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Wang Yi visits all ASEAN countries but one is missing on his list

We can afford to buy food from foreign countries to increase choices for consumers. China actually produce enough rice to give every single person in the country approximately 130kg of rice per year. Because of our vibrant economy, we have selection for our consumers. Unlike India where it has more starving population than Africa put together and half the country doesn't have a working toilet, we enjoy a significant better standard of living.
7th troll is at it again...
you must buy the rice as you dont have enough to feed your people, and they are starving.... but you call other hungry... you see your own contradiction?
why run a empty plate, clean plate campaign if everyone is fed properly? do we do that? and then call other hungry... people are dying of hunger and wuhan virus together...

this will be the last reply to you as this is not on topic.... if you want to get my reply again you need to earn it...
Pathetic indian IQ82 can't make anything...LOL
View attachment 707602
typical BS from chinese poster,

read this

and yes, this is the last reply from me.... for two reasons
1. Its not the topic of the thread
2. I dont want to reply to trolls
7th troll is at it again...
you must buy the rice as you dont have enough to feed your people, and they are starving.... but you call other hungry... you see your own contradiction?
why run a empty plate, clean plate campaign if everyone is fed properly? do we do that? and then call other hungry... people are dying of hunger and wuhan virus together...

this will be the last reply to you as this is not on topic.... if you want to get my reply again you need to earn it...
We import rice from your slum land because we use it to feed animals, even animals don't like your rice because it is too stinking...lol..
What's wrong with combating food waste? The food we throw to trash can are more than enough to feed your entire slumdxg country...lol...
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7th troll is at it again...
you must buy the rice as you dont have enough to feed your people, and they are starving.... but you call other hungry... you see your own contradiction?
why run a empty plate, clean plate campaign if everyone is fed properly? do we do that? and then call other hungry... people are dying of hunger and wuhan virus together...

this will be the last reply to you as this is not on topic.... if you want to get my reply again you need to earn it...

typical BS from chinese poster,

read this

and yes, this is the last reply from me.... for two reasons
1. Its not the topic of the thread
2. I dont want to reply to trolls
Oh look, a lying Indian calling others trolls.

"China is the world's largest producer of rice, with 207 million tons produced in 2014. China's average yield is around 6.5 tons per hectare, among the highest in Asia."

What's 207 million tons divided by 1.4 billion? Actually let me do the math for you since the average Hindu is borderline retarded.

That's 147kg of rice per person a year. This further reinforce my view that your country is not just borderline, but actually retarded.
India is too arrogant and likes to touch porcelain China :lol: :lol: :enjoy: :enjoy:
Other Rules
We import rice from your slum land because we use it to feed animals, even animals don't like your rice because it is too stinking...lol..
What's wrong with combating food waste? The food we throw to trash can are more than enough to feed your entire slumdxg country...lol...
very pathetic attempt to troll, grow up and then send a reply which need some thinking on my side....
Oh look, a lying Indian calling others trolls.

"China is the world's largest producer of rice, with 207 million tons produced in 2014. China's average yield is around 6.5 tons per hectare, among the highest in Asia."

What's 207 million tons divided by 1.4 billion? Actually let me do the math for you since the average Hindu is borderline retarded.

That's 147kg of rice per person a year. This further reinforce my view that your country is not just borderline, but actually retarded.
wang ye is the topic of this thread,

like other threads you will derail anything which goes against and will rile up who stands up to your fake stories... what a bunch of trolls :p: :p:
Lol, you are too poor to buy a mirror.
Or you can pee on the ground and look youself inside, you are the biggest TROLL in this forum.
ignored, you are the worst among the other trolls... going to my ignore list
8th chinese troll... and i believe you are also counting.

chinese food shortage is real and your jinping has launched empty plate and clean plate campaigns... like the great famine where you ate sparrows...

but that was part, this guy giving free lectures on hunger and food shortaeg and forgot how India exported rice to china and gave food to millions of hungry childrens...

im telling this 8th troll to stick to topic and dont derail. lets talk about wang ye and his failure as foreign minister...

India has 20% lower per capita calorie intake than China, equal population, yet is a food exporter while China is a food importer.

Indians are banned from eating beef - which I can understand as a measure for religion and preventing animal cruelty. But apparently India is one of the biggest exporters of beef in the world!! It is almost as if they wanted to redirect Indian consumption to lower value foods and save beef to sell for exports, and use religion/animal rights as a cynical excuse.
It's really quite a shame that India's tabloid news has deluded its own population with feel good garbage to the point where they have to rely on fake news to be able to function in this world.

If India gets remotely to this level, then we can all agree that China has some serious competition. Right now, China and India are living in different centuries. Let's get this clear, we are at the point where the United States, the leading empire, is terrified that China is about to overtake it in wealth and technology. While India is struggling to compete with Bangladesh. Get real. What planet are these Indian nationalists living in. Get your house in order first and then let's talk. WTF.


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I have shown you slumdxg from the world's beggar land starving shxthole and now your pretend to be a dumb deaf bixch can't say anything...Toned down? By who? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
keep going, i know i hit very it hurts... now all the trolling is what one can expect.
More reality. I can guarantee you. There is a lot about modern China that the US can't even compete with and do not have. Especially when we are talking about advanced infrastructure.

The US still has nicer suburbs and houses though. But India, not even in the same century, GTFO here.

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