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War is coming in mid april .......intl report Pak Gov


Aug 26, 2006
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Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has revealed that India is planning another military attack against Pakistan in coming weeks, raising the spector of renewed hostilities between the two nuclear armed neighbours.

“We have reliable intelligence that between 16th and 20th April, India may carry out an attack against Pakistan,” disclosed the foreign minister at a news conference in his hometown Multan on Sunday.

Elaborating further, he said that India could stage a “Pulwama style” attack in Occupied Kashmir to use it as justification for its military adventure against Pakistan.

FM Qureshi said that he had consulted with Prime Minister Imran Khan and decided to make public the development in order to expose the Indian designs.

Pulwama attack and finger-pointing at Pakistan

The purpose of such sinister plan is to put diplomatic pressure on Pakistan, he added.

Pakistan is taking the intelligence of possible Indian aggression seriously as it has already reached out to the key world capitals on the development.

Two days ago, Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua invited the ambassadors of five permanent members of the UN Security Council to share Islamabad’s concerns.

It is believed that the recent telephonic conversation between FM Qureshi and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was initiated after the intelligence reports of renewed escalation in Indo-Pak tensions.

Pakistan and India were almost on the brink of war when in late February both countries launched tit for tat air strikes.

On February 26, Indian fighter jets crossed the Pakistani airspace for the first time since 1971 war. Pakistan scrambled its jets and forced Indian warplanes to drop their payload in the open in Balakot.

Indian government then claimed that it targeted the alleged terrorist camps of banned Jaish-e-Muhammad, which New Delhi said was behind the Pulwama attack.

Pakistan contested the Indian claim and very next day retaliated with air strikes but dropped the missile in open spaces just to convey the message that Indian military aggression would not go unpublished.

The Pakistani retaliation led to a dogfight between the two countries leaving two Indian warplanes downed and one of its pilots was

India at the time claimed that it also shot down the Pakistan F16 fighter jet, though provided no verifiable evidence.

The Indian claim was resoundingly debunked by a recent report in a Foreign Policy, which quoted senior US Defence officials as saying that “no Pakistani F16 jet was missing”.

The expose came just days before Indian parliamentary polls, something that may dent Indian Prime Minister Modi’s credibility.

“That’s why we fear that India may orchestrate another Pulwama type attack and use it as justification for another military action against Pakistan,” said a senior foreign office official while requesting anonymity.
We have reliable intelligence that between 16th and 20th April, India may carry out an attack against Pakistan,” disclosed the foreign minister

Full spectrum war is coming from air land and sea
Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has revealed that India is planning another military attack against Pakistan in coming weeks, raising the spector of renewed hostilities between the two nuclear armed neighbours.
“We have reliable intelligence that between 16th and 20th April, India may carry out an attack against Pakistan,” disclosed the foreign minister at a news conference in his hometown Multan on Sunday.

Elaborating further, he said that India could stage a “Pulwama style” attack in Occupied Kashmir to use it as justification for its military adventure against Pakistan.

FM Qureshi said that he had consulted with Prime Minister Imran Khan and decided to make public the development in order to expose the Indian designs.

Pulwama attack and finger-pointing at Pakistan

The purpose of such sinister plan is to put diplomatic pressure on Pakistan, he added.

Pakistan is taking the intelligence of possible Indian aggression seriously as it has already reached out to the key world capitals on the development.

Two days ago, Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua invited the ambassadors of five permanent members of the UN Security Council to share Islamabad’s concerns.

It is believed that the recent telephonic conversation between FM Qureshi and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was initiated after the intelligence reports of renewed escalation in Indo-Pak tensions.

Pakistan and India were almost on the brink of war when in late February both countries launched tit for tat air strikes.

On February 26, Indian fighter jets crossed the Pakistani airspace for the first time since 1971 war. Pakistan scrambled its jets and forced Indian warplanes to drop their payload in the open in Balakot.

Indian government then claimed that it targeted the alleged terrorist camps of banned Jaish-e-Muhammad, which New Delhi said was behind the Pulwama attack.

Pakistan contested the Indian claim and very next day retaliated with air strikes but dropped the missile in open spaces just to convey the message that Indian military aggression would not go unpublished.

The Pakistani retaliation led to a dogfight between the two countries leaving two Indian warplanes downed and one of its pilots was

India at the time claimed that it also shot down the Pakistan F16 fighter jet, though provided no verifiable evidence.

The Indian claim was resoundingly debunked by a recent report in a Foreign Policy, which quoted senior US Defence officials as saying that “no Pakistani F16 jet was missing”.

The expose came just days before Indian parliamentary polls, something that may dent Indian Prime Minister Modi’s credibility.

“That’s why we fear that India may orchestrate another Pulwama type attack and use it as justification for another military action against Pakistan,” said a senior foreign office official while requesting anonymity.

Given the delicate situation, Pakistan remained on alert to deal with any eventuality, he added.

FM Qureshi also said any Indian aggression will have serious consequences as Pakistan would be left with no other option but to respond

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i hope our boys are ready to kick IAF's butt real hard ...
I said it before when US did the counting & i will say it again, India didn't take the failure too well & will try to do some misadventure to redeem them self in front of Public & at international stage. War is out of question since both parties know that it is M.A.D. The chances are probably are for limited scale war on some areas.

War is ugly! Millions will get displaced & killed. The damage will be irreversible. Hope Peace prevails.
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I said it before when US did the counting & i will say it again, India didn't take the failure too well & will try to do some misadventure to redeem them self in front of Public & at international stage. War is out of question since both parties know that it is M.A.D. The chances are probably are for limited scale war on some areas.

War is ugly! Millions will get displaced & killed. The damage will be irreversible. Hope Peace will prevail.
True , but if they impose war on us , We'll teach them a lesson that they'll never forget , InshahAllah :pakistan:
Some would call it another diversionary gimmick to sway the masses from their daily woes. But saying that if there is any credibility in it, lets unite our ranks and give the enemy a befitting response that it will never forget for a 1000 years.:sniper:
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Pakistan should enforce no fly notification for civilian aircraft like it did before during those days. This way they can not hide assets in civilian airways. Also PAF can blindly fire BVRs from safe distances without need for verification. Even fire missiles in uncaged mode with out lock to make the enemy take evasive maneuvers and turn back. If in kill zone in uncaged mode the missile seeker will pick up own target.

InAF will likely engage a military installation on our border from standoff range but will try to lure PAF for a air to air kill. However if they engage in area other than Azad Kashmir than they will face Sam's too.

I'm seriously hoping PL-15 rumors for JF-17 are true. Missile has more range than JF-17 likely detection range, this means Thunder riders can fire immideiately after detection without worrying about closing in to missile no escape zone.
True , but if they impose war on us , We'll teach them a lesson that they'll never forget , InshahAllah
Let's calm down. We won't be able to fight for longer then 300 hours before we run out of money. Yes, wars cost money. Instead I wish if Pakistani's showed their loyalty by paying taxes, getting modern education and building a potent economy. Wars are won in universities. Why do you think USA and Russia can make F-32 Raptor or Sukhoi-52 stealth fighters. Because their young boys and girls went to science universities 10,20,30 years ago and now are scientific power that makes these deadly instruments of war.

Our people go in droves to madaris, or don't bother with any modern education and the result is predictable. We have to import everything.
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