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War rules in ancient India, world''s best

Ahimsa is one of the ideals of Hinduism. It means that one should avoid harming any living thing, and also avoid the desire to harm any living thing.

Ahimsa is not just non-violence - it means avoiding any harm, whether physical, mental or emotional.

In modern times the strongest proponent of ahimsa was the Indian leader Gandhi, who believed that ahimsa was the highest duty of a human being.

Ahimsa, non-violence, comes from strength, and the strength is from God, not man. Ahimsa always comes from within.Gandhi

---------- Post added at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 AM ----------

No it was the only way India would get Freedom from the Brits....read up!

Rubbish that deal was never signed the British backtracked on that agreement soon as they won WW2 just read Churchills comments!
The USA is a scapegoat for what many other countries in the world do openly. Sure it protects its interests but so does everybody else.
The USA is a scapegoat for what many other countries in the world do openly. Sure it protects its interests but so does everybody else.

USA was called the 'white devil' by the Japs they dropped napam on kids in vietnam and now is involved in Iraq who knows what the neo-cons are thinking next? Iran or North Korea perhaps both
What about the Brits....how do you like living in the very place that f--ked and starved your ancestors? The Japs were so innocent, look at how they butchered the Chinese. Yeah North Korea is a great peaceful country! Iran doesn't call the destruction of any countries and also doesn;t have nukes!
What about the Brits....how do you like living in the very place that f--ked and starved your ancestors? The Japs were so innocent, look at how they butchered the Chinese. Yeah North Korea is a great peaceful country! Iran doesn't call the destruction of any countries and also doesn;t have nukes!

Your a retard who will get banned soon from your comments on the other page :lol:
Now I can see why the world thinks Indians are idiots....if you represent half the population then "May The Queen save India"..I wish you could debate me but I guess that requires a brain. I looked at all my posts, and I don't think any were out of line.
Ever notice how the rest of India never gives these 2 states credit for their bravery? I always counter North Indians and Pakistanis who have this attitude like they are the best, but I always make it a point to educate them on small history lesson lol
Look what happens when you practice these rules like no striking after sunset..

First battle of Tarain

Second battle of Tarain

They tortured and executed Prithviraj.

Yeah Man that was horrible, Prithviraj should have executed the A**h*** in the first war only. Our leaders always showed the morale high ground and paid the price...but still its these values that we have survived over so many thousand years. I cant comprehend what went wrong after The great Chankya. Why his teachings were bandoned:frown:
Ahimsa is one of the ideals of Hinduism. It means that one should avoid harming any living thing, and also avoid the desire to harm any living thing.

Ahimsa is not just non-violence - it means avoiding any harm, whether physical, mental or emotional.

In modern times the strongest proponent of ahimsa was the Indian leader Gandhi, who believed that ahimsa was the highest duty of a human being.

Ahimsa, non-violence, comes from strength, and the strength is from God, not man. Ahimsa always comes from within.Gandhi

It is not possible or desirable for rulers to follow Ahimsa. However, every one can follow inner Ahimsa, which means having no desire to cause hurt. A righteous ruler can destroy enemies without violating the principle of Ahimsa. Gandhi was a man of limited understanding who did not understand Sanatan Dharma properly. That is why he was promoted by the British.
Simple they didn't keep an eye on the ball. Indian leader became more self indulgent and only worried about Women, Wealth, Wine, etc.
It is not possible or desirable for rulers to follow Ahimsa. However, every one can follow inner Ahimsa, which means having no desire to cause hurt. A righteous ruler can destroy enemies without violating the principle of Ahimsa. Gandhi was a man of limited understanding who did not understand Sanatan Dharma properly. That is why he was promoted by the British.

Gandhi was one man only yet there was millions of Indians who worked for their British masters it was just the slave mentality we had back in those days. I agree to fight in self-defence is told numerous times in the Vedas and Gita but one must fight according to the rule of war laid down.
Yes that was the reason, wealth and knowledge made our leaders ignore the outer world and in the end they paid the price.
Gandhi was one man only yet there was millions of Indians who worked for their British masters it was just the slave mentality we had back in those days. I agree to fight in self-defence is told numerous times in the Vedas and Gita but one must fight according to the rule of war laid down.

Depends ... if your enemy is not following rules you would be stupid to follow them unilaterally.
Depends ... if your enemy is not following rules you would be stupid to follow them unilaterally.

•do not poison the tip of your arrow - chemical weapons perhaps in modern age?
•do not attack the sick or old - goes without saying why attack unarmed civilians
•do not attack a child or a woman - again we had 26/11 does that mean we do the same back??
•do not attack from behind - are we cowards? do we hit soft targets like hospitals or train stations??

Actually these rules are very similar to the UN geneva convention on what force is acceptable or not
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