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Wang Yi visits all ASEAN countries but one is missing on his list

Vietnam is going to select it's next leader very soon. Wang Yi probably did not visit Vietnam because of that.
Yi is just a foreign minister he has not an important role to wait for new leader. He can visit his counterpart foreign minister. By the way Vietnam chooses a new communist party chief because the incumbent is retiring. The party chief is not that important in the executive.
Kolkata, China
What trolling? You mean showing the truth trolling? Haha...
im the one who shown you the truth, rest all is just a poor trolls cry for help.
You got caught telling one lie after another, and now you have the guts to complain about being "trolled". Do they not teach the concept of shame and irony in Hindustan? Probably not, since it's an inferior religion.

Fact: Chinese are much better fed than you, with higher production yield of rice, vegetables, fruits and meat on a per capita basis than Indians.
Fact: China generates 5 times the amount of electricity as India. Who's living in the dark and freezing to death here?
Fact: China is the only major economy to record growth in 2020, and is 6 times larger than Indian economy despite similar population.
Fact: Chinese live longer lives, attain higher education and have better infrastructure than your cow worshiping shithole.
Fact: Chinese have an average IQ of 105, top 5 in the world. Meanwhile, you're borderline retarded at 81, also ranking 81.

The facts are painfully clear. You are an inferior individual raised in an inferior culture from an inferior country. Take your inferiority complex and cry to a cow somewhere else.

Zero trolling, just hurting you with facts.
you can see who is trolling, this thread is not about who can generate more electricity than other....

still your wang ye is rejected everywhere and our FM S. Jaishankar is welcome ... that is enough for high IQ for now...

RMB clearing bank launched in the Philippines
By Tao Jiale

2-3 minutes

A RMB clearing bank in the Philippines was launched in a ceremony held in capital city Manila on Saturday.
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Philippine Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin, Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian and Philippine Central Bank Governor Benjamin Diokno were among those present at the ceremony.
The Bank of China Manila has been established as the country's RMB Clearing Bank to support the growing local RMB market. The initial memorandum of understanding was signed by the People's Bank of China (PBOC) and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas in 2018.

The Bank of China Manila can process the settlement of accounts and other core RMB services, such as remittance, foreign exchange, liquidity support and banknotes for local participating banks.
It can also provide local market participants with access to Chinese yuan (CNY) rate as an alternative to the China Offshore Spot (CNH) rate.

CNY is an onshore RMB currency traded within the Chinese mainland or internationally through clearing banks appointed by the PBOC, while CNH is an offshore RMB currency traded outside the Chinese mainland.
By making it easier to trade with counterparties in the Chinese mainland, Bank of China Manila can help improve the economic and trade partnership to promote development between the Philippines and China, the bank said in a notice.
The Chinese currency yuan was one of the most attractive currencies among major economies worldwide in 2020, supported by domestic economic conditions and a weak dollar.

China's central bank will keep the yuan basically stable at a reasonable level in 2021, said Sun Guofeng, head of monetary policy at the PBOC, on Friday.

He also said two-way fluctuations in yuan will become normal going forward.
India is losing bad on every front. Funny how a crisis makes apparent the reality of incompetent governments.
thats a typical indian breed . .even if u knock them down with punches and all of their holes bleeding they will satisfy there ego that atleast ur fist gt hurt in fighting and sanghi fools will declare it as a victory .
look what are they doing with their hitory (1000 years of slavery ) .😊
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im the one who shown you the truth, rest all is just a poor trolls cry for help.

you can see who is trolling, this thread is not about who can generate more electricity than other....

still your wang ye is rejected everywhere and our FM S. Jaishankar is welcome ... that is enough for high IQ for now...
We are showing you the truth that india is a beggar land of low IQ slumdugs with pictures, videos, articles, every piece of concrete evidence, while you are talking shxt about your fantasy world. You see who is showing the truth and who is trolling?
You want more humilations?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Most Indian homes smaller than prison cells

No wonder you have to live on trees.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
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