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Wang Yi visits all ASEAN countries but one is missing on his list

Compare this cute White girl's experiences in India Vs China. This is the reality that the Western media won't cover. China is actually a far superior, more developed, safer, more decent society than India but the Western media, controlled by the CIA and deep state, are so full of fear and hatred of China's rise that they are obsessed with painting a negative picture of China even when they have to resort to fabricating fake news.

This is REALITY.


Superpower India NO1 :lol: :lol: :enjoy:
tower9 you scared the Indians hahaha :rofl: :rofl: :lol::lol:

I still have plenty of ammo. LMAO You have to be a special level of deluded to think that China and India are anywhere near the same level. Let me know when India gets to this level. If it does, I'll gladly admit that China has serious competition.

its like a bully, it puts everyone under some kind of debt and then bully them to follow him...

but china fails and its belt project is not bringing it the results that it wanted barring some African countries... where it got the land it wanted to put some soldiers ...

deal getting cancelled left right and center, getting into bad fights (read wang ye) , local unrest, wuhan virus lockdown even after a year... food shortage, electricity shortage, boundary disputes, trade war... list is endless... but trolls here will fight a loosing battle like Indian border ...

so i always say, its no fun anymore to reply to chinese.... they will simply falter under pressure and go their usual third grade level...

sell it to your local audience who is not willing to buy it anymore, but under the state regulations cant speak up.
and you leave India where it is, because you cant come to us or leave the border where poor single child family sons are trapped.
your state media going overboard to convince you that you are winning the war which you are not even fighting...

it absolutely no fun to even reply you, hands down for the beating you are getting on pdf and real world
New style suburban homes for China's rising middle class

Luxury mansion for sale built with traditional Chinese architecture

Beijing mega mansion

Upper middle class townhome community in fourth tier city Kunming

It's really quite a shame that India's tabloid news has deluded its own population with feel good garbage to the point where they have to rely on fake news to be able to function in this world.

stop posting *FAKE VIDEOS* you Chinese propaganda machine.
Let me show you what's TRUE
very pathetic attempt to troll, grow up and then send a reply which need some thinking on my side....

wang ye is the topic of this thread,

like other threads you will derail anything which goes against and will rile up who stands up to your fake stories... what a bunch of trolls :p: :p:

ignored, you are the worst among the other trolls... going to my ignore list
You got caught telling one lie after another, and now you have the guts to complain about being "trolled". Do they not teach the concept of shame and irony in Hindustan? Probably not, since it's an inferior religion.

Fact: Chinese are much better fed than you, with higher production yield of rice, vegetables, fruits and meat on a per capita basis than Indians.
Fact: China generates 5 times the amount of electricity as India. Who's living in the dark and freezing to death here?
Fact: China is the only major economy to record growth in 2020, and is 6 times larger than Indian economy despite similar population.
Fact: Chinese live longer lives, attain higher education and have better infrastructure than your cow worshiping shithole.
Fact: Chinese have an average IQ of 105, top 5 in the world. Meanwhile, you're borderline retarded at 81, also ranking 81.

The facts are painfully clear. You are an inferior individual raised in an inferior culture from an inferior country. Take your inferiority complex and cry to a cow somewhere else.

Zero trolling, just hurting you with facts.
You got caught telling one lie after another, and now you have the guts to complain about being "trolled". Do they not teach the concept of shame and irony in Hindustan? Probably not, since it's an inferior religion.

Fact: Chinese are much better fed than you, with higher production yield of rice, vegetables, fruits and meat on a per capita basis than Indians.
Fact: China generates 5 times the amount of electricity as India. Who's living in the dark and freezing to death here?
Fact: China is the only major economy to record growth in 2020, and is 6 times larger than Indian economy despite similar population.
Fact: Chinese live longer lives, attain higher education and have better infrastructure than your cow worshiping shithole.
Fact: Chinese have an average IQ of 105, top 5 in the world. Meanwhile, you're borderline retarded at 81, also ranking 81.

The facts are painfully clear. You are an inferior individual raised in an inferior culture from an inferior country. Take your inferiority complex and cry to a cow somewhere else.

Zero trolling, just hurting you with facts.

No point even comparing. China is a whole different league than India. China lives in a whole different CENTURY than India. In fact, China is ahead of most Western countries in many areas such as technology, manufacturing and infrastructure, there isn't even a point to compare it to India, which is behind most other developing countries in SE Asia or Latin America.

Modi must've gotten his views about China from India's idiotic low IQ tabloid news, that's why he bet on the wrong horse and made such catastrophic strategic mistakes which he will pay dearly for.
vietnam is isolated :(

vietnam should form alliance with binomo and hindia.
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