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Waqas Ahmed Goraya Rears His Ugly Head Once Again

@war&peace @Hammad Arshad Qureshi @Ocean @Maarkhoor Hazrat @Zarvan @Path-Finder @Horus @Zibago
This is the blasphemous and anti-national swines latest tweet, WHY??? on earth did the agencies let this heinous criminal off the hook:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
I have edited the tile with unwarranted prefix.
he is bad mouthing ISI which is just fine and acceptable among the liberals and the faithful among the Nawaz league.
you have just given his tweet a great boost by posting it here now he will get a lot of attention thanks to you
Exactly remain to the point. Treasonous instead of blasphemous. I hate mixing of religion in realpolitik of an average Pakistani's life.

If it's a spade call it a spade, not a blasphemous spade.

I have edited the tile with unwarranted prefix.
he is bad mouthing ISI which is just fine and acceptable among the liberals and the faithful among the Nawaz league.
you have just given his tweet a great boost by posting it here now he will get a lot of attention thanks to you
But what proof we have that isi abducted them except accusations from the activists themselves? Did fia also give evidence in the court that isi took them? Actually who abducted them? There is no information about them in the first place whatsoever. They could have gone in hiding on their own? Like what do we know?

Oh yeah good suggestion several activists just pack up their bags and go poof at 4 AM because they want to. Some even for months. They must love being away from their families and lives. When they do return NONE of them speak as to who picked them up (take a guess as to why). There is no media coverage of these incidents at all. Also the FIA acknowledged picking up AWG.

No blasphemy has been committed. OP, dude, have some values that you live by. Change the fucking title of the thread.

It's ok if you hate someone from the core of your heart, however, don't become a fucking moron and bring religion into your personal issues. In short stop behaving like turd on BOL networks payroll, you sometime sound like that fake fat doctor on their show.

Personal advice, get involved in things that your brain can process, like commenting on pictures of women and one liners mixed with slang's.

@Horus @Irfan Baloch @waz

The new definition of blasphemy is criticizing the armed forces.....
Personal advice, get involved in things that your brain can process, like commenting on pictures of women and one liners mixed with slang's.
Personal advice hmmm how about doing your homework before unleashing your moronic drivel, now do me a favour go pester someone else or better still, Log-off.........PERMANENTLY!!!
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I have edited the tile with unwarranted prefix.
he is bad mouthing ISI which is just fine and acceptable among the liberals and the faithful among the Nawaz league.
you have just given his tweet a great boost by posting it here now he will get a lot of attention thanks to you
Not only Goraya but yesterday BBC URDU publish an article of another p@g Salman Haider who shamelessly accuse security agencies for his abduction but reality is that these Bhensazzz were taken into protective custody when they are exposed online on behest of Govt, later sneaked away under the nose of Govt for safe destinations.
Not only Goraya but yesterday BBC URDU publish an article of another p@g Salman Haider who shamelessly accuse security agencies for his abduction but reality is that these Bhensazzz were taken into protective custody when they are exposed online on behest of Govt, later sneaked away under the nose of Govt for safe destinations.

Preventive Detention under PPA has been subjected to the requirements of Article 10 of the Constitution that provides safeguards for citizens as to arrests and detention. Detention under Section 6 of PPA may be sanctioned through an order in writing and the state is required to communicate to the accused the reasons for ordering preventive detention within fifteen (15) days of making such order.... It wasn't Preventive Detention, it was Enforced Disappearance

Our civilian security agencies acted illegally when they abducted these bloggers... And a nobody i.e Bhensa was thurst into limelight and it gained international attention because of the illegal action of our security agencies....Whoever was behind this was either really stupid or (more likely) they wanted to embarrass Pakistan and its security agencies (esp. ISI) internationally...
Supporting the rule of law and demanding due process is not the same as defending the crime or criminals. Presumption of innocence is a firmly established principle...
Whatever suits you...but defending a blasphemers and traitor is a heinous crime.
Really fail to understand , from they come and where they go ...who promote them etc etc..
From filth and debauchery.

Really fail to understand , from they come and where they go ...who promote them etc etc..
Straight to Jahanum

Really fail to understand , from they come and where they go ...who promote them etc etc..
RAW/CIA/Mossad,,,,,,,,, Soros etc
Share ISIS videos in UK and gloat about people killed in them

You'll be called an *******, maybe receive a punch or two is extreme cases but I'm not sure if theres going to be any legal repercussions to it.

Also let me make it very clear that I don't condone this guys behaviour. What this guy is doing is basically jidhr ka khaya udhr hee thook diya. He can become the king of Arabia or slip on a banana peel and die for all I care. But nothing will warrant a one month long illegal disappearance during which god knows what happened to him.
You'll be called an *******, maybe receive a punch or two is extreme cases but I'm not sure if theres going to be any legal repercussions to it.
Um no thats not how it works
Also let me make it very clear that I don't condone this guys behaviour. What this guy is doing is basically jidhr ka khaya udhr hee thook diya. He can become the king of Arabia or slip on a banana peel and die for all I care. But nothing will warrant a one month long illegal disappearance during which god knows what happened to him.
Well actually under the dodgy cyber crime law they were allowed to detain him without a trial
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