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Wang Yi visits all ASEAN countries but one is missing on his list

its like a bully, it puts everyone under some kind of debt and then bully them to follow him...

but china fails and its belt project is not bringing it the results that it wanted barring some African countries... where it got the land it wanted to put some soldiers ...

deal getting cancelled left right and center, getting into bad fights (read wang ye) , local unrest, wuhan virus lockdown even after a year... food shortage, electricity shortage, boundary disputes, trade war... list is endless... but trolls here will fight a loosing battle like Indian border ...

so i always say, its no fun anymore to reply to chinese.... they will simply falter under pressure and go their usual third grade level...

sell it to your local audience who is not willing to buy it anymore, but under the state regulations cant speak up.
and you leave India where it is, because you cant come to us or leave the border where poor single child family sons are trapped.
your state media going overboard to convince you that you are winning the war which you are not even fighting...

it absolutely no fun to even reply you, hands down for the beating you are getting on pdf and real world
It must be fun being so delusional. Not surprising since what passes for news in India is what would be considered a tabloid in other countries. Nearly everything you said is the opposite of the trends that are happening. China is the only country reinforcing and expanding its dominance even under immense hostility from its haters. India as usual is clueless and not understanding the rapidly changing dynamics.
You don't understand real situation. The relationship between China and Vietnam is special,Despite cooperation and contradictions. Western media often use their own perspective to Observe others.
Just like China and North Korea, they will not go by the way, basically they will go specially, after all, they are all socialist countries in name.

At the beginning of each year, China's foreign minister makes a trip to Africa and then to Southeast Asia.
It must be fun being so delusional. Not surprising since what passes for news in India is what would be considered a tabloid in other countries. Nearly everything you said is the opposite of the trends that are happening. China is the only country reinforcing and expanding its dominance even under immense hostility from its haters. India as usual is clueless and not understanding the rapidly changing dynamics.
next time dont reply for the sake of it, put something to think for in replies. You calling me delusional and clueless is a joke. And we know what happens in china and how much media freedom (or how much private media is available) in china.

one news about how mengshi was destroyed by Indian army in Apple daily and the owner is under arrest...

anyways i usually discard such pathetic replies but this was i thought to give a reply and shut you up.
Did you just cite TFI? Lmao might as well cite Breitbart or Alex Jones at this point.
you need to read beyond xinua and global times, at least to till scmp and Apple daily. that will broaden your horizons.
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You're talking about how "unsuccessful" China's efforts are, from country with 1/3 of children starving and half without access to toilet. Let me rub it in a different way. We're six times the size of your economy and have beaten you in every quality of life metrics. Is irony a difficult concept for Indians to comprehend? China is the only major economy to grow this year, while you're in a deep recession. We were on the same level in 1990, and yet you've been eating our dust ever since.

If we're in bad shape, you're about to implode.
typical chinese poster telling me how poor India is, and lecturing me on the economics of two countries... you know what i have Google for that. I dont use baidu....

i listed out many issues above, and wang ye is like a unmannered (clown) diplomat which he is called by Czech mayor after he threatened them.

we have read such language in global times many times, which threatens India. Last time it was Doklam and this time you cant save your face... lets see how long this goes....

your state firms are defaulting and you talking about 1990 levels... atleast none of Indian firms are defaulted...
next time dont reply for the sake of it, put something to think for in replies. You calling me delusional and clueless is a joke. And we know what happens in china and how much media freedom (or how much private media is available) in china.

one news about how mengshi was destroyed by Indian army in Apple daily and the owner is under arrest...

anyways i usually discard such pathetic replies but this was i thought to give a reply and shut you up.

you need to read beyond xinua and global times, at least to till scmp and Apple daily. that will broaden your horizons.

Private media = lies that make the reader confident and feel good gets published, while getting caught lying = no punishment because it's private. Who the **** would trust TFI over state owned BBC?
Private media = lies that make the reader confident and feel good gets published, while getting caught lying = no punishment because it's private. Who the **** would trust TFI over state owned BBC?
this is the worst counter argument that i can expect.... you are not being on the topic of this thread and taking it to a different direction.
please be on topic and reply me on my argument... if you cant then dont reply at all.
next time dont reply for the sake of it, put something to think for in replies. You calling me delusional and clueless is a joke. And we know what happens in china and how much media freedom (or how much private media is available) in china.

one news about how mengshi was destroyed by Indian army in Apple daily and the owner is under arrest...

anyways i usually discard such pathetic replies but this was i thought to give a reply and shut you up.

you need to read beyond xinua and global times, at least to till scmp and Apple daily. that will broaden your horizons.

Even Western media outlets, which are extremely biased and hostile to China, all uniformly agree that China has beaten India at Ladakh. But go ahead and pretend that India just killed scores of Chinese when China was actually returning captured soldiers to India.

I know the facts are cruel, but if you want to improve, you have to face them. Pretty sad.
china is still in lockdown, and we are starting a worlds largest vaccination program... need I say more?
LMAO.. 'largest vaccination program'... You can only vaccinate with cow shxt without China's supply of API:
While our vaccines are saving the world right now...

And China in lockdown? Other than a few sporadic outbreaks, what kind of 'lockdown' such as the new year countdown 2021 in Wuhan is this:
you need to read beyond xinua and global times, at least to till scmp and Apple daily. that will broaden your horizons.
You should thank that we read Xinhua and Global Times which actually presenting pretty nice images of india in comparison. The true image of india is actually a lot worse than Chinese media presents:

And do ask the executives of Tesla, BMW, Audi, Mercedes Benz, if they do well in China:
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typical chinese poster telling me how poor India is, and lecturing me on the economics of two countries... you know what i have Google for that. I dont use baidu....

i listed out many issues above, and wang ye is like a unmannered (clown) diplomat which he is called by Czech mayor after he threatened them.

we have read such language in global times many times, which threatens India. Last time it was Doklam and this time you cant save your face... lets see how long this goes....

your state firms are defaulting and you talking about 1990 levels... atleast none of Indian firms are defaulted...
Come talk to me when you're as well fed as Africans first. Maybe you can be a SUPAPAWA overnight if you count cow urine in your GDP.
LMAO.. 'largest vaccination program'... You can only vaccinate with cow shxt without China's supply of API:
what more can i expect from a typical chinese troll? come down to such levels.... you will eat bat soup and gutter oil but call others names.

Brazil wants our vaccine because yours's failed... and the perpetrator who sent the virus is failed to send the vaccine here.... and our vaccine will delay because we have our own people to vaccinate first with a "Reliable" vaccine with efficacy more than 90%... not a useless sinovac with barely 50.4% efficacy (that is shit in literal terms)

hahahaha..... for showing me some random video when 20 million of chinese are still in lockdown.... what a pathetic troll.

tell your wang ye that he needs to go like western theatre commander gone ... he failed miserably ,...

you are like fifth of sixth troll replying me here and no one has came up with a true counter argument till now... all with such BS replies that actually don't deserve a penny.
Come talk to me when you're as well fed as Africans first. Maybe you can be a SUPAPAWA overnight if you count cow urine in your GDP.
7th troll who dont know food shortage in china and how we exported our rice to you to save your day and feed those hungry children...
7th troll who dont know food shortage in china and how we exported our rice to you to save your day and feed those hungry children...

I just really can't understand why Indians like you are so proud to import foods when there were millions of people die of hunger in your country.
I mean, do you Indian upper castes really see those lower castes as fellow citizens?

I just really can't understand why Indians like you are so proud to import foods when there were millions of people die of hunger in your country.
I mean, do you Indian upper castes really see those lower castes as fellow citizens?

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8th chinese troll... and i believe you are also counting.

chinese food shortage is real and your jinping has launched empty plate and clean plate campaigns... like the great famine where you ate sparrows...

but that was part, this guy giving free lectures on hunger and food shortaeg and forgot how India exported rice to china and gave food to millions of hungry childrens...

im telling this 8th troll to stick to topic and dont derail. lets talk about wang ye and his failure as foreign minister...
7th troll who dont know food shortage in china and how we exported our rice to you to save your day and feed those hungry children...
We can afford to buy food from foreign countries to increase choices for consumers. China actually produce enough rice to give every single person in the country approximately 130kg of rice per year. Because of our vibrant economy, we have a wide range of selection for our consumers. Unlike India where it has more starving population than Africa put together and half the country doesn't have a working toilet, we enjoy a significant better standard of living.
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what more can i expect from a typical chinese troll? come down to such levels.... you will eat bat soup and gutter oil but call others names.

Brazil wants our vaccine because yours's failed... and the perpetrator who sent the virus is failed to send the vaccine here.... and our vaccine will delay because we have our own people to vaccinate first with a "Reliable" vaccine with efficacy more than 90%... not a useless sinovac with barely 50.4% efficacy (that is shit in literal terms)

hahahaha..... for showing me some random video when 20 million of chinese are still in lockdown.... what a pathetic troll.

tell your wang ye that he needs to go like western theatre commander gone ... he failed miserably ,...

you are like fifth of sixth troll replying me here and no one has came up with a true counter argument till now... all with such BS replies that actually don't deserve a penny.

7th troll who dont know food shortage in china and how we exported our rice to you to save your day and feed those hungry children...
Pathetic indian IQ82 can't make anything...LOL

Chinese vaccine falied? Your eat too much caw shxt...

90% efficiency cow shxt vaccine? you'd better wait for the results before you brag... BTW, have you get our permit after all? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Now go back to your slum and live in your trees.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And an indian beggar talking about food here:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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