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Wali Khan Baburs lawyer killers arrested .Belongs to MQM.Police chief

@airmarshal @Chak Bamu

The report is more like anti ISI. It is beyond doubt that all the political parties are involved in criminal activities and maintaining militant wings. Interesting thing to note is that all these criminals possess, advanced weapons which even Pakistani LEAs do not have. It should be indicative of the fact that they are funded and supported by elements outside Pakistan. Only objective is to destabilise the country under the slogan of political vitimisation.

If you see the statement of AH he has demanded removal of AIG to save Pakistan. It is an open threat; this is not the first time such threat has been given. In fact at one point of time it has been clearly said that separate Karachi from Pakistan. Though the statement was defended vehemently by MQM, but underlying fact cannot be overlooked. I had a personal experience of talking to one of their think tanks (i will refrain from naming him), who has been appearing as economic expert on different channels. He in point blank words said it to me directly that we want Karachi to be separate. This incident is not very old, just a couple of months before current elections.

On top of it text of the report indicates its bias towards GEO. It is now established fact that GEO is a foreign funded television channel. Therefore, nexus of anti Pakistan activities is clearly evident. We all need to guard against this doctrine and detach our thinking from political nuclei, to save Pakistan. We have to switch off receptive mode when listening to political rhetoric, may it be MQM, PPP, ANP, PTI, PMLN, PMLQ, etc.
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@airmarshal @Chak Bamu

The report is more like anti ISI. It is beyond doubt that all the political parties are involved in criminal activities and maintaining militant wings. Interesting thing to note is that all these criminals possess, advanced weapons which even Pakistani LEAs do not have. It should be indicative of the fact that they are funded and supported by elements outside Pakistan. Only objective is to destabilise the country under the slogan of political vitimisation.

If you see the statement of AH he has demanded removal of AIG to save Pakistan. It is an open threat; this is not the first time such threat has been given. In fact at one point of time it has been clearly said that separate Karachi from Pakistan. Though the statement was defended vehemently by MQM, but underlying fact cannot be overlooked. I had a personal experience of talking to one of their think tanks (i will refrain from naming him), who has been appearing as economic expert on different channels. He in point blank words said it to me directly that we want Karachi to be separate. This incident is not very old, just a couple of months before current elections.

On top of it text of the report indicates its bias towards GEO. It is now established fact that GEO is a foreign funded television channel. Therefore, nexus of anti Pakistan activities is clearly evident. We all need to guard against this doctrine and detach our thinking from political nuclei, to save Pakistan. We have to switch off receptive mode when listening to political rhetoric, may it be MQM, PPP, ANP, PTI, PMLN, PMLQ, etc.

1. I had noticed as much, but then a lot of what this report says does indeed make sense. This is the first time I have come across the story behind the shooting of the unarmed youngster by Rangers.

2. I do not find an overt bias towards GEO. Any appearance of such could be attributed to the fact that Wali Babur Khan worked for GEO, and thus GEO and Jang Group are mentioned. Funding for GEO could be questioned, but that does not mean that such funding does impact the substance of what Jang Group actually does. I am willing to bet that such funds are miniscule as compared to their total revenue. Please note that whichever channel hosts VOA does indeed receive payments from US gov, and in that GEO / Jang is not alone or unique. If you wish to point out "AMAN KI ASHA" thrust, then there is nothing wrong with that either. There is a significant proportion of their viewer-ship that does indeed want peace with India.

3. I am well aware of MQM inclination towards separation of Karachi-Hyderabad region from Sindh. Some ex-MQM people are actually vocal about separation from Pakistan itself. MQM as of now vocally denies this, but suspicions seem to be well grounded. This explains why MQM actively resists demographic change, but there is little they can do about it. Separatists would soon need to make an overt attempt, because their core-constituency is actually a minority now, and time is a-flying.

4. I feel that GOP needs to take a very patient and long-term view of Karachi situation. With everything going on in the country, we do not need MQM making more trouble. PML-N government is doing the right thing for now. We need an institutional response to challenge posed by MQM and other parties taking Karachi hostage. I particularly dislike Sunni Tehreek, which is a new kid on the block and using religious rhetoric as cover for its illegal activities. The time and the flow of events is against MQM and its perceived strategy. Sooner or later its hand shall be forced and GOP needs to be ready to handle them on own terms. MQM's influence is declining and I see it becoming a victim of its strategy. I really do hope that PTI makes serious gains in Karachi.

5. Most important and troubling is the issue of valid Muhajir grievances. If not MQM, who will champion them? We need a serious re-think of the social and government set up. We need to slowly scrap Quota system or at least modify it significantly. We also need to strengthen institution and discourage nepotism, which is also an important factor. Reducing the size of government could also help. But after it all, we would still have no one focused on Muhajir identity and its representation. That is the crux of the matter when dealing with MQM. For this particular reason, I wish to see a reformed and refocused MQM, not a dead and buried MQM.
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As observed here and elsewhere, you have dodged my questions and pretend as though those questions were irrelevant. I do not buy your innocence canard. You know who and what you are and you can hardly hide your indoctrination and bigotry, especially against Pashtuns and Punjabis.

listen CHUCK BUM i am wondering what is it ! either you are thick or plain stupid to understand a simple post or ignoring to reply on purpose on the thread where you asked and were answered on your silly questions .... Either way i am not going to bother replying to your childish stupidity , find some one else and have fun trolling :wave:
1. I had noticed as much, but then a lot of what this report says does indeed make sense. This is the first time I have come across the story behind the shooting of the unarmed youngster by Rangers.

I will tend to differ a bit on Sarfaraz killing. The video which was aired it shows that under the cover of pleading, he was trying to approach Ranger's rifle. We also do not know the actual conversation between them. It is possible that the Ranger over reacted on his attempt to get hold of ranger's rifle. But, this aspect cannot be ruled out. As I do not know about Rangers collecting parking charges therefore I will not comment on it. Yet, this seems to be a cooked up story, because if Rangers are involved in such activity, they will be able to extract it. Shooting a person for 20/- is not digestible.

5. Most important and troubling is the issue of valid Muhajir grievances. If not MQM, who will champion them? We need a serious re-think of the social and government set up. We need to slowly scrap Quota system or at least modify it significantly. We also need to strengthen institution and discourage nepotism, which is also an important factor. Reducing the size of government could also help. But after it all, we would still have no one focused on Muhajir identity and its representation. That is the crux of the matter when dealing with MQM. For this particular reason, I wish to see a reformed and refocused MQM, not a dead and buried MQM.

I will agree with you here. In my opinion MQM can emerge as a true democratic national party, however, they need to go through reforms within. They are very organised and have acumen, talent and capacity to deliver. This will not happen until the replace the existing pictures in the background with the photograph of Quid-e-Azam.

To address the issue of Muhajir, it is essential to have a change in mindset at national levels. We have to get rid of this terms like balochis, sindhis, muhajir, punjabis, etc. This can only be achieved by increasing number of provinces, which are not named on ethnic and lingual basis. A simpler principle would be to upgrade Divisions to Provinces.
@airmarshal @Chak Bamu

The report is more like anti ISI. It is beyond doubt that all the political parties are involved in criminal activities and maintaining militant wings. Interesting thing to note is that all these criminals possess, advanced weapons which even Pakistani LEAs do not have. It should be indicative of the fact that they are funded and supported by elements outside Pakistan. Only objective is to destabilise the country under the slogan of political vitimisation.

When it comes for foreign reports, I dont trust them when they point fingers at ISI. PERIOD.

The report is very insightful of workings of MQM. Those who have lived in Karachi and seen this thuggish party first hand know better than anyone else.

Your point about these urban terrorists having advanced weapons is also an indictment of failure of the state. Why does intel agencies and law enforcement allow such infiltration?

But then what can law enforcement agencies do when they are working under such heavy political influence. So I answered my own question.

Regarding MQM. All police officers who took part in successful operation in 1996 were target killed. Ask any MQM sympathizer and instead of feeling guilty, they take pride this crime. As if killing a police officer is a high reward. This is their mentality. They justify urban terrorism as their right to achieve their 'rights'!

Those police officers were killed because succeeding PML-N govt, out to undo anything done by PPP, even if good, embraced MQM and not only paid them ransom money for all killed terrorists but also included them in Sind govt. This gave MQM encouragement.

Needed to remind this last point as we are not good in remembering history. And as we dont learn from it, we are bound to repeat the same mistakes. No wonder we keep electing the same idiots - PML-N,PPP,MQM and expect different results.
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