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War with Isis: Islamic militants have army of 200,000, claims senior Kurdish leader

of course it's all bs, one has to be seriously mentally or economically challenged to believe ANY of that crap.

but trolls must be trolled :butcher:
yeah, every community has such superstitions, but at least others don't use it to harm people.
So the US estimate was right .At least 30 years is needed to suppress ISIS.But 200000 lakhs is a huge army and aerial support are already proved that ineffective and also expensive. Iraq Army and Peshmerga cant hold longer like this .Foreign support should need.
o teri, @hornbill ko pink kar dia :o:

fresh off a ban, I better take it easy :drag:
Son you too meet the same fate if you won,t stop trolling on a Pakistani forum:lol:
On topic
I think if ISIS is threatening a world peace on a bigger level then nuking them is not a bad option .Just like for stopping WW2 USA had to nuke japan .But unfortunately doing so will only escalate this conflict because that will make all Muslim world fight against the west and non Muslim's and that's what these ISIS people want .Really these bastards are pain in the A$$.
does it matter really ?!! even if I hate to admit it, I know the ahadits n it seems to me that this IS is the actual beginning of the promised caliphate the prophet SAW foretold us

Try to read modern science, development too. You are putting too much burden on your head.
200,000 ISIS fighters is a large sum by any accounts, if they get latest weapons we r seeing the doom of west.
And what happened to the 283,000 Iraqi army? Or the 250,000-357,000 Peshmerga force?

You don't need numbers but rather will and determination to fight and win battles. Iraqis and Kurds should try it one of these days instead of complaining all the time.
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