It might not be a target for Indian youth present on Pakistani forums. :D

See the image you posted and kindly look at the bottom part.

New Delhi : Gen Choudhry explained why lahore was not taken by indian army, a subject which has been much talked out. "We never intended to go into lahore " General said

India was in no position to counter pakistani armor in kashmir. So india had to attack lahore as it was undefended. Even if pakistan occupies some parts of kashmir, we will be able to negotiate it with lahore.

As i said earlier, India had no intention to attack pakistan. Lahore was attacked just to release pressure from kashmir or negotiate with pakistan later on, if india looses some kashmir to pak.
See the image you posted and kindly look at the bottom part.

New Delhi : Gen Choudhry explained why lahore was not taken by indian army, a subject which has been much talked out. "We never intended to go into lahore " General said

India was in no position to counter pakistani armor in kashmir. So india had to attack lahore as it was undefended. Even if pakistan occupies some parts of kashmir, we will be able to negotiate it with lahore.

As i said earlier, India had no intention to attack pakistan. Lahore was attacked just to release pressure from kashmir or negotiate with pakistan later on, if india looses some kashmir to pak.

And you missed the statement above. "Lahore cantonment is our army's aim". :lol:

Anyways we all give excuses when we fail. Gen Chaudhry was the same. :)
And you missed the statement above. "Lahore cantonment is our army's aim". :lol:

Anyways we all give excuses when we fail. Gen Chaudhry was the same. :)

and you missed later part of article ? which was its explanation.

Lahore was attacked so that it can be put for further negotiations.

Yes, we all give excuses but pakistanis convert their excuses into victory.

48,65 to Kargil ...Story is same.
War could have dragged on but your advance was stopped and then you ran for ceasefire.

We ran for cease fire??!!Girly, our Prime Minister wasn't even ready to accept it at first!!It was your establishment who ran to your then US daddy-o with their tails tucked in between their hind limbs!!

Dograi was taken by a small force of Jat regiment and who knows if war would have lost it too.
Nope, in fact, they would have advanced even farther had the war dragged on as you people were almost at the bottom of your ammunition reserves!!
After 17 days of fighting not so mighty Indian army managed to capture village of dogri.
Not so mighty actually.In fact, we had less far less number of tanks and artillery and that too of significantly inferior quality and our infantry barely outnumbered their Pakistani counterpart and in any case, in large part was still equipped with WWII era SMLEs and Brens where as your guys had then very modern G3 battle rifles and M60 GPMGs!!Yet your men got their bloody @rses handed to them in platters in almost every occasion they met!!Must be humiliating for your lot. :D
Let me complete the whole story for you. You missed the halt in advance part. :)
Nope, didn't miss it, you would have known if you had actually bothered to go through my post, which you never had the courage to do, so yeah.First stabbing us in the back with the aim of taking Kashmir, then getting kicked in the @rse and ending up defending Lahore - some victory!!
You know, you should name your official history as "1965 - From Kashmir to Lahore" and 1971 should be like "1971 - From Mard-e-Momin to Mard-e-Chowmin"!! :rofl: :rofl:

Looks like a frustrated bharati rant.
Why should I be frustrated??What the Indian Army achieved given the severe disparity both in terms of quality and quantity, it was nothing short of amazing!!
Not interested in answering it. :)
More like you didn't have the guts. :)
China is to much of talking this 100 percent come with war may be this Month end or next month 1 st weak.start see that war ground china good luck .you doesn't real factor understand so we face that war .
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