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Waqas Ahmed Goraya Rears His Ugly Head Once Again

Judging by this thread, so-called members brag about being better than Indians when it comes to intolerance yet the evidence suggests otherwise. People have officially lost their minds.

Voicing the opinions even if against the main establishment is legit and one of basic rights in Pakistan as promised, grafted signed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Whereas the kidnapping people against their wills just because they voiced the opinions that didn't sit well with the main establishment is against the laws and unethical of the highest order.

If main establishment enjoys unconditional love from those who justify the practice of intolerance, then it is no wonder why the main establishment gets away all the times.
isi had mistaken for not killing him.he should have been killed while he was in custody
What part of this is blasphemous ?
Also his abduction is well documented. In fact many bloggers who write against the establishment are known to poof like that.
Are you denying that they were abducted ?
Anyone with anti state policies would be arrested or abducted not just in Pakistan but any country be it cHampion of democracy USA or “largest democracy” India.
Anyone with anti state policies would be arrested or abducted not just in Pakistan but any country be it cHampion of democracy USA or “largest democracy” India.

Not in USA. It has to be overwhelming evidences to make the case against the accused ones. Even then, USA moves those suspected/accused ones out of jurisdiction [out of USA] from the American justice system to engage unethical practices [in third world nations].
Not in USA. It has to be overwhelming evidences to make the case against the accused ones. Even then, USA moves those suspected/accused ones out of jurisdiction [out of USA] from the American justice system to engage unethical practices [in third world nations].
do u remember under NAP anyone engaging in hate speech , and supporting terror groups could get arrested and spanked.
do u remember under NAP anyone engaging in hate speech , and supporting terror groups could get arrested and spanked.

Well, Donald Trump is father of hate groups so that shows example for freedom of speech and expression. As for supporting terrorist-outfit for sponsoring terrorism, they should be sentenced to death never mind being jailed.

Crime has nothing to do with the freedom of speech and expression.
Well, Donald Trump is father of hate groups so that shows example for freedom of speech and expression. As for supporting terrorist-outfit for sponsoring terrorism, they should be sentenced to death never mind being jailed.

Crime has nothing to do with the freedom of speech and expression.
Freedom of speech always sits within the bounds of laws of land and constitution. Do u know what is national action plan?
And anything whether freedom of speech or suppression of a view ,if violate a law , then offenders will be chased out.

As of these guys, lets say they were given a clean chit by court because fia did not present any evidence against them, his latest statement made against isi while sitting in another corner of the world suggest past allegations of his involvement in maliging state institutions were not that wrong.
Freedom of speech always sits within the bounds of laws of land and constitution. Do u know what is national action plan?
And anything whether freedom of speech or suppression of a view ,if violate a law , then offenders will be chased out.

As of these guys, lets say they were given a clean chit by court because fia did not present any evidence against them, his latest statement made against isi while sitting in another corner of the world suggest past allegations of his involvement in maliging state institutions were not that wrong.

On bold;

Of course. It is called crime or treason. Apart from that, freedom of speech/expression has never been the question mark as the matter of social lifestyle.
BLA and Kashmiri seperatists both spread chaos and unrest in their respective nations. The west or the UN doesn't recognise either the Baloch freedom movement or the Kashmiri secession movement

That my friend is not true.

You can compare Balochistan Insurgency in Pakistan to the Maoist Insurgency in Northeast India, but not Kashmir

Unlike Kashmir, Balochistan and Northeast Indian states are NOT Disputed Territories under International Law.

Accession of Kashmir is different from accession of any other Indian Princely State as the accession has been placed before the UN Security Council for arranging a ratification or otherwise by the people of the State under the auspices of the United Nations. Therefore, the arrangement caused through the accession of 26 October 1947 has been taken over by the interests of 195 countries of the UN (including Pakistan as a member nation of UN and as a party). Pakistan as a party to the dispute administers two administrations of the State on its side of cease fire line.

As for the Kashmiri Freedom struggle,
The UN has no internationally agreed definition of terrorism and the reason is that some organizations (OIC, Arab League etc.) define terrorism to exclude "armed struggle for liberation" and "self-determination". The member countries (of these organisations) won't accept any definition of terrorism which may declare Palestinian Freedom Fighters as Terrorists. This Dead Lock continues to this day and the UN has not adopted the convention on international terrorism.

So, as long as the UN does not "define" terrorism, the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters cannot be declared Terrorists .....

As far as International Law is concerned, the Statute of the International Court of Justice does recognize the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists of the various nations as a valid source of International Law. This category may also include the work of organizations and private institutions. Opinions expressed by experts carrysignificant weight in International Law.

And here is what some experts on International Law have to say regarding the Kashmiri Freedom Fighters:

(The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) is an international human rights non-governmental organization based in Geneva. The Commission itself is a standing group of 60 eminent jurists(including senior judges, attorneys and academics) dedicated to ensuringrespect for international human rights standards through the law. Commissioners are known for their experience, knowledge and fundamental commitment to human rights.)

ICJ sent a fact finding mission to Kashmir in 1995. The final report published not only challenged the accession of Kashmir to India, it went on to say "If as the ICJ mission hasconcluded , the people of Kashmir have a right for self determination, it follows that their insurgency is legitimate " ... (p.84-98)

There should be a blasphemy law for people that put foreigners before Pakistan. What is a bigger crime than that?
Freedom of speech always sits within the bounds of laws of land and constitution. Do u know what is national action plan?
And anything whether freedom of speech or suppression of a view ,if violate a law , then offenders will be chased out.

As of these guys, lets say they were given a clean chit by court because fia did not present any evidence against them, his latest statement made against isi while sitting in another corner of the world suggest past allegations of his involvement in maliging state institutions were not that wrong.

Yes, maligning Pak Armed Forces is a crime under the Constitution of Pakistan. But as you seem to be a constitutionalist, you should know that the Article 10 of the same Constitution provides safeguards for citizens as to arrests and detention... And Enforced Disappearance is illegal under all circumstances and the Supreme Court of Pakistan has held that such disappearances are violation of the Constitution of Pakistan .
Yes, maligning Pak Armed Forces is a crime under the Constitution of Pakistan. But as you seem to be a constitutionalist, you should know that the Article 10 of the same Constitution provides safeguards for citizens as to arrests and detention... And Enforced Disappearance is illegal under all circumstances and the Supreme Court of Pakistan has held that such disappearances are violation of the Constitution of Pakistan .
But what proof we have that isi abducted them except accusations from the activists themselves? Did fia also give evidence in the court that isi took them? Actually who abducted them? There is no information about them in the first place whatsoever. They could have gone in hiding on their own? Like what do we know?
But what proof we have that isi abducted them except accusations from the activists themselves? Did fia also give evidence in the court that isi took them? Actually who abducted them? There is no information about them in the first place whatsoever. They could have gone in hiding on their own? Like what do we know?

I never said "ISI" abducted them because I know it wasn't ISI.
I never said "ISI" abducted them because I know it wasn't ISI.
May nay apka tau nahi kaha may nay tau waqas goraya ka kaha hai please read below posts tweet and see who he is accusing for abduction of all

@war&peace @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Ocean @Maarkhoor Hazrat @Zarvan @Path-Finder @Horus @Zibago
This is the blasphemous and anti-national swines latest tweet, WHY??? on earth did the agencies let this heinous criminal off the hook:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
No blasphemy has been committed. OP, dude, have some values that you live by. Change the fucking title of the thread.

It's ok if you hate someone from the core of your heart, however, don't become a fucking moron and bring religion into your personal issues. In short stop behaving like turd on BOL networks payroll, you sometime sound like that fake fat doctor on their show.

Personal advice, get involved in things that your brain can process, like commenting on pictures of women and one liners mixed with slang's.

@Horus @Irfan Baloch @waz
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