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Waqas Ahmed Goraya Rears His Ugly Head Once Again

And people like @Azlan Haider still advocating for these scums.
ISI didn't abduct any of these pigs but FIA took them in protective custody upon Govt behest since they exposed on social media and later they allowed to sneak out from Pakistan.
We must take action against all those who still supports such spineless creatures who not only hurt our religious feelings but also wrongfully accuses our forces.

So bashing Pak Army/ISI hurts your "religious" feelings!! .. The likes of you accuse those of committing blasphemy who abuse Pak Army or ISI !!.. People like you try to misuse and abuse blasphemy laws to silence those who disagree with you, and that precisely is the reason why Blasphemy Laws should be repealed/diluted and false accusation of blasphemy should be considered as an equally heinous crime ......... Thanks for proving me right anyway

PS. After going through this thread I wonder who is more bigoted, the stupid attention/asylum seeking guy who has expressed his frustration through Twitter or the supposedly educated Pakistanis who are asking for ISI death squads to deal with those who dare to insult Pak Army!!
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So bashing Pak Army/ISI hurts your "religious" feelings!! .. The likes of you accuse those of committing blasphemy who abuse Pak Army or ISI !!.. People like you try to misuse and abuse blasphemy laws to silence those who disagree with you, and that precisely is the reason why Blasphemy Laws should be repealed/diluted and false accusation of blasphemy should be considered as an equally heinous crime ......... Thanks for proving me right anyway

PS. After going through this thread I wonder who is more bigoted, the stupid attention/asylum seeking guy who has expressed his frustration through Twitter or the supposedly educated Pakistanis who are asking for ISI death squads to deal with those who dare to insult Pak Army!!
Don't try to dilute truth with lies. It consider satanic act.
These so called liberals not only abuse our religious figures but also wrongfully accuse our institutions to defame my country and their objective is only one to create rifts in Pakistani society by removing blaspheme law so that they can stage large scale protests and massacres by igniting religious feelings by posting blasphemous posts on social media in the name of freedom of speech.

Since the blaspheme law passed not a single large scale protest happen, not wide scale killings either and check the history when this law was not part of our consitution.... large scale protests happens over false news but now matter contained within very small number of people since accused arrested soon and matter discussed in courts not on roads,

Blaspheme law indeed a blessing for minorities in Pakistan but paid tatoos like you keep ranting against it....

@war&peace @django
Don't try to dilute truth with lies. It consider satanic act.
These so called liberals not only abuse our religious figures but also wrongfully accuse our institutions to defame my country and their objective is only one to create rifts in Pakistani society by removing blaspheme law so that they can stage large scale protests and massacres by igniting religious feelings by posting blasphemous posts on social media in the name of freedom of speech.

Since the blaspheme law passed not a single large scale protest happen, not wide scale killings either and check the history when this law was not part of our consitution.... large scale protests happens over false news but now matter contained within very small number of people since accused arrested soon and matter discussed in courts not on roads,

Blaspheme law indeed a blessing for minorities in Pakistan but paid tatoos like you keep ranting against it....

@war&peace @django
Totally concur Rattay Sahib.Kudos
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Don't try to dilute truth with lies. It consider satanic act.
These so called liberals not only abuse our religious figures but also wrongfully accuse our institutions to defame my country and their objective is only one to create rifts in Pakistani society by removing blaspheme law so that they can stage large scale protests and massacres by igniting religious feelings by posting blasphemous posts on social media in the name of freedom of speech.

Since the blaspheme law passed not a single large scale protest happen, not wide scale killings either and check the history when this law was not part of our consitution.... large scale protests happens over false news but now matter contained within very small number of people since accused arrested soon and matter discussed in courts not on roads,

Blaspheme law indeed a blessing for minorities in Pakistan but paid tatoos like you keep ranting against it....

@war&peace @django

What is "wrongfully accuse" ? It is a fact.
The police confirmed it and so did the court.
Just yesterday two more baloch students have gone missing from KU. Do you shut your eyes when the truth becomes hard to swallow ? None of these people are convicted, the court cleared Goraya of all allegations last month. Are you denying that these people were ever abducted ? Do you rub shoe polish on your eyes before you rub them on their shoes ?
According to the logic of boot polishiyas, criticising, abusing or mocking Army/ISI is also BLASPHEMY. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
This guy must have got the nationality ... What he's commited is a crime as per Pak law so he'll get done upon his return.

He made an accusation and when in Pakistan he will have to provide evidence to back this claim in the court of law.
Good agencies are the ones those dont leave any footprint after their activities.
You dont have to shoot every time. You can kill them in car accidents or a fire in a building--more like a natural death.:-)
@django @Hareeb
Watch this musharraf interview just from 10:17 to 12:00 two minutes of this video where he talks about radioactive isotope injection.

Thats what we need to do.
@war&peace @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Ocean @Maarkhoor Hazrat @Zarvan @Path-Finder @Horus @Zibago
This is the blasphemous and anti-national swines latest tweet, WHY??? on earth did the agencies let this heinous criminal off the hook:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Why did ISI take him in the first place ?

Is it ISI's job to ensure religious compliance ?
now that their (ISI and Bloggers) cover is blown, and both are pissed enough, then why complain now ?
action and reaction.
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these f*cktards that are defending a hog that calls ISI/PakArmy a terrorist.. what are they doing on PDf?
Expect a relentless hybrid war against pakistan from now on. Here's the reason:

Pakistan's decision to accept yuan for denominating foreign currency transactions is a huge blow to the dollar. Although we are not a big economic power but this is a significant step in the gradual process of yuan dethroning the dollar. If dollar.s status as a reserve currency is eliminated it means a collapse of the US economy - no wars needed. US must absolutely preserve dollar's status as a reserve currency.

Pakistan has put itself in Us's crosshair big time. If CPEC gathers pace and is a success then other developing countries would be convinced of swapping yuan with dollar. This is an existential threat to the US.

Which brings me to the point of Goraya rearing his ugly again. Expect attacks from every avenue possible. Civil rights activists, fifth columnists, terrorist havens bakwas, and every other way to polarise and divide society.

Also, expect ISIS in Afghanistan to get stronger, and have mysterious helping hands. We need to get our act together fast.
@django @Hareeb
Watch this musharraf interview just from 10:17 to 12:00 two minutes of this video where he talks about radioactive isotope injection.

Thats what we need to do.
It is a pretty dangerous method of assassination as far as the assassin is concerned and in EU nations or USA we would be best refrain from assassinations as this could cause a major diplomatic incident, the Litvenenko case led to a major diplomatic tiff and some sanctions being imposed by Britain on Russia.Kudos bro

Why did ISI take him in the first place ?
He was part of Bhensa group, a prominent member who was spewing all kinds of propaganda against Pak state in regards to Balochistan and Kashmir etc also his rotten attacks on Islam hate the sentiment of the masses.Kudos Sir
It is a pretty dangerous method of assassination as far as the assassin is concerned and in EU nations or USA we would be best refrain from assassinations as this could cause a major diplomatic incident, the Litvenenko case led to a major diplomatic tiff and some sanctions being imposed by Britain on Russia.Kudos bro

He was part of Bhensa group, a prominent member who was spewing all kinds of propaganda against Pak state in regards to Balochistan and Kashmir etc also his rotten attacks on Islam hate the sentiment of the masses.Kudos Sir

Bhensa was a critical group,
if ISI had not put their nose in it, they might not have reached the same amount of popularity that they have today.
IF ISI had decided to go after them, then it should have been a single clean cut.
no aftermath.

It seems finesse is not an attribute ISI likes.

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