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Waqas Ahmed Goraya Rears His Ugly Head Once Again

Oh yeah good suggestion several activists just pack up their bags and go poof at 4 AM because they want to. Some even for months. They must love being away from their families and lives. When they do return NONE of them speak as to who picked them up (take a guess as to why). There is no media coverage of these incidents at all. Also the FIA acknowledged picking up AWG.

The new definition of blasphemy is criticizing the armed forces.....
none of the activists who went into their hiding trips (which could very well be their personally organized trips) stayed in hiding for months. They were all away for at most 4 weeks,
Link me to the report which says fia admitted to picking them up? I cant find.

Plus reread this post and see the tweet

WAG is accusing ISI of picking him up not FIA. So if FIA admitted to picking him up whilst WAG accuses ISI, it means FIA is lying and also FIAs statement that there is no evidence against any five activists is also not trustworthy.
But if FIA is telling truth then WAG is lying and falsely accusing ISI of abducting him. That makes him an outright liar and not a trustworthy person.

Likelihood is he and his friends went on a secretly organzied adventure trip faking disapperance and then came back 3 weeks later claiming to have been picked by some "government agency"

No blasphemy has been committed. OP, dude, have some values that you live by. Change the fucking title of the thread.

It's ok if you hate someone from the core of your heart, however, don't become a fucking moron and bring religion into your personal issues. In short stop behaving like turd on BOL networks payroll, you sometime sound like that fake fat doctor on their show.

Personal advice, get involved in things that your brain can process, like commenting on pictures of women and one liners mixed with slang's.

@Horus @Irfan Baloch @waz
He never brought religion into it. The guy goraya has a sublime history of posting super blasphemous content plus supporting terror groups. The word blasphemous was a reference to his past and the content itself explained Goraya is once again spewing crap against pakistani institutions. His tweet content was not being called blasphemous. But you would only know enough if you will ever get time to take your permanently stuck up ur rear head out of your arse and spend less time abusing posters across the forum and actually reading news. But thats too much for your tweeny brain.
Whatever suits you...but defending a blasphemers and traitor is a heinous crime.

All alleged blasphemers and traitors have a right to free and fair trial and they are entitled to due process of law.. If believing in rule of law makes one a criminal, I am a proud one.
All alleged blasphemers and traitors have a right to free and fair trial and they are entitled to due process of law.. If believing in rule of law makes one a criminal, I am a proud one.
Yeah I am agree they need fair trail....but what we do when the sneak out from the country and defaming us sitting outside...
Don't blame me when they return after long time and some random dude do his job on bike....
Yeah I am agree they need fair trail....but what we do when the sneak out from the country and defaming us sitting outside...
Don't blame me when they return after long time and some random dude do his job on bike....

When they come back, arrest them, bring them to trial, and if found guilty, punish them according to the law of the land.
When they come back, arrest them, bring them to trial, and if found guilty, punish them according to the law of the land.
I hope so..aysa hi ho...
Before some one else do the justice instead of state...
I hope so..aysa hi ho...
Before some one else do the justice instead of state...

Why do we need the state when vigilantes are going to act as judge, jury and executioner ? Are you an anarchist who wants stateless society?
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