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War rules in ancient India, world''s best

•do not poison the tip of your arrow - chemical weapons perhaps in modern age?
•do not attack the sick or old - goes without saying why attack unarmed civilians
•do not attack a child or a woman - again we had 26/11 does that mean we do the same back??
•do not attack from behind - are we cowards? do we hit soft targets like hospitals or train stations??

Actually these rules are very similar to the UN geneva convention on what force is acceptable or not

Don't ever go in the military if you actually expect to follow these rules in combat.

Harming civilians aside everything else is fair game in war.
There are no rules in war except those you put on yourself.

I would say there are certain guidelines that show how real victory can be obtained. The real victory is in the mind of the opponent. The opponent should truly accept that following your guidance is in his own highest good. I am not minimizing the role of military strength. But brute force is not the ultimate solution.
YOu are the reason why India will lose more wars. Why do you confine yourself to a framework of rules that serve no purpose but to limit the casualities and prolong war. The Japs broke all war rules when they fought WW2, so did Germany. The country that that initiates war does not think much of rules, especially if it is determined to win. The winner or victor of war will dictate any future rules. Remember that..
YOu are the reason why India will lose more wars. Why do you confine yourself to a framework of rules that serve no purpose but to limit the casualities and prolong war. The Japs broke all war rules when they fought WW2, so did Germany. The country that that initiates war does not think much of rules, especially if it is determined to win. The winner or victor of war will dictate any future rules. Remember that..

Those countries went over the line and in the end it bit them in the AS*.
Don't ever go in the military if you actually expect to follow these rules in combat.

Harming civilians aside everything else is fair game in war.

One must follow the Geneva convention in war unless it wishes to be tried for war crimes
•do not attack from behind - are we cowards? do we hit soft targets like hospitals or train stations??

Trains are a part of enemy logistics ... as regards hospitals it depends on if they are being used for their intended purpose. An enemy may use a hospital to station his troops and supplies.
Trains are a part of enemy logistics ... as regards hospitals it depends on if they are being used for their intended purpose. An enemy may use a hospital to station his troops and supplies.

Enemey soldiers yes but not civilians, we can blow up train tracks yes but would u say Indian airforce should attack urban train stations? how would that look on the TV screens especially after 26.11 when we have the moral high ground
Enemey soldiers yes but not civilians, we can blow up train tracks yes but would u say Indian airforce should attack urban train stations? how would that look on the TV screens especially after 26.11 when we have the moral high ground

Nobody denies that civilian casualties should be avoided.
Being a Rajput I am a big fan of Maharana Pratap. He was a great fighter...
My top 2 favorites are Maharana Pratap and Shivaji.


Maharana Pratap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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