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War is coming in mid april .......intl report Pak Gov

Pakistan should enforce no fly notification for civilian aircraft like it did before during those days. This way they can not hide assets in civilian airways. Also PAF can blindly fire BVRs from safe distances without need for verification. Even fire missiles in uncaged mode with out lock to make the enemy take evasive maneuvers and turn back. If in kill zone in uncaged mode the missile seeker will pick up own target.

InAF will likely engage a military installation on our border from standoff range but will try to lure PAF for a air to air kill. However if they engage in area other than Azad Kashmir than they will face Sam's too.

I'm seriously hoping PL-15 rumors for JF-17 are true. Missile has more range than JF-17 likely detection range, this means Thunder riders can fire immideiately after detection without worrying about closing in to missile no escape zone.
Take it easy man. May be good if you take a break from this forum.
LOL. I guess this heat will achieve more than enough result expected.for India. :woot:
I think India will use navy to create blockade near karachi port, sametime they will use airforce from Rajasthan and kashmir side, while They already mobilized tanks near rajasthan to support airforce.
We should be ready for war. We have right to defend. And we should give befitting reply .
Let's calm down. We won't be able to fight for longer then 300 hours before we run out of money. Yes, wars cost money. Instead I wish if Pakistani's showed their loyalty by paying taxes, getting modern education and building a potent economy. Wars are won in universities. Why do you think USA and Russia can make F-32 Raptor or Sukhoi-52 stealth fighters. Because their young boys and girls went to science universities 10,20,30 years ago and now are scientific power that makes these deadly instruments of war.

Our people go in droves to madaris, or don't bother with any modern education and the result is predictable. We have to import everything.
I think sir, i was referring to peace too , i just said that if , only if they attack us then we won't sit idle , they'll get their answer ...
I think India will use navy to create blockade near karachi port, sametime they will use airforce from Rajasthan and kashmir side, they airway mobilized tanks near rajasthan to support airforce.

india naval blockade of karachi can only work if straits of hormuz are also blocked by its strategic Partner Iran.
I see it differently,
Message delivered by the PAF was well received by India after it got a black eye on Feb 27, 2019.
The myth of so called superiority of Indian conventional forces over Pakistan was exposed in broad daylight.
Post Feb 27 India is reluctant and not ready but is slowly and unwittingly being pushed into a war by the International establishment.
The story Debunking Indian claims of shooting down PAF F-16 by foreign policy magazine was deliberately leaked to embarrass India in general and Modi in particular to force them into something they are unwilling to.
Soon a high profile major terrorist incident involving celebrities and foreign citizens will be orchestrated would push India into a corner where it would have no choice but to comply.
India made its choice when its people put RSS member as head of state. Every saffron bandit wants to teach, destroy, avenge and revert Pakistan. International media just shown them the ugly reality but India is not capable of being rational. We have a maddog to tame....
india naval blockade of karachi can only work if straits of hormuz are also blocked by its strategic Partner Iran.
How so? And you think, in all seriousness USA would allow Iran blocking Straits of Hormuz. Hashtags asides but this is crazy notion.
Some reports are coming regarding heavy movement of Indian army in Rajasthan and Punjab
Well, looks like you know your history. You also know who said "armies march on their stomachs". Meaning money which pakistan does not have. Witness the desperate bailouts from China, saudia, UAE and now IMF around the corner.

Money, money, money everywhere but nobody wants to pay taxes ... literally the saying "put your money where your mouth is" comes to kind. Everybody is fast at flexing muscles and talking big but less then one Pakistani in hundred actually pays taxes.

Napoleon Bonaparte said this 'Soldiers can't march on the empty stomachs' ironically Pakistan soldiers are better fed, better cared for and better remunerated( don't we make a hue and cry about huge army budget).

And Ironically Napoleon B. lost the war at Waterloo against the British Coalition.

Think W. Churchill also said that 'Are the judiciary working during the war, people replied in the affirmative, said everything is destroyed but judiciary is working, Churchill thundered 'We'll win the war' and he did.

Pakistan military industrial complex is huge and independent of the country's economy...

From the horse mouth.

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India made its choice when its people put RSS member as head of state.
Very true. I am sick of our media like Dawn spilling tears over some lone Indian crying for Pakistan. Fact is they are irrelewant. Modi was elected not by Russians or some evil aliens. It is the Indian 'awam' who voted him. And he is very popular. So let there be no illusions.
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